Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 841 841 Midnight Storm 77

Chapter 841 841. Polar Night Storm 77 (End)

After finishing her words, Duo Ya paused and said, "Oh yes, not only did it survive, but it also gave birth to seventeen cubs."

Su You: "..."

Even if Suyou wasn't present at the time, she could still imagine that Vivian's expression when she saw the Rat Queen must have been wonderful.

But...seventeen cubs? !
Are all mice so capable of giving birth?
Even sows are not that exaggerated!
And the rat queen is only a little bit big. She gave birth to seventeen cubs. Can each cub be the size of a soybean?

Su You was speechless and choked for a moment.

But this is a data world after all, but nothing is impossible... But she was still shocked.

Now she finally knew why there were so many rats hiding under her territory.

So far, whether they have killed or captured them, the total number of these gold-eating rats is at least five to six thousand.

I thought that only one or two hundred gold-eating rats escaped, but this time I actually caught a thousand of them using the Queen Rat Fishing!

Obviously, the gold-devouring rats also have some brains. They did not rush out in full force, but retained part of their strength.

But it's a pity that they have brains, but not much. Of course, the most important thing is that Suyou and the others were lucky enough to catch the rat queen, otherwise it would be really not that easy to clean up these gold-eating rats!
It's a small thing as big as the palm of your hand, and it can move and run. If they really want to hide, Su You and the others have nothing to do.

"Lord, what should we do with this rat queen and the remaining gold-eating rats?" In addition to reporting the news, Duoya also came to ask the lord about his subsequent plans.

Su You didn't hesitate much and immediately said: "The Rat Queen will stay temporarily, but must be strictly managed. In addition, a hundred gold-eating rats will be left behind, and the rest will be dealt with."

"Also, I just heard you say that someone was injured by a gold-eating rat?"

Duoya nodded and said: "Yes, but the wound is not deep."

Su You frowned slightly and immediately said: "No matter how deep the wound is, rats live in dirty places and are covered in filth. Since it was injured by a gold-eating rat, the wound is also easily infected..."

"Don't worry, Lord, Lake has arranged for them to clean the wounds."

Su You was not reassured, but continued to ask: "How to clean it?"

Duoya was stunned for a moment, then slowly spoke: "I don't know about this, it should just be a normal disinfection bandage, right?"

Su You frowned.

"If this doesn't work, let them go to Vivian's place to get anti-plague medicine, and the cost of the medicine will be reimbursed." Because she was worried that some people would save money and not want to waste money buying medicine, Su You mentioned the reimbursement of the medicine cost.

Duoya understood the lord's worries, so he nodded and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Su You asked Duoya where the Rat Queen was. After learning that the Rat Queen was sent to the dark prison, Su You said that she knew, but did not go to the dark prison because she had more important things at the time. What needs to be done – that is organizing resources.

Although she had paid someone to sort things out before, she had been busy with the matter of the gold-eating rat in the past two days, so she had no intention of paying attention to it, so she didn't know how the sorting was going. There were also piles of supplies that people didn't recognize. She has nearly two warehouses, which cannot be sorted by others, so she can only do it herself.

The gold-eating rat can be arranged at any time, but the supplies must be sorted out as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad when the warehouse is liquidated. If she accidentally neglected and lost any precious materials, it would be too late to regret it.

It is now the twenty-eighth day of the natural disaster, and there are only less than three days left until the end of the natural disaster. Many people are counting on their fingers, watching the time passing by day by day, gradually approaching thirty, and their moods have also changed. is very complex.

If it were before, they would definitely hope that the thirty days would end soon, but after experiencing the natural disaster, the overall income of people in the entire territory not only did not decrease, but increased by 300% as a whole, which made them hope that the natural disaster would end, and It was a bit reluctant for the natural disaster to end.

But this is not something they can decide based on whether they are willing to give it up or not.

With the emergence and end of three random natural disaster events, the natural disaster has also come to an end.

On the thirtieth day of the natural disaster, many more people went out than before. Many people even stayed up all night and got up before five o'clock in the morning. Then they organized a large team to go out and prepare to make a lot of money.

But the condition of the forest disappointed them.

Obviously today is still a natural disaster, but there are no traces of the storm in the forest, leaving only mountains of things on the ground.

Although they were disappointed, they did not forget to search for valuable items in these things. After a whole day, although the harvest was far less than before, it was better than safety. Because there was no storm, their movement was obviously much easier.

At the end of the day, there are still many people who have not come back. It's not that they can't come back, but they are reluctant to come back.

Because their disappointment after discovering that the storm had disappeared gradually turned into ecstasy over the course of a day.

Although the storm disappeared, there were so many things left behind that they spent a whole day without being able to bring them all back.

Not to mention other people, even the team led by Lerdoya stayed away all night. The difference is that they must have done so with the consent of the lord.

Watching the time approaching twelve o'clock at night, Su You sat on a chair just like when the last natural disaster ended, quietly waiting for the settlement.

I don't know how much time passed, but she heard a 'ding' sound and a familiar message appeared in front of her.

[Congratulations to A1-16 for leading the Sunset Territory to successfully survive the natural disaster. The Sunset Territory's performance during the natural disaster will be spread in the medium-range area and obtain the territory's aura - 'Famous IV'. 】

[The result of this natural disaster is being calculated based on data. Estimated time: 1 minute. 】

Su You paused and subconsciously asked, "There's no ranking list this time?"

Having said that, the last time the beast tide was mixed with dark creatures to attack the city, there was no ranking list. As a result, there was no ranking this time either... What does this mean?
Su You didn't know either, but unexpectedly the system didn't remain silent, but responded.

[The ranking list exists, but it is hidden information, not publicly displayed, and does not affect the issuance of rewards. 】

Su You was still puzzled.

She knew every word in the system's passage, but put it all together, she didn't recognize it.

What is existence but hidden information?
Since it is hidden information, why was it displayed before?
Moreover, this system claimed that it would not affect the distribution of rewards, but she didn't know her ranking. She didn't know whether the system would give more or less rewards. She didn't know whether it would affect it or not!

Is it possible...

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