Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 842 842 Player feedback has been received

Chapter 842 842. Feedback from players has been received

Su You couldn't help but think of the last time the natural disaster ended, when she got the SSS rating, but found that the reward was not as good as SS, and complained a lot.

Although the system made compensation later, it is true that the rankings have not been seen since that time.

This time too.

Suyou thought for a while and felt that this was not a taboo, so she said it directly.

"You're not allowed to see the rankings? Then how do I know what reward you want to give? Are you giving less?"

【this system……】

Before the system finished speaking, Su You ignored him and interrupted.

"I remember the last time there was a natural disaster, your rewards were quite unreasonable. The SSS-level rewards were not as good as SS."


The system was speechless because it knew what Su You said was true.

That reward is indeed unreasonable, but what it can do is not something it can decide.

What's more, this player is smart and knows that he made unreasonable points and asked for rewards... But he didn't expect to be so narrow-minded that he still remembers it now.

Su You didn't know what the system was thinking. She continued to talk to herself: "Are you afraid that the reward will be unreasonable or that you will be discovered, so you deliberately didn't announce it?"

"No, no, no, you guys shouldn't be so bad, right?"

The territory has developed to this point, and Su You really doesn't lack any rewards. As long as the natural disaster ends and outside merchants and caravans pour into the territory, she can use the large amount of materials collected during this period to exchange for money or upgrades. Material.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it is done properly, the territory's resources can be increased at least five times after this natural disaster!
Moreover, the level of the territory can be increased by at least two levels after absorbing a wave of population!
Instead of taking rewards that are not known to be dispensable, it is better to continue to stimulate the system, test its bottom line, and seek more things.

It doesn't matter if she can't get it, she doesn't lack anything if it's not a good thing anyway. If it's a good thing... Su You feels that her reward this time doesn't look like a good thing, otherwise there's no need to be so secretive.

[Feedback from players has been received. 】

"Huh?" Su You didn't expect this system to be so easy to talk to.

Su You waited for a while, but there was no other response from the system. She guessed that this time it was the same as before, it was the system feedback problem. When the feedback problem was resolved, it would naturally come back to explain the situation.

At this moment, the time has passed twelve o'clock, which means that the natural disaster season has now returned to the mild season.

Without the polar night of winter, they can see the sun today, which they have not seen for thirty days.

It's just that it's still early and the sun hasn't risen yet, so the whole world is still dark.

Su You waited patiently, not only for the system's reply, but also for the morning sun.

But she waited until five o'clock in the morning, but did not wait for a reply from the system. Instead, she saw the sky gradually light up like the clouds parting to reveal the sun.

As early as the moment the sky changed, the territory had already let out a loud cheer, because many people knew that yesterday was the last day of the natural disaster, so they stayed awake for a long time because it was difficult to fall asleep at all. They accompanied Suyou and watched the sky light up, their eyes brightening as the sky became brighter, and finally they shouted excitedly.

Many people who were still sleeping were woken up. They were a little irritated because their sleep was disturbed, but as soon as they heard the excited sounds outside, they woke up instantly and joined the carnival together.

"It's dawn!"

"It's finally light, I'm so scared... I was really scared that it would still be midnight today..."

"Although I have made a lot of money during this period, I am almost exhausted. If I continue like this, I will go crazy!"

"It's so hot, aren't you all hot? The polar night has passed, has the temperature risen a bit?"

"Of course, the polar night and the low temperature go together, as does the storm. Now these three are over, all over... I can't do it anymore, I have to change clothes first."


Many people stayed up late outside, so Su You asked people to light bonfires along the streets of the territory, which not only provided lighting but also provided warmth for everyone.

Now that the polar night of winter has completely ended, the sun has appeared, dissipating all the coldness, and the bonfire has been extinguished. However, a group of people are still too hot, just because they are wearing thick cotton jackets, cotton shoes, and furry hats.

Not only that, the rune potion is also a must-have.

They hurried home to take off all their burdens, and in the end most of them just wore a simple long-sleeved trousers.

The temperature went from minus 200 degrees to more than 10 degrees overnight. This contrast was a bit big. Under the alternation of hot and cold, it is easy to cause wind chill if not handled properly. However, because everyone is wearing warm runes, it is actually a big difference. I don't feel like there's anything wrong with me.

However, when they passed by the medical center and found that for the first time, low-priced decoctions appeared at the door of the medical center, many people still spent money to buy a bowl.

This decoction was not made by Vivian or Lan Zhou, but by another doctor who helped in the hospital during the natural disaster.

The decoction is not a cure, but mainly a preventive effect to prevent conditions such as colds and colds.

The prescription was shown to Vivian and Lan Zhou. After confirming that there was no problem, Vivian directly asked people to use a big pot to boil the medicine at the door of the hospital. A bowl cost three copper coins. This price was a great way to make a lot of money during a natural disaster. As far as pens are concerned, pens are not worth money at all, so almost no one is reluctant to part with them.

Even if there is really reluctance, there are only a few people. Even if these few people get sick, it doesn't matter, they will not affect the overall situation.

On the first day after the polar night, more than half of the people in the territory chose to go out. Although many of them had not had the opportunity to go out before, going out at night was always different from going out during the day.

They all wanted to go out for some air.

Su You also expected this, so she specially reminded everyone that it was OK to go out, but they must go together. No one would risk their lives, so everyone listened to the reminder, and no one chose to go out alone without risking their lives.

After a long absence from Chaoyang, almost everyone wanted to go out, but many people did not have the fighting ability and did not dare to go out, or they had to stay in their territory because of something else.

But in fact, these people didn't want to go out so much as they wanted to have a ventilated place, so Su You immediately arranged for people to clean up the square and park, and then installed tables, chairs, benches, and various facilities to provide shade and relieve boredom.

After some arrangements, everyone began to enjoy the sunshine contentedly.

After experiencing a terrible natural disaster, Sunset Territory finally had a beautiful, peaceful and warm day.

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