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Chapter 851 Chapter 851 is wonderful!

Chapter 851 851. Wonderful!

Su You responded, she was indeed not interested in this, she could guess it.

It's just that the old Dragon King harmed his brothers for position. Regardless of whether he is true or not, it is normal to have this idea.

Even if the victim came forward to clarify this kind of thing, I'm afraid he would think it was a threat or to maintain superficial harmony.

The mermaid tribe has the best example!
"The next thing may have something to do with this dragon egg." Although this matter is very important and belongs to the dragon family's privacy, it is still considered gossip, so Anita lost her previous seriousness as she spoke and became a little excited. .

People who talk about melons are so excited, and Suyou, who eats melons, is even more excited.

"After the old Dragon King succeeded to the throne, an orc came to the Dragon Clan. She said that she had a Dragon Clan child." Anita could not hide the smile in her tone when she said this.

She was also a little strange. She was obviously not so excited when she heard about this before, but now that the old thing was brought up again, she became more and more excited.

Su You's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and at the same time, she was also thinking that the egg she picked up could be the hybrid egg between an orc and a dragon, right?

But then she thought, the timeline was wrong!

The things I'm talking about now happened when the old Dragon King was in power. Although I don't know the specific time, it must have been hundreds of years ago. Even if the dragon eggs are difficult to hatch, they won't remain silent for hundreds of years.

To put it another way, even if it was an egg as big as a stone, it wouldn't be right.

The bastard egg has passed through the dragon clan's clear path. The dragon clan knows its existence. Regardless of whether it is prepared to keep this egg or not, it is absolutely impossible for this egg to wander outside!

Sure enough, Anita's next words confirmed her guess.

"I don't know the specific process, but I couldn't keep the egg." Although it happened a long time ago, Anita's tone still contained a hint of disgust.

Su You: "..." No wonder the elves hate the dragons so much. After all, they are a race that values ​​life.

"Although the Dragon Clan said that the death of this egg had nothing to do with them, they know the truth." Anita said it unclearly, but her tone sounded like she was certain that it was the Dragon Clan's hand.

"Maybe it's retribution. The current Dragon Queen laid two dragon eggs a hundred years ago. Not long after, both eggs were gone. The Dragon Clan searched all over the continent, and also came to the Elf Clan for help, but only one was recovered in the end." Anita After saying that, he took a sip of the clear lotion to calm down his mood. He had no idea how complicated Su You's mood was at this moment.

Suyou: "???"


No wonder Anita said this matter was simple. Suyou finally understood. After saying so much, it turned out to be three unrelated stories!

Rather than saying it is three unrelated stories, it is better to say it is the three melons of the Dragon Clan.

The first is about the old Dragon King brothers, the second is about the orc-dragon hybrid, and the third is about the dragon queen throwing her egg.

Although Su You listened with great interest, she had to admit that the only part of the whole story that might have something to do with the egg she had on hand was about the Dragon Queen throwing the egg.

After Suyou figured out that these were three melons, before she could say anything, she heard Anita's faint voice.

"I know you think these are three unrelated things."

Su You: "..." You are right.

But since Anita said so, could there be something hidden?

Just when Su You was thinking seriously, Anita suddenly said: "Actually, it really doesn't matter..." Su You twitched the corner of her mouth, not understanding how the good, cold and noble elf princess she was when they first met has turned into what she is now. Like this.

Who led her astray?

"It's just that few people know that the bastard's dragon father is the crippled brother of the old Dragon King. Of course, not many people know that the bastard was killed by the current Dragon King on the orders of the old Dragon King."

Suyou: "Wonderful!"

Su You couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, these three melons were interesting to listen to alone, but not much, especially the third one. Losing the egg is something that should be pitied, and it is not really a melon.

But as soon as Anita said these words, it suddenly became interesting.

"Why wouldn't I dare to say this?" Anita didn't continue, but Suyou understood.

Although this incident started hundreds of years ago, it doesn't matter even if you know it, as long as you don't go to the dragon clan and talk nonsense.

But it involves the current Dragon King, so it is not an expired old melon, but a super big melon that has not been eaten for hundreds of years!
As a major matter in the present continuous tense, it would not be good for anyone to say it.

"So the egg in my hand might be the one thrown by the Dragon Queen?" Su You didn't know how long it would take for the dragon egg to hatch, but if it were an ordinary egg, a hundred years would be enough for it to reincarnate more than a dozen times.

But if it was a dragon egg, it wouldn't be surprising if it never hatched or died.

"I'm not sure, because this is the only egg the Dragon Clan has thrown away." After Anita finished speaking, she took another sip of clear liquid. She didn't know whether she was really thirsty or something else.

Su You knew what Anita meant. She was saying that this was the only egg she had thrown away openly, but she might have lost an egg behind her back, but Su You thought the possibility was very low.

The Dragon Clan values ​​their offspring, and dragon eggs are more important than their lives. How could they just throw them away?

Let's not talk about whether you have the ability to steal dragon eggs from the dragon clan, but let's talk about courage. There are not many people in the entire continent who have the courage to steal dragon eggs.

Those who utter arrogant words are just talking. If you give them a chance, they will pretend to be faint even if they are not faint.

It's just understandable that this egg was lost. According to the known information, this egg was probably done by the crippled dragon in order to take revenge on the current Dragon King.

He is a dragon, lives in the Dragon Clan, has the opportunity to do something, and also has the strength and other external conditions.

Forget about the others.

"Is it too late for me to throw this egg away now?" After Su You figured everything out, instead of feeling the clear joy, her face was filled with sadness.

Originally, raising a dragon egg was troublesome enough, and it was hard to explain, but it turned out that this was an egg that had been riddled with hardships and intrigues since it was born.

"It's too late, you're already in big trouble." Anita said without hesitation.

Suyou's head hurt even more.

On the surface, if she really contacted the Dragon Clan and sent the egg back, she would become the Dragon King's benefactor. She would become the Dragon Clan's benefactor, but she would also become the enemy of the mastermind behind the scenes, and there is a high probability that this enemy is also a dragon.

She had only thought that the egg was accidentally left outside, and the possibility that it was lost intentionally had been ruled out after a lot of thought, so she dared to let the mermaid clan contact the dragon clan.

Now she was suddenly glad that the mermaid clan could not contact the dragon clan, otherwise she would not even have a chance to hesitate!

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