Chapter 845 845. Promote the Market
"Have you heard? Someone discovered a ruins in the east!" A man was sitting in the teahouse, saying mysteriously.

Although the other people around him were sharing the table and did not know him personally, they knew that since this person had said this, he must be willing to share it, so they looked over in tacit cooperation.

"Real or fake? What relics? Who discovered it? Where is it?" One person reacted quickly and asked a lot of questions in a series. Although others were dissatisfied with his taking the lead, the questions he asked were all they wanted to know. Yes, he didn’t care anymore, his eyes only stared at the person sharing.

"Of course it's true. In fact, many people already know about this matter. I believe everyone will know it soon." The man looked unhappy.

Others quickly said good things when they saw this.

Although this person said that sooner or later someone would know the news, but the news was obviously time-sensitive.

If this is true, and now that they know the news, they might be able to go see the excitement, broaden their horizons, and maybe even make a fortune.

We'll find out in a few days. Not only did they go there to watch the fun and open their eyes, there's no telling whether they can still find the ruins that have been looted by others!
After some pulling and pulling, the man who revealed the news looked like he was "reluctantly saying it because of your face".

"The ruins must be real. Did you hear that a dozen people were seriously injured and went to the hospital last night? The strength of that group of people is not simple, let alone the outer areas of the forest. As long as they don't seek death, they can walk sideways in the inner areas of the forest. !”

"They were seriously injured precisely because they discovered the ruins and accidentally triggered the mechanism in the ruins!"


The man is very eloquent and can tell stories wonderfully. I believe that if he were given a long gown, a hat, and a gavel, he would be a perfect storyteller.

To sum it up, the group of people were injured while exploring the ruins yesterday and almost came back with their lives. But fortunately, they had good healing potions and escape props, so they managed to save their lives. , struggling to return.

At this point in the story, everyone's attention was focused on the ruins.

Of course, some people's attention wanders.

"How do you know about this? Do you know those people?"

"Of course I don't know him. I just overheard it accidentally when I was helping a friend go to the hospital to get medicine!" The man's confident look made everyone believe that what he said might be true.

Soon someone else said: "I'm moved by what you said. I also want to visit the ruins, but I don't have the ability, and I don't have anything to save my life."

When the man heard this, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he said casually: "If you don't have it, go buy it."

The man was a little speechless: "How to buy it? I'm not short of money, but good things have a price but no market. I don't have anywhere to buy them!"

The man smiled slightly and pointed to a place not far away.

"Haven't you visited the two newly opened markets the day before yesterday? There are so many treasures there. As long as you have money, you will definitely have what you want!"

"For the sake of this pot of tea, let me tell you another news. The top-quality medicine used by those seriously injured was bought from a medical clinic in the second street market!"

Hearing this, the man who said he was not short of money suddenly beamed.

"I came to this territory last night, and I haven't had time to understand it yet. Thank you, big brother. I'm in a hurry to buy something, so I won't stay any longer. I'll pay for the tea and snacks on this table." With that, he called to the waiter. , paid the bill for this table, then got up and left. The other people looked at each other, and then left one after another. If there were others around, they would have noticed that several other tables around this table were gradually becoming empty.

For a while, the man telling the story was left alone in this area, smiling and sitting on a chair drinking tea and snacks.

Unbeknownst to others, similar things were happening in every corner of the territory.

Qiu He is now the person in charge of an information center in the Sunset Territory that is unknown to outsiders. All rumors, messages, and gossip in the Sunset Territory are under her control.

And she is Su You's person and follows Su You's arrangements, so Su You can be regarded as controlling all the news channels in the entire territory.

The man in the teahouse was arranged by Qiu He to spread news about the ruins. Apart from him, there were people like this spreading news in many places in the territory.

Their purpose is not only to spread the news about the ruins, but also to promote the street market.

If you directly promote how good and wonderful the things in the market are, many people will definitely find problems, and some may not like to hear it.

But if this information is inserted into other topics that will interest everyone, the effect will be different.

Although it is obviously to promote the ruins, the ruins are full of dangers. How can you enter the ruins without sufficient preparation?
But if you need to prepare something, what should you prepare?
Where can I buy these things?

The people who were injured yesterday were indeed seriously injured, and they did use things bought at the market to save their lives, but what happened to them was beyond Su You's expectation.

Su You originally only issued a mission to explore the area. In order to hide the purpose, she released the mission to explore many places, and the place where the ruins are located is one of them.

This team was of extraordinary strength. They happened to be going deep into the forest, and seeing that the rewards for the mission were good, they took the mission by the way.

As a result, after they discovered the ruins, they became greedy and insisted on entering regardless of the danger.

Of course, it is human nature to have greed. They have not harmed the interests of others, so they are greedy.

But they also paid the price for their greed, and no one else can blame them.

Su You's original plan was to let people explore the ruins legitimately, and then recruit people to explore with great fanfare, but these people were injured.

But their injuries did not affect her ultimate purpose.

Because the news about the ruins has indeed spread, and the fact that they saved their lives with the things they bought in the market can also be used.

It can only be said that Su You has nothing to lose. These people used their bodies to get better publicity effects for Su You.

As the news spread, more and more people went to the street market for shopping. They saw many powerful props there. Although some of them were not useful to them, it did not mean that the props were useless.

After these people finished shopping, they all invariably inquired about the ruins. Su You placed the ruins in the first place just for everyone to explore, so she would not stop her just because she wanted to monopolize the contents of the ruins. Everyone is looking for it.

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