Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 837 837 Polar Night Storm 73

Chapter 837 837. Polar Night Storm 73
Fortunately, the lord told them that although these gold-eating rats have a wide range of diets, they still prefer to eat materials than living animals.

Of course, if there are no supplies, they will definitely attack humans in order to fill their stomachs.

But now there is no need to worry about this problem at all.

When Su You came to the dark cell, she saw the guards looking exhausted.

She got closer and heard the noise coming from the mice inside, and she understood why.

Su You opened her mouth, not knowing how to comfort her. After all, each of them wanted to be broken into two people, so they could only work hard for a few more days.

"Lord, are you here to see those rats?" Although his mental state was tortured to the edge of madness by these rats, when the captain saw Su You, he still said hello seriously and asked about the purpose of his visit.

Su You nodded, and then promised a generous bonus before taking him in.

Although everyone was happy when they heard the bonus, the joy was not particularly intense until Su You stopped and said, "I'll ask the tailor shop to send earplugs later."

As soon as they heard the word 'ear plugs', these people suddenly became excited and their whole faces were radiant!

Who would have thought that they would be more excited to hear earplugs than money!

But this is not surprising. They are all residents of the territory, and they have the iron rice bowl of the territory. In addition, the lord is considerate and generous, the salary is not low, and there are various subsidies and bonuses from time to time, so they do not have a lot of money, but At least I don't have to worry about food and clothing, and I can pay for whatever I want to eat or buy.

In this case, they still prefer to suffer less torture than money.

At this time, they looked at Suyou's back and were filled with gratitude and inexplicable admiration!

Of course, Su You who had already left must not know what the people outside were thinking. As soon as she entered the dark cell, she couldn't help but frown at the noise inside.

Fortunately, she had a lot of stuff in her backpack. Although she didn't have earplugs, she did have soft cotton. She took out a ball and divided it into several. She stuffed a little in her ears and gave the rest to others around her.

Feeling that the noise pollution in their ears was much less, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then the guard captain of the black cell began to report the situation.

In fact, there is nothing to report. It is just about the number of gold-eating rats, what these gold-eating rats did, what they ate, and when they ate... all trivial things.

Su You felt that there was no important information, so he stopped talking.

The guard captain obeyed and shut up. Su You walked several times around the gold-eating rats in several cages alone...

Suddenly, her forward steps paused, then she stepped back, turned her body upright, and stared straight at a rat trapped in a group of rats in the distance.

"You guys come here and take a look at the gold-eating rat in this cage." Su You called the people over and motioned for them to take a look.

The few people who were greeted looked carefully and didn't find anything. Instead, their eyes were dazzled. After all, the gold-eating rats all looked similar, and they were all 'lively and active'. A group of gray rats came rolling in. Roll away like a pool of filthy water.

"Did your lord discover anything?"

"Sorry for our poor eyesight, we didn't find anything wrong with the rats here."

The two people finished speaking and looked at the third person.

The third person: "..." This person was silent for a while and felt that he didn't find anything. But just when he was about to say this, he suddenly said "Eh".

"Lord, I don't know if I saw it wrong. I always feel that there is a strange mouse in the center of this cage..."

Su You nodded, it seemed that this was not her imagination.

"Go on, what else have you discovered?" Su You asked.

Originally this man was still doubting whether he had seen it wrong, but now that he heard the lord say so, he really continued.

"What I just said may be inappropriate. It's not that that one mouse is strange, but that other than it, the other mice are very strange. They all seem to be circling around that one mouse!" After the man finished speaking, he said in a nervous tone He looked at Su You.

Su You smiled and then said: "I thought it was my imagination. I also felt that the other gold-eating rats inside seemed to be surrounding one gold-eating rat."

Rather than circling around, it's more of a 'protective' gesture.

Why do they want to protect a gold-eating rat?

Is there anything special about this gold-eating rat?
"You guys find a way to get out the gold-eating rat inside." Su You said this to the person who discovered the abnormality of the gold-eating rat.

Now that he discovered it, it was up to him to keep an eye on the gold-eating rat and get it out.

Others helped out.

As for how to get it out, there are actually many ways, and they took the simplest and crudest one.

Several people put on protective clothing, then opened the door and went in to catch mice.

But here's the problem, they were a little impulsive. When they found out that humans had the intention of entering the cage, these mice were like a riot and wandered around even more crazily.

But Su You could still find that their seemingly irregular and random movements were all moving in a circle around the same gold-eating rat.

Just as Su You was about to say something, a man suddenly ran in from outside the door, covering his ears.

"Lord, it's bad, Lord Lake said that the gold-eating rats outside are crazy!"

Although she didn't know the specific situation outside, it was definitely urgent. Su You didn't care about the strange gold-eating rat anymore. She gave instructions to the people who caught the rat, and then followed them out of the dark cell.

Su You didn't need to wait to ask any more questions. When she saw many gold-eating rats running wildly around the dark cell, she understood why Lake said they were crazy.

Because at this time, these gold-eating rats really looked like crazy. Although they did not attack humans, they were always circling around the dark prison.

Lake hurried over and briefly explained the situation.

In one sentence, when he used the Black Ice Grass Water to force the gold-devouring rats to come out of the hole, it went smoothly at first, but later on, he didn’t know what went crazy with these gold-devouring rats. The hole is pouring out!

Although Lake and the others were fully prepared, they did not expect that the gold-devouring rats would risk their lives in a 'last-ditch fight', and also because there were too many gold-devouring rats pouring out of the ground...

So many that they sacrificed nearly two thousand gold-eating rats in this move!
There are so many gold-eating rats sacrificed, so how many are the total number of gold-eating rats?
This is a completely unimaginable number!

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