Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 836 836 Polar Night Storm 72

Chapter 836 836. Polar Night Storm 72
The more Su You thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, so she directly ordered people to conduct a search focusing on the sewing shop.

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t check, but once you check, you’ll find a big surprise!

"Lord! We found a place suspected of being a rat's nest!"

There's actually a rat's nest!
Su You was shocked, but also felt helpless and lucky.

What is helpless is that her territory is almost turned into a honeycomb by gold-eating rats, but she has no idea where the holes are, she doesn't know what the holes look like, and she has no particularly good treatment or protection methods.

Fortunately, another mouse hole was found. Although I was a little annoyed when I heard the news, it would be good to solve it as soon as possible.

"Where is the mouse nest? Have you alerted the mice inside?" Su You asked as she followed the people to the location of the mouse nest.

"The mouse nest is under a big tree less than ten meters away from the warehouse. The entrance to the hole is covered because of the accumulation of fallen leaves." The person leading the way explained, while taking Su You to the big tree, and then pointed Pointing to the hole that had been cleared on the ground: "Because it was discovered by accident, there were no mice in it when I saw it. They must have run away long ago."

Su You sighed, but she also knew that this was inevitable. After all, she didn't know the exact location, and rats were smart. They had a clear ear and eyesight when listening to all kinds of noises underground. If they heard them approaching, they would have run away long ago.

"Since it has escaped, let's dig out this mouse hole and take a look." Su You had long wanted to see the internal structure of the gold-eating rat's nest, but the three previously dug mouse nests had not been cleaned yet. So she didn't have that chance for the time being. Now that she finally found one that had been vacated, she couldn't wait.

"Yes, I'm going to find someone to get a shovel right now." The person next to him responded, and then quickly called two people over, each holding a shovel in their hands.

The mouse hole was not big. In less than a minute, they dug to a depth of more than one meter from the ground and saw a hole that was two square feet in size. space.

This space is definitely not big for people, and it would be difficult for three or four people to stand there, so they can only stick close to each other, but for mice, it is definitely a 'luxury villa'.

If such a big hole only accommodates mice, then one or two hundred of them can definitely fit in. If you don't care about space, you can squeeze in three or five hundred of them.

But now it was completely empty, not to mention rats, they didn't even see any rat fur.

However, in this small space, Su You and the others saw holes opened in three different directions. However, because the holes were very narrow, they could only accommodate two or three mice to pass through at the same time, so they definitely could not Know where the hole leads.


"Three holes? Is it such a coincidence?" Su You thought for a moment, and then felt that regardless of whether it was a coincidence or not, she could give it a try.

There are three roads in this hole, and they also found three mouse holes dug by the Gold Rat before, so the Gold Rat seriously doubts that these four mouse holes may be connected to each other.

Although it seems that the directions of the three cave entrances are different from the locations of the three rat nests they found, this does not mean anything. After all, the internal passages may be complicated, and the gold-eating rats can completely change their routes!
They can't say that the path inside is exactly a straight line!
"Find ten people to guard here, seven to guard, and three to guard the entrance of the cave with cages and fences." If the mouse holes are really interconnected, then when Lake attacks the other three mouse holes, the gold-devouring people inside The rat will definitely come out of this exit in order to escape.

In this way, they can completely wait for the mouse!

However, Su You is also worried about a problem, that is, since the gold-eating rats in this mouse hole know to evacuate, there is no guarantee that they will not tell other rats that this place is no longer safe when they escape, so will the gold-eating rats move this location? As an exit for evacuation, it’s hard to say. But you have to guard first.

After all ten people arrived, Su You didn't waste any time and left the place directly, and then asked someone to tell Lake about the situation and her guess.

As for herself, she planned to go to the dark cell first to see the more than 300 gold-eating rats that had been captured earlier.


Outside the dark cell, the guard looked numb.

"Captain, what do you think God wants to do? It's a shadow and a mouse..." There is a lot of information that ordinary people don't know, but as territorial soldiers and guards of the most special black cell, they know things Naturally, there are many more than ordinary people.

For example, they all know that the black shadow is caused by natural disasters, and the same is true for the gold-eating rat.

But in their eyes, these things could be created by God to deliberately torment them. After all, they don't know the existence of their system, but if they understand the content in another way, it would be correct.

The system can indeed be regarded as the "heaven" of this world.

"I don't know, don't ask nonsense, just keep a close watch." The man called the captain glared at him, and then continued to stand guard despite the pain in his head.

In fact, he also found it very torturous.

The black shadow was noisy before, very noisy, but now they finally got the black shadow out. They had a rare few days of peace and quiet, but now the rats appeared again!

Regardless of what kind of mice these were, they were still very noisy. Even if they were standing outside the dark cell and ten meters back, they could still vaguely hear the rat's "squeaking" sound, as well as some The sound of teeth grinding is so heartbreaking.

Because of this noisy movement, they even felt that the black shadow was more lovable than these mice.

Because at least the sounds made by the black shadow are relatively normal, such as knocking sounds, wind sounds, impact sounds... But many of the noises made by mice are similar to nails scratching a blackboard, or the tip of a knife cutting glass, which makes people's skin crawl. , and my scalp is numb.

The most important thing is that a black shadow is a black shadow. It is so dark that nothing can be seen. But the mouse is different. It is a small, fluffy one that looks cute. They thought so at first glance, until They saw those white fangs...

Then they watched helplessly as the people who came to deliver food brought large pieces of stone. The stone weighing nearly a thousand kilograms was 'sieged' by hundreds of rats. In less than ten seconds, even the garbage was Not left.

Everyone present who saw this scene couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

They dare not think at all. If these rats, which gnaw on stones like they gnaw on steamed buns, are released and eat people, what kind of hell will the entire territory become? !

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