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Chapter 850 Chapter 850 Retradition and tempering

Chapter 850 850. Retradition and tempering
As Su You who has experienced the plot line of the Elf Princess's accident, she does know that the Elf Tree at that time did wither many leaves in order to help the Elf Queen support the Elf Tribe.

Not to mention the elves, even she, an outsider, felt a little distressed when she accidentally caught a glimpse of the fallen leaves on the ground.

That is the elf tree with the strongest vitality!
Its leaves have fallen all over the ground. You can imagine what kind of desperate situation the elves were in at that time!
Fortunately, she stopped all this, and the elf tree was still fine. She did have a leaf from the elf tree in her hand, but Anita said that the elf tree took the initiative to give it to her.

Those are emerald green leaves full of vitality, not yellowing and withered leaves.

"How is the situation of the orcs now?" Anita just said that the new batch of cubs of the orcs had an accident in their rejuvenation and tempering, but she had not yet had time to explain the detailed situation and what the situation is now.

To put it simply, the orc's ancestral tempering is a process of increasing strength.

From each batch of transformed cubs, the best ones will be selected and trained individually. After training to a certain level, they will be arranged to go to the orc tribe's forbidden land to soak in the divine pool.

The more you eat the beast pattern fruit, the stronger your potential, while the longer you soak in the divine pond, the stronger your strength will be.

But this time when soaking in the sacred pool, several cubs disappeared out of thin air, and these cubs happened to have the highest potential among the batch.

"It is said that a total of twenty-one people went in for the tempering this time. After it was over, they found that four cubs were missing. Three of these four cubs had eaten three beast pattern fruits, and the other one..."

Anita's tone of voice became serious when she spoke: "There is also a cub that ate five beast-marked fruits."

Suyou naturally knew what the beast-marked fruit was, and also understood what it meant for this cub to eat five beast-marked fruits.

As mentioned before, since the ancestor who founded the orc tribe, no cub has been able to eat more than three beast-marked fruits while transforming.

It is rare to even eat three of them, it can be said to be one in a million.

But this time, four were gone, and one even ate five...

"I also learned one thing. Before these four cubs disappeared, the most powerful cub claimed that he only ate two and a half animal-marked fruits when he transformed."

Suyou didn't react at first, but later she realized that the orcs were protecting the cub.

After all, the orcs claim that there has never been a cub that can eat more than three fruits in thousands of years, but suddenly a cub appears that eats five... The fishmen have enemies, and so do the orcs.

In order to protect this rare genius, the orcs would naturally lie.

I ate two and a half animal-marked fruits. This amount was neither ordinary nor eye-catching. It was considered relatively safe among the twenty-one cubs.

But something happened to him. Obviously among the remaining sixteen cubs, some had lower potential than him, and some had higher potential than him.

It's not that he has to let another cub disappear in his place. This idea is somewhat vicious, but it's just such a coincidence!
Of course, from a profit perspective, if one has to be given up, then he must be the one who is saved.

"By the way, what's going on with the Dragon Clan?" Anita just heard Su You say that the Mermaid Clan couldn't contact the Dragon Clan, and that it happened to be the time when the Dragon Clan descended not long ago.

Although the elves and dragons are not familiar with each other, they must know about the divine descent. "That's right, I adopted a dragon egg not long ago..." Suyou was interrupted by Anita before she could continue.

Anita's tone was full of surprise and disbelief: "What did you say? Dragon egg? Suyou, are you sure? This is not a joke."

Su You was naturally sure, after all, she believed in the Lingbao, and even if the Lingbao was unreliable, the special reaction of the dragon blood grass and dragon crystal stone obtained from the mermaid clan to the dragon eggs could explain everything.

Although dragon blood grass and dragon crystal are both good things, ordinary eggs are definitely not good enough. If they were replaced with eggs, they would have been broken into pieces and become fertilizer for the farm.

"I'm sure, I contacted the mermaid tribe before just to buy some dragon crystals, but Luya gave them to me." Su You briefly told the origin of the dragon eggs, and talked about the dragon crystals and dragon blood grass. At the end, He also mentioned in passing that Lingbao was a dragon marten.

Anita opened her mouth and didn't recover for a long time.

Originally, she thought that Su You accidentally learned about the Dragon Clan from the Mermaid Clan. Reminiscing that she had helped the Elf Clan and the Mermaid Clan in succession, she thought she had also stepped in to help with the Dragon Clan's matter this time.

Now it seems that Su You did help, but it was not the same as she imagined.

Although the elves and dragons have nothing to do with each other, Anita is an elf princess after all, and she still knows more than Su You. She quickly thought of something.

However, this matter seemed to be a bit important, so she did not dare to say it directly for fear of causing trouble to Su You, so she quickly went to find the Elf Queen.

After the queen knew everything, her emotions fluctuated violently, but her expression remained calm as always. Even though Su You was here, she couldn't see any flaws.

"Although we have a normal relationship with the Dragon Clan, we are the same four major races and we must always help each other."

Anita felt that the queen's words were a bit strange, but she didn't want to think about it so much now. She politely excused herself and returned to her palace. After sending all the other elves away, she dared to tell Suyou her guess.

"I'm not trying to show off. I suspect that the identity of this dragon egg is not simple, but you must never tell anyone about this matter." This is the first time Anita has been so serious in front of Su You, and Su You also feels that something is wrong. , hurriedly agreed.

She didn't even dare to tell other people in the territory about the dragon eggs, let alone other things about the dragon clan?
"It's not complicated to talk about, but it's just a bit taboo."

"The old Dragon King had a brother who was originally the successor to this position, but he disappeared inexplicably later. There was a big fuss at that time, so I have heard about it. It is said that when he came back again, he was just like me before. He was basically injured. , the strength is greatly reduced.”

With just this paragraph, Su You can already imagine a 10,000-word follow-up plot.

She can even imagine more than a dozen versions.

"So this position was changed to the dragon." Anita said this with a bit of sadness, and she didn't know if she was sympathizing with the injured dragon. After all, they both had the same problem.

But she is obviously luckier, she has Suyou.

"Later, the old Dragon King succeeded to the throne. The current Dragon King has nothing to do with the old Dragon King. The heritage of the dragon clan is based on strength. Unlike the mermaid clan, they are not of the same strain. It's just that the two most powerful ones of the previous generation are brothers."

"There are many rumors after the old Dragon King succeeded to the throne. You can guess these, so I won't go into them."

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