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Chapter 852 852 Dragon eggs will die

Chapter 852 852. Dragon eggs will die
Thinking of the mermaid tribe, Su You felt something was wrong. Since Anita knew about this, why didn't the mermaid tribe know?
In other words, why didn’t the Fifth Elder know?
Luya didn't know that it was normal. After all, she was old and had an innocent personality, so it was impossible to pay attention to this.

But the fifth elder should not be ignorant, especially since the relationship between the mermaid clan and the dragon clan is not bad. Even if she doesn't know about the old dragon king brothers and the bastard, she should know about the dragon queen's throwing of eggs.

Under normal circumstances, wouldn't she have thought of something if she knew that the Dragon Queen had thrown an egg and that she had a dragon egg in her hand?

Su You didn't want to think about the fifth elder's deliberate concealment, but something was obviously wrong about this matter.

Seeing that the person on the other side had been silent for so long, Anita thought Suyou was worried about the dragon egg, so she said, "Give the dragon egg to the elves, and you can leave this matter alone."

Although Anita seemed to be making sarcastic remarks before, she had already made this plan.

The dragon egg is a trouble for Su You, but it is nothing to the elves. The person behind the scenes must not be able to take revenge on the entire elves for the dragon egg.

Su You's heart was moved, but she didn't know what she thought of, but she actually refused.

"This dragon egg cannot be given to the elves." Suyou accepted Anita's kindness and knew that she wanted to use the elves to help him resist the pressure of the dragons. However, this dragon egg may involve more than just the dragons. .

"Do you have any concerns?" Anita was a little surprised that she would refuse, but she knew Su You's character and understood that there must be other reasons for this.

"Giving dragon eggs to the elves will most likely kill you." Su You didn't hide it either.

The reason she said this was because she thought of the Elf Queen, who said that there were many things she couldn't change, but she could.

No matter what this dragon egg has experienced before, looking at its dying appearance when he rescued it, you know that without him, it will die.

In the established direction, it is bound to die. Before the dragon clan's matter is resolved, as long as it leaves itself, it will definitely die even if it is hung on the elf tree or buried under the elf tree.

It might even implicate the elves.

Anita didn't know this, so she naturally didn't understand what Su You meant. She thought Su You was worried that if the dragon eggs were given to the elves, the elves would be angered by the dragons.

"If you are worried about the Dragon Clan, then don't think about it. To put it bluntly, even if the Elves accidentally raise the dragon eggs to death before returning them, the Dragon Clan won't do anything." Let's not talk about the Elf Tree and the Elves. How could it be possible to raise the dragon eggs to death with the elven spring water? Even if they were really raised to death, the elves would not stupidly say that they were the ones who raised them to death.

They would only say that the dragon egg was already dead when they found it.

Although it is a dead egg, it is still a dragon egg, so it is not surprising that the elves help to recover and return it.

It would be better if he didn't die. The dragon clan still needs to remember them as a favor. Although the elves are not uncommon, it is even more impossible for the people behind the scenes to seek revenge.

"That was not what I meant."

Suyou was about to think about the explanation, but Anita seemed to know something and stopped paying attention to the dragon egg.

"I understand, you should keep the dragon eggs yourself." Anita is an elf princess after all, and she has already guessed that there is something wrong with her being tied up.

Moreover, it was to recuperate from her injuries. She had so many emotions in her heart that she never had time to think about other things. After her injuries healed and the pressure on her body disappeared, she realized something was wrong.

What's wrong here has something to do with the Elf Queen. She found out that some time before her accident, the queen would always arrange for her to do various things for various reasons. It was not that she wanted to make things difficult for her, but that she wanted to keep her busy and prevent her from leaving the elves. .

But she finally left the Elf Clan. She left to do one thing. It was not a big deal, but at that time the Elf Clan was busy with the elf tree giving birth to new babies. Both the elders and the Queen were very busy. .

Most of her responsibilities overlap with those of the Queen. The matter of newborn elves is too important, not to mention the Queen and the elders. Anita herself does not trust herself to take care of the elf tree for fear of something happening to the elf, so the matter of taking care of the elf tree falls to her. The queen herself was free.

To say so much is nothing more than that Anita also felt the existence of a force majeure. No matter how hard she tried, things still happened.

Now that she had guessed the identity of this dragon egg and heard Su You's words, she felt that the dragon egg looked very similar to herself.

"After all, they are dragon eggs, so they are not easy to raise. I will send some fairy spring water over in a few days." Although she did not continue to insist on adopting dragon eggs, Anita was also prepared to provide help in raising dragon eggs.

For the elves, the best help is undoubtedly to send spring water, which is the simplest, crudest and most effective.

"Then thank you very much. When the time comes to send the dragon eggs back, I will definitely ask for more things from the Dragon Clan, and I will give you half of them." Anita gave the things to raise the dragon eggs, so Suyou naturally would not refuse.

If she didn't know the dragon egg's identity, she thought the dragon egg would be sent away soon, so it didn't matter whether the spring water was there or not.

But now that she knows that the dragon egg has an unusual identity and cannot be sent back directly, she doesn't know how long it will take to keep it, so the more versatile things like spring water, the better.

Anita was very fast. After talking about sending spring water, more than a dozen elf birds flew over that night. However, Suyou had already fallen asleep, so these elf birds played with Aluo all night.

Aluo is the name of the elf bird owned by Su You.

When Suyou woke up, she saw a dozen birds sleeping with their legs in the air lying on her desk.

Su You: "..."

Su You had no choice but to take away all the dozen bottles of fairy spring water on the table, then took out a dozen dishes and poured food and water into them one by one.

After doing this, these elf birds didn't wake up, but Lingbao did.

It keenly smelled the strong familiar yet unfamiliar scent, and rushed all the way to the desk. Then it also saw a bunch of elf birds sleeping crookedly on the desk.

Su You quickly grabbed the Ling Bao who was about to jump on the table and took it away. When leaving, she didn't forget to close the door and open half of the window.

After a busy day outside, Lingbao couldn't stay any longer and wanted to go to the pasture to see the dragon eggs. Su You saw that it couldn't bear its temper and let it go.

When she went to pick up Lingbao, she was surprised to find that Baicao, who never went out much, was also at the ranch.

"Lord!" Baicao was very happy to see Su You and waved towards her.

Su You also smiled at her.

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