Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 835 835 Polar Night Storm 71

Chapter 835 835. Polar Night Storm 71
"There are only three exits in the underground pipeline, and one exit is enough for five people." In this way, only thirty-five people are needed for these three gold-eating rat dens.

The remaining one hundred and fifteen people were assigned to three points. Each point could have at least thirty people. Although it was not too many, it was enough.

"The last three points are the most difficult to deal with, because they make their own holes. We don't know the structure of the internal mouse holes, so they can easily escape from other places." Su You's words were surprising. She sounded worried, but in fact there was no worried look on her face, and she looked very confident.

"Then what should we do?" Lake knew that the Lord must have a solution.

"Think about it, what is pervasive?" Su You prompted.

Lake frowned and thought seriously. Before he could think of anything, Doya and Dori, who happened to be passing by, looked at each other and gave each other an answer.

Doya: "Gas."

Dolly: "Liquid?"

Su You: "...huh?"

Su You was stunned for a moment when she heard the slight movement behind her, and then she couldn't help but laugh when she heard a familiar voice.

"Why are you two here too?" Su You asked.

Duo Ya did not speak, but looked at Dori. Dori smiled sheepishly, and then explained: "It's like this, Lord, some things in the warehouse of the tailor shop were damaged. Although the damaged things Not much, but I still want to say it.”

"I met Aya on the road. She didn't trust me alone, so she came with me." Dori does not have fighting ability. Although the territory is safe, the current situation is special, and Duoya happens to be there too. For other things, it's okay to come over for a visit and understand the situation while protecting.

"The tailor shop was also attacked by rats?" Hearing Dolly's words, Lake forgot what happened just now.

But Su You didn't forget that although the rat attack on the tailor shop was bad news, Dori also said that not many things were damaged, and she was so calm. Su You felt that although the tailor shop was hit by rats, it might not be the same. It's not a big deal, so I'm not in a hurry.

"The matter in the tailor shop is not urgent. You heard what they just said." Su You was referring to the question she just asked about the 'pervasive' object.

Lake nodded: "Gas and liquid...Do you want to use poison gas or some kind of liquid, Lord?"

"It is true that some kind of liquid is used, but remember, poisonous gas must not be used." Let's not talk about whether there is a suitable poisonous gas. Even if there is, how can they ensure that the poisonous gas does not escape?
If instead of poisoning the rats, they poison themselves, something will happen.

Moreover, even if you take the antidote in advance, you will not be poisoned, but the land is not a living creature, and they will not eat the antidote. Even if the mice are caught by then, the land will be polluted by poisonous gas and turn into poisonous soil. On the contrary, it is another trouble.

As for this liquid, it is actually similar to water. The difference is that the freezing point of this liquid is very low. To put it simply, it requires a very low temperature to freeze.

However, the reason why this liquid does not freeze is because a material called "Xuanbingcao" is added. Xuanbingcao is non-toxic, but it is not edible. After eating, the blood in the body will mutate, which can be fatal. After all, blood is also Barely a liquid.

Although it cannot be eaten by humans, it can come in handy at this time.

Anyone who drinks it will die, let alone a little gold-eating rat? Moreover, black ice grass is non-toxic, and water with black ice grass added is also non-toxic.

In addition, this black ice grass is very strange. Although it is soluble in water, it will volatilize in the air. The gas is non-toxic and harmless, and has no effect on blood mutation, so they can safely pour the liquid with black ice grass into it. Mouse hole, in this way, the gold-eating rat can only escape.

If they can escape, that means they are lucky, but if they cannot escape, or if they accidentally drank a little bit of the water from the Black Ice Grass, then just wait for death!
"I understand, leave this matter to me. Lord, where is the Black Ice Grass?" Su You has already made it so clear. She doesn't need to explain the other more detailed parts. Lake will arrange it himself. .

Su You pointed to the direction of the alchemy room: "Xuanbingcao is an alchemy material and is in the warehouse of the alchemy room."

Lake understood instantly and went directly to prepare with his people.

After Lake left, Suyou looked at Dolly and the two of them and said, "Let's go to the sewing shop."


Led by Dolly, the three of them arrived at the warehouse of the tailor shop.

Dori had already had someone tidy up the warehouse before she came. After all, she couldn't leave the warehouse in such a mess just for Su You to see the 'crime scene'.

What's more, in a place that has been invaded by rats, even if other people don't know it, after all, the items made by the tailor shop are only for wear on the body, and they will not want to unscrupulously put items that may have been stepped on, chewed, or even left behind by rats. Certain traces of items are sold.

So Dolly had all the damaged clothes thrown away at the garbage dump. Even those that were not damaged were sent to be washed, dried, and sterilized at high temperatures.

The warehouse has also been cleaned and disinfected, and all the things originally stored here have been moved to another warehouse. Although it is a little crowded, it can still be accommodated.

The warehouse is now vacant, making it convenient for Su You to do whatever she wants, but she has nothing to do except look around to see where the gold-eating rat entered the warehouse.

"Approximately how many damaged clothes are there? Can you estimate how many rats there are?" Su You looked around and found that there were no mouse holes or anything like that, so the gold-eating rat most likely came from the door or window. Come in.

They may have sneaked in while the doors and windows of the warehouse were open and closed.

Dolly shook her head and said: "I don't know how many there are, but there must not be many, because there are less than thirty sets of clothes that were eaten, and half of the clothes were only partially chewed."

Su You thought for a moment, and although she didn't know exactly how many gold-eating rats there were, she also knew that there should be no more than twenty, or maybe even a dozen.

A dozen rats are actually not that many, especially since they are small in size, so they are not easy to spot.

But Su You felt a little confused. Although the warehouse of the sewing shop had a lot of stuff, it was probably far less abundant than the stuff in the restaurant and the blacksmith shop.

Why do gold-eating rats come here alone to steal food?
If Vivian caught the lone gold-eating rat before because of the top-level nutrient solution, then why did the gold-eating rat in the sewing shop come here?

It can't really be as simple as nibbling on a few clothes, right?

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