Chapter 844 844. Relic Card

Although they are not as rare as astrologers, if they are truly capable fortune tellers, they will still have quite a status in the human world.

Because for everyone, a fortune teller is the replacement of an astrologer.

Although there is a powerful astrologer in the territory, Yaoguang only serves the territory, or in other words, only Suyou. Occasionally he may take care of other people's affairs when he is in a good mood, but most of the time he still stays behind. Not step forward.

There are no more than ten people in the territory who know Yaoguang's existence, and no more than five fingers who know her true abilities.

People are fearful and curious about the unknown, so the arrival of the fortune teller can be said to have aroused everyone's strong interest.

Tomorrow is the day when the two new streets are officially opened. Many people are preparing to go see the fortune teller. At this time, none of them know that this fortune telling shop is just one of the surprises in these two new streets.

The next day, the new street opened for a lively and festive celebration. Su You asked the alchemist to prepare something to replace the firecrackers. For a moment, the crackling sound echoed through the sky. With this sound, it also heralded the official opening of the street.

Looking in from the outside of the street, you can only see a field full of fiery red colors, red lanterns, red ribbons, and red stickers, but looking at this color makes me feel extremely festive and lively.

Before the firecrackers were set off, there were already many people blocking the intersection. Now after the silk and satin connecting the door were cut, everyone filed in.

"Where is the divination place?"

Everyone hurriedly wanted to go to the divination place that was advertised before, but this street was really too long and there were too many shops. Even though many of them were closed, they couldn't find a place for a while. .

Until they saw a man with conspicuous red ribbons on his sleeves walking towards their direction.

This person was specially arranged by Chi Jin based on the description of the 'guide' given by Su You. His main job was to help people who came to the market during this period.

Whether it's answering questions or leading the way, this all falls within their scope of work.

With so many guests, only one guide is definitely not enough. It’s just that each guide is responsible for a different area, but soon several more guides came over in a hurry.

Under the guidance of these guides, they successfully found the fortune-telling house. Of course, some others saw that there were too many people going to fortune-telling and were not ready to join in the fun now, so after asking the guide about the situation on this street, they prepared themselves Go for a walk.

You wouldn't know it if you didn't go shopping. After walking around, they discovered that this street actually had other surprises.

In addition to the divination house that everyone is interested in, there are many surprises in other seemingly ordinary shops on this street.

There are many products in these stores that they have never seen or even heard of.

In addition, they also saw many products they had heard of, seen, and used, but these products were of a higher grade, better quality, and naturally more effective than the ones they had before. .

At the end of the day, although the income from these two streets is not very high, and even loses a lot compared to the money paid, at least the reputation of the new market has spread throughout the territory and the entire nearby area.

There are three main reasons why people don’t buy things today. One is that they don’t need it, one is that they don’t have money, and one is that they can’t afford it.

No matter what the reason is, it is objective and does not belong to the quality problem of the product itself, so it is normal for business to be poor, but it will not always stay like this.

as predicted.

Starting from the second day, the flow of people in the two markets not only did not decrease, but increased by 15%. All the extra people came to the territory last night or this morning. They had no time to go shopping yesterday, so they came today. . Except for these people, most of the other people who came here for the second time had the intention of shopping. If not, they would most likely not come. After all, everyone has their own things to be busy with. They had already visited yesterday. It’s busy, there’s no need to come here today.

Since I'm here, it must be to buy something.

Therefore, on the second day after the market opened, the income surged, more than three times that on the first day!
Such an excellent answer sheet was sent to Su You. She looked at it and was quite satisfied, but it was not enough.

Although this result is very good, it is still far from the promise Chi Jin made before.

But Su You is not worried, because she has also predicted the development trend of these two streets. The trend will not be high and will not make the territory rich overnight, but it will definitely continue to rise for at least a month.

Su You thought for a while, and in order to add fuel to the fire and make the development more violent, she directly took out a card——

[Four-star ruins card]

Category: Special

Quality: red
Introduction: After use, you can designate a general area to place a four-star ruins.


This card, which is no more than the size of a bank card, is all white and looks ordinary, but under the light you can clearly see that it is surrounded by dazzling silver patterns.

This card was given by the system. To be precise, it was the compensation given to her by the system after she gave her feedback a week ago.

In addition to compensation, although the system still did not make the ranking public, the rewards it gave made Su You very satisfied, so she no longer struggled with the matter.

After all, everything here is under their control. She can test the other party's bottom line within a reasonable range, but there is absolutely no need to repeatedly jump on the line. She is not someone who likes to seek death.

【Do you want to use the 'Four-Star Ruins Card'? 】


Su You chose 'Yes', and in a flash, a huge light screen appeared in front of her. On the light screen was a regional map that she was very familiar with, centered on the Sunset Territory.

She tapped her fingertips and chose a location that, although remote, was not bumpy along the way.

[Are you sure to place the relics here? 】

[Please note that the location of the ruins has been determined. Once confirmed, you cannot return, change the location, or recycle the ruins! 】

Su You had already confirmed the location several times before, so she didn't pay attention to the prompts and directly confirmed her choice.

As her choice ended, a fire suddenly appeared out of thin air in a place covered with thorns, thousands of meters away from the territory. The fire came so unexpectedly that no one could see where the source of the fire was. At the same time, the flames were unstoppable. The trend, even Meike is absolutely powerless to stop it.

Soon, the thorns were burned out. Strangely, beyond the thorns was the forest, but the flames seemed to not feel that there was any combustible material around them. They just burned the thorns and then gradually extinguished.

At this time, except for the thorns, no other creatures in the entire forest were injured!

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