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Chapter 849 Something happened to the Orcs and Dragons

Chapter 849 849. Something happened to the orcs/dragons
In the blink of an eye, two months passed. Although Su You still had contact with the Mermaid Clan, she did not receive any information related to the Dragon Clan.

Luya was also confused about this.

She told Su You that she didn't know why, but the fifth elder said that the mermaid clan seemed to be suddenly unable to contact the dragon clan.

There was obviously a transaction half a year ago, so it stands to reason that the contact would not be suddenly cut off.

Moreover, the way of contact between races like theirs is quite special. Once contact cannot be made, either the Dragon Clan takes the initiative to cut off contact, or an accident occurs to the Dragon Clan. The third situation is basically impossible.

The first time Suyou received news from Luya about the lost contact with the dragon clan was half a month after she sent the dragon crystal.

Luya said at the time that this period happened to be the busiest time for the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan might not have time to socialize with others, so it was normal for them not to be contacted.

Su You didn't understand the situation, but Luya said so, so she didn't care. She just continued to wait for the news. Anyway, the dragon eggs were well raised now.

But another half month passed, and there was still no news. Luya was also a little confused, but the fifth elder said to wait, so she waited for another month. As a result, this month passed, and there was still no response from the Dragon Clan.

It was better now, and the fifth elder also felt that something was wrong.

"It's like this. Two months ago, that time happened to be the Dragon Clan's once-in-a-hundred-year divine descent. The divine descent is similar to our mermaid tribe's sacrifice, or even more important, so it's normal that we can't get in touch."

"It's just that this divine descending usually only lasts for a month. I thought there would be news within two months. But to this day, the first news from the mermaid tribe has still not received a response."

The descent of the gods lasts for one month, but because there are many things to do before and after this period, the fifth elder initially expected it to take two months.

But when there was no news in the past forty days, she already felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't be sure, so she was ready to wait.

"Fifth Elder, could you please tell me what a divine descent is?" Hearing another new thing, Su You couldn't wait to find out.

This time she was really sure that something was wrong with the Dragon Clan.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the mermaid clan's accident occurred when they were offering sacrifices, and the dragon clan also lost contact around the time of the gods' descent?
The Fifth Elder originally didn't want to reveal too much about the Dragon Clan. It wasn't that he deliberately hid it, but he just didn't want Su You to get into trouble if he knew too much.

But then she thought about it, Su You had accidentally raised a dragon egg, which was already a big trouble. No matter what she said at this time, it would not be as troublesome as the egg.

And because of the existence of this egg, it would be good for Su You to know more things.

"I don't know if it's too specific. After all, each race always has its own special things."

"The mermaid clan's sacrificial ceremony is to worship the sea god, while the dragon clan's divine descent is to welcome the dragon god."

Suyou understood. To put it bluntly, every race has a belief. This is what they care about and value most, but some people just hope that something will happen to them at a time like this.

In other words, this is the most convenient time for some people to do bad things.

Since the mermaid tribe has a sea god and the dragon tribe has a dragon god, wouldn’t the orc tribe also have a beast god?

Regarding this, Su You thought she could ask the elves later.

The fifth elder didn't know what Su You was thinking. She thought for a while and continued: "The reason why the divine descending is more important than the sacrifice is because the divine descending involves the selection of the Dragon King."

Although the mermaid tribe attaches great importance to sacrifice, sacrifice is just a process of worshiping the Poseidon. Even if the Poseidon ignored them many times before, although they were sad, they would not live or die. But God's Descendant is different. This is a major event involving the leader of the Dragon Clan. Just look at the former Mermaid King who worked so hard. You will know that even among the four major races, there will definitely be some who value power and status.

Of course, the elves will be special, because all the elves in the elves are children of the elf tree.

They believe in the Elf Tree. The Elf Tree's status in the eyes of the Elf is the same as that of the Sea God and the Dragon God. The Elf King is directly chosen by the Elf Tree. With the Elf clan's 'blind' trust in the Elf Tree, they will not fight for power at all unless there is an accident. The consciousness of seizing the throne.

"That's all I know. After all, the descent of the gods is a major event for the dragon clan, and outsiders cannot interfere." The fifth elder had not reacted before, but now after explaining it, she also felt that something big might happen to the dragon clan this time.

First, something went wrong with their sacrifice, and now they lost contact during the Dragon Clan God's descent. Even a fool can see the problem!

Su You opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but when she thought about the fact that the mermaid tribe was different from the elves, there was no one as special as the Elf Queen. After all, she couldn't tell everything for fear of other accidents.

Therefore, Su You only said that she would take good care of the dragon eggs and troubled the mermaid clan to continue contacting the dragon clan.

The fifth elder naturally agreed to this. The matter was strange. Even if Su You didn't say anything, the mermaid clan would definitely continue to contact the dragon clan.

Su You originally wanted to ask the fifth elder if he knew where the Dragon Clan lived, but then she thought about it. As the Dragon Clan is the most violent and unreasonable among the four major races, she couldn't go even if she asked for the address, so she simply stopped asking.

Just after chatting with the fifth elder, Suyou was about to contact Anita, but she couldn't.

Su You: "..." Huh?

Su You thought for a moment, and she felt that the elves had survived a fatal disaster, and they were unlikely to encounter any trouble again... Although she thought so, she still couldn't sit still, and immediately got up to find Yao Guang. .

But what made her even more unexpected was that she didn't even find Yao Guang.

Just when Suyou's heartbeat was as fast and loud as a firecracker, she felt Anita's voice command move.

The moment he picked up the voice command, two people's voices sounded almost at the same time:
Anita: "Something happened to the orcs."

Su You: "Are the elves okay?"

Both sides were silent at the same time.

After a few seconds, the two spoke in unison again.

Su You: "Something may have happened to the Dragon Clan."

Anita: "The elves are fine."

The two were silent again, both sides digesting the huge amount of information. After a long time, the two sides exchanged information, and then fell into silence for the third time.

Su You gathered her thoughts first, and then concluded: "It's not easy for you either. Something happened to the mermaid clan's sacrifice, something happened to the dragon clan's god descending, something happened to the orc clan's tempering..."

Su You deliberately didn't mention the elves, for fear of causing bad memories for Anita.

But Anita was very calm: "If something happens to me, the elf tree will wither."

Su You: "..." It's quite direct, but it's true.

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