Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 834 834 Polar Night Storm 70

Chapter 834 834. Polar Night Storm 70
Su You didn't believe that there were only a few hundred gold-eating rats that appeared after the natural disaster, which was not even half of the population of the territory. With the resources of the territory, 600 gold-eating rats could not be eaten in several months.

The system has been preparing for so long, how could it be so simple?
Things turned out as expected.

More than twenty targeted rats eventually dispersed to six places. Among these six places, two were far away underground pipelines, one was an abandoned warehouse that was temporarily empty and useless, and three were in A burrow dug in a remote corner of the territory.

Six rat nests were discovered, but these people did not act rashly. They left three people to keep an eye on these six locations, while the others told Lake and Suyou about it.

"Lord, when will we take action? What are your plans?" Without waiting for the person who reported the news to leave, Lake directly asked Su You what he thought.

Although Lake asked Su You for his opinion, he obviously had some ideas of his own. After all, he had been in this position managing hundreds of people for so long and had never made any major mistakes. He must be capable.

Even if you don't have the ability, after going through so many things, you should learn something, otherwise Su You wouldn't be able to stay in this position for so long.

"Tell me what you think first." Su You saw that Lake already had a countermeasure, so she gave him a chance to express his thoughts.

Lake did not hesitate and said directly: "Lord, I think we should defeat them one by one."

"Yeah." Su You nodded, indicating to continue: "Tell me more in detail."

"A total of six gold-eating rat dens have been discovered so far, but currently the territorial soldiers can only draw out 150 people." This number still includes the number of newcomers. If there are no newcomers, only fifty people can be drawn out at most. , and it’s still very reluctant.

Although catching rats is very important, they cannot put all their forces into catching rats. After all, there are still shadows in the territory that need to be caught, and there are still territories that need to be patrolled, and storms often appear suddenly in the territory during this period. These are also handled by territorial soldiers...

"One hundred and fifty people, if they have to deal with six rat nests at the same time, then each rat nest can only be assigned less than thirty people. Rather than spreading the combat power and causing problems for multiple parties in the end, it is better to solve them one by one."

Suyou didn't speak, and Lake didn't care when he saw this, so he continued.

"My initial plan is to divide these people into three groups, and then solve the six mouse nests in two batches. We can set up a fence near the mouse nests, or set up a low wall to trap them inside, and then catch the turtles in the jar..."

"If an accident occurs and the gold-eating rats find out that we are preparing to encircle and suppress them before the fences and low walls are set up, they will definitely escape, but there is only one exit, so if they appear on their own initiative, it will be a good thing, and we can catch them directly. Capture, but this may release many..."

"In addition, among these rat nests, I think the best thing to deal with is the warehouse and the two underground pipelines..."


Lake talked about a lot of plans, and it took about ten minutes to explain them in front of Suyou. Overall, he had considered all aspects. I have to say that it sounds like a good idea now.

"Lord, what do you think?" After Lake finished speaking about his plan, he looked at Su You expectantly. "Your method is generally correct, but you ignored a few points." Su You pointed out all the loopholes in his plan one by one.

"First of all, the biggest loophole is that you think there is only one hole. You have to know that mice can dig holes, and the places they hide are the holes they made themselves." In other words, it is very possible that other parts of the territory are There is another exit, but the territory is so big, they don't know where it is.

As these words came out, Lake suddenly felt a little annoyed.

He took it for granted, but he didn't even think of such a simple thing.

Su You didn't care about his current mood and continued: "Secondly, there is another big problem. You said that there is a shortage of manpower and you have to defeat them one by one. This seems to be no problem, but you overlooked one thing... Once you choose to defeat each one one by one, If you break it, how can you ensure that the rats in the other three nests will stay in the holes? "

In other words, even though everyone shouts about beating rats, they are not stupid. They will definitely be wary when they see human movements.

And if you choose to defeat them one by one, but there is no guarantee that all the gold-eating rats that attack in the first batch will be captured, what if the escaped rats go to 'told news' to their fellow humans?
It was not easy to find the mouse nest. If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to find the mouse nest again.
After all, the gold-eating rats have already suffered a loss once, and it is difficult for them to suffer a loss again.

Lake felt a little ashamed: "Sorry, I didn't think carefully."

Su You didn't criticize according to his words, but pointed out the correct or appropriate aspects of his method.

"However, there are a few things you said that are right. One is that before catching the gold-eating rat, you can set up a low wall to catch the turtle in the urn." Su You was also prepared to do this when the time came. Otherwise, with the speed and size of the gold-eating rat, it would be impossible to It's basically impossible to catch them all.

"Secondly, the rat nest in the warehouse and the two nests in the underground pipes are indeed the easiest to deal with." There is naturally a reason for saying this.

Although the warehouse is abandoned, its biggest advantage is that the gold-eating rats live in it and cannot dig holes or set up other exits.

Because the warehouse is reinforced, both the walls and the floor are extremely hard and cannot be destroyed even by storms. Let alone the gold-eating rat. No matter how powerful its teeth are, can it be as powerful as a storm?
So as long as you guard the doors and windows of the warehouse, the gold-eating rats inside the warehouse are the real turtles in the jar.

The same is true for underground pipelines. This pipeline mainly discharges territorial sewage and is naturally very strong. In order to prevent the pipeline from bursting and the sewage inside spilling onto the ground, the material used to build the pipeline was synthetic metal.

Just in time, Su You tried it. Although the gold-eating rat eats metal, it doesn't eat synthetic metal. It's not that it doesn't like to eat, but it simply can't chew it.

Suyou saw with her own eyes that a gold-eating rat broke a tooth in order to chew on synthetic metal, and then left in anger and annoyance to find other food.

In this case, they can use the same method to guard several exits of the underground pipes, then force the gold-eating rats inside out, and finally capture them.

"These three rat nests are the easiest to deal with. They don't need to arrange too many people. The warehouse has many doors and windows, but a maximum of twenty people are enough."

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