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Chapter 840 840 Polar Night Storm 76

Chapter 840 840. Polar Night Storm 76
If it were anyone else, they might have handled it this way, but Su You didn't do that.

This rat queen must be killed, but not now.

Su You said: "Since the other gold-devouring rats will protect the rat queen, we can use the rat queen to fish and clean up the territory."

Lake: "Understood, I'll have someone do it right away."

Considering the importance of the Rat Queen, although Su You didn't like the Rat Queen, she still had to feed her well and drink well.

After all, only the living Rat Queen can fish. If she dies, let alone whether she can still fish. Considering how much the Gold-Eating Rat attaches great importance to the Rat Queen, she is afraid that the Gold-Eating Rat will continue to go crazy by then.

Rabbits bite people even when they are anxious, not to mention that this gold-eating rat is not a soft-tempered rabbit. Who knows what they will do next.

Suyou was raising rats here, and Lingbao woke up once during this period. When he saw this scene, he immediately became furious.

It rushed in front of Su You, dominated Su You's sight forcefully, and then bared its teeth at the mouse queen. The dragon blood pressure in its body was released, and the mouse queen was so frightened that she shivered and almost fainted.

Su You was startled for a moment, then saw it humming and groaning, and quickly comforted it while not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Don't think blindly, this is a mouse. How can I raise a mouse?" She is not actually raising a mouse now. At most, she is 'treating the captives preferentially'.

Lingbao was also a little confused, but he knew that his master would not lie, so he believed it.

Suyou explained the matter about the gold-eating rat and the rat queen, and Lingbao finally calmed down.

It wasn't embarrassed and continued to stay by Su You's side, and Su You didn't stop her. She stayed up late tonight anyway, so Lingbao could let him stay with her if he wanted to.

Chatting, this can also relieve boredom.

It was said that it was chatting, but in fact, it was more like Lingbao chirping.

With the current level of the Lingbao and the level of the Guardian Beast Shrine, Su You can basically communicate with the Lingbao without any obstacles. At most, when the Lingbao is emotional, Suyou may miss some words if he speaks too fast, but Basically does not affect communication.

"Well, Lingbao is awesome. The dragon eggs are well raised, and you are the biggest contributor."

The main topics of chat between one person and one beast are two aspects, one is dragon eggs, and the other is Lingbao who has been out for the past two days and what treasures have been collected.

There is actually nothing to talk about about the dragon egg, because with the top-level nutrient solution, all the conditions of the dragon egg are stable and even improving, so Lingbao can go out with the team with confidence.

The difference from before was that Su You suggested Lingbao to go out before Jiye.

But after the polar night fell, Lingbao went out voluntarily.

Because it found that after the polar night, the treasures it gained from exploring items gained more experience, almost twice as much as before. It was simply like using a double experience card.

Although Lingbao likes to stay by Suyou's side or on the bed, it is not an unenterprising dragon. It usually doesn't go out just because there is nothing worth exploring outside.

It is no exaggeration to say that since he has mastered the rules of surviving in this natural disaster, this entire natural disaster is like a large experience copy for Lingbao.

There are treasures everywhere in the forest outside. There is almost no need to search for spiritual treasures. You can find a rare material after a while, and you can find a precious prop after a while. Although these things are not as valuable as dragon eggs and do not give much experience, they cannot bear the large number, so Lingbao has been upgraded to four levels in just a few days!
From chatting in the early morning until the chickens crow in the pasture, Lingbao couldn't hold back his sleepiness and fell asleep. Suyou put it on the bed and lit the heater.

After she settled the Lingbao, Lake and Duoya also came to the city lord's mansion.

"Lord, the arrangements have been made." Lake spent a night organizing a room and making various arrangements before coming to Suyou to pick up the Rat Queen.

Their purpose is simple, that is to attract all the remaining gold-eating rats in the territory and deal with them at once.

And the method they adopted was also very simple and crude, which was to lock the mouse queen in an empty room. The room was surrounded by glass that could clearly see the situation inside. In addition, there were various traps around it.

All in all, the main one will make these gold-eating rats never come back!
As for Doya, this was also invited by Lake. As the strongest archer in the territory, Lake invited Doya mainly just in case.

If the Rat Queen accidentally escapes, she will have to be killed by Duoya.

Although Lake was confident in his arrangement, he couldn't help but think about the unintended consequences.

After Lake picked up the mouse queen, Suyou went back to sleep. She slept for more than ten hours and didn't wake up until seven or eight in the evening.

After she woke up, she received the news that everything had settled.

The one who brought the news was Duoya. She said that Lake successfully used the rat queen to lure out more than a thousand gold-eating rats. Although it cannot be said that all of these more than a thousand gold-eating rats were killed, they only managed to escape. Ten.

These less than ten gold-devouring rats are obviously nothing to fear.

It is worth mentioning that during the operation, a small accident occurred, that is, the rat queen used as bait gave birth directly during the operation.

This accident not only frightened the gold-eating rat who came to save it, but also frightened Lake and the others.

But they soon discovered that because the queen was about to give birth, the gold-eating rats were even more crazy.

The sudden counterattack of the Gold-Eating Rats injured many people. This was not because they lacked strength, but because the Gold-Eating Rats were like suddenly taking a stimulant, doubling their combat effectiveness. They were unable to react at first, and were injured. normal.

But after reacting, Lake immediately rearranged the deployment of combatants, and the morale of the furious gold-eating rat was still suppressed.

In the end, the gold-eating rats were almost destroyed, with only a few scattered ones running away in panic.

Perhaps it was because the birth of the Queen Rat attracted more Gold-eating Rats, so although they failed to eradicate the root this time, they could be considered to have almost killed all the Gold-Eating Rats.

After the matter of the gold-eating rat was settled, Lake immediately wanted to report everything to Su You. However, when he arrived, he found that Su You was resting, so he went to do his own things first.

When Su You woke up, Lake had to deal with follow-up matters and couldn't get away, so it was Duo Ya who came to report.

Anyway, it makes no difference. Duoya was also involved in the action and she knew everything.

Hearing that the gold-devouring rat was completely eliminated, Su You breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Where is the rat queen?"

Duo Ya thought for a while and said: "The rat queen seemed to be frightened and gave birth. She almost died. Fortunately, Lake took it to find Vivian in time and it survived."

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