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Chapter 853 853 Spicy Rabbit Head

Chapter 853 853. Spicy Rabbit Head
She first asked about the herbal garden, and then asked why Baicao was here.

It's not that she can't come, it just doesn't suit her personality. This rabbit is so timid and will never go out easily. Su You tried to take her out for a walk before, but she looked frightened. Why did she take the initiative to go out today?

In response, Baicao touched her ears with some embarrassment.

"It's not me who wants to go out, it's Xiaobai who wants to go out. I'm worried..."

Su You was about to ask who Xiao Bai was, when she saw a flash of white leaping past her eyes.

Su You: "..."

She was about to see what was going on, and then another flash of white flashed across her eyes.

Before Su You could figure out the situation, Baicao was already spinning around anxiously.

"Xiaobai, Lingbao, you two, stop fighting!" Baicao's persuasion didn't work, and the two white hairballs were still entangled together.

Su You understood that one of the protagonists was his guardian beast, and was suddenly curious about the identity of the other protagonist.

Lingbao's current combat effectiveness is not low. Even though it usually looks weak and can be bullied, the combat effectiveness in this form is not low. It is impossible for ordinary creatures to fight it.

Even the lions and tigers in the zoo can only be beaten by Lingbao, but they are too small and inconvenient.

Just when Suyou was thinking about what kind of creature it was, she turned around and saw a rabbit.

Suyou: "?"

She turned to look at Baicao and found that she was still standing there, so the rabbit she just saw was not Baicao.

So the Xiaobai in Baicao's mouth is a rabbit, and a rabbit that can fight with Lingbao.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, what's wrong with you two?" Seeing that both parties seemed to have calmed down, Baicao quickly stepped forward to pick up Xiaobai and hug him.

She also wanted to hug Ling Bao, but she was afraid that the two would fight again, so she could only look at Su You.

"Is this Xiaobai?" Su You asked knowingly, then stepped forward and lifted the Lingbao up.

"Yes, it is Xiaobai. It was during the natural disaster before. One night, I was at the door..." Baicao explained how to save Xiaobai, and then talked about today's events.

Basically, Xiao Bai was about to go out, and she was worried about following him out. As a result, she followed him all the way to the pasture. When Xiao Bai came, he stared at an egg, and then wandered around the egg for a long time.

In the afternoon, Lingbao came and saw that Xiaobai was a little unkind, so he started fighting.

Baicao has lost count of the number of times he has tried to break up a fight.

When Baicao explained this, Su You had already doubted the identity of this rabbit.

Baicao said that this rabbit named Xiaobai was picked up by her during the natural disaster. Let’s not talk about how it survived after suffering such serious injuries. Let’s talk about the harsh environment of the natural disaster. It was both low temperature and stormy, and ordinary creatures simply could not survive in the wild.

Therefore, they will hide in their nests to save their lives.

In other words, this Xiaobai is definitely not an ordinary rabbit.

Just when Su You was thinking about doubting Xiao Bai's identity, she saw Xiao Bai's eyes looking in the direction of the dragon egg from time to time.

"It seems to be very interested in this egg." Suyou told Baicao what he had discovered.

Baicao nodded, she also discovered this.

"Do you know why it is interested in this?" Baicao didn't know, but she could ask directly now.

She lowered her head and looked at Xiaobai: "Why do you keep looking at this egg? Is there anything wrong with this egg?"

Xiaobai hesitated when Baicao asked him this question. She actually didn't want to answer, but she thought that this was her savior after all, and they were of the same race. She had always been very good to him...

'This is not an ordinary egg, I can feel that there is a very powerful blood in it. '

Although Baicao didn't know what the egg was, she still translated Xiaobai's words.

During the translation process, Xiaobai turned to look at Baicao, then looked at Suyou, and finally said something puzzling.

'Is this human the owner of the egg? Can you give me this egg? I can exchange things. '

Baicao continued to translate.

Su You raised her eyebrows and said, "What does it want this egg for?"

Baicao translated Suyou's words to Xiaobai, and then listened to the shocking words.

'I want to eat it. This egg is very powerful. It is a great supplement for me. If I eat it, I will recover quickly and my strength will increase greatly. '

Baicao, who was about to translate, choked and was speechless for a long time.

"What's wrong? What did it say?" Su You couldn't help but asked when she saw Baicao's expression was a little strange.

Su You became a little stagnant after hearing what Baicao translated. She didn't know what to say for a while.

However, Lingbao's reaction was obviously very intense. When Suyou wasn't paying attention, it jumped out of Suyou's arms, then jumped onto the table, then jumped up and pounced directly on Xiaobai in Baicao's arms.

Su You's eyelids twitched, and she and Baicao held down the two fur dumplings for the second time.

"Tell it that you can't give it this egg and make it not think about it, otherwise Lingbao will catch it and make spicy rabbit heads." Su You's tone was gentle, but the words he spoke were full of threats. .

Although Baicao also likes Xiaobai, her inner balance definitely favors Lingbao and Suyou, plus she is a rabbit and eats vegetarian food.

Ordinary eggs and duck eggs are definitely edible, but these are living eggs that are hatching!
Baicao couldn't accept it, so after speaking to Xiaobai seriously, he apologized to Su You apologetically, and then turned around and left.

"I will keep an eye on Xiaobai and won't let him do anything to this egg."

Su You still believed in Baicao, so she watched Baicao leave without saying anything else.

However, after all, there was a rabbit that coveted the egg, and now that he knew the identity of the dragon egg and knew that there were probably people who were looking forward to its death, Su You didn't worry about leaving it on the pasture.

It had been placed on the pasture before because there was a bonus for hatching eggs in the incubator, and Sit could help take care of them.

But now with the dragon crystal, the bonuses in the incubation room were negligible, so Su You moved the dragon egg to the city lord's mansion, and finally moved it into the bedroom at Lingbao's request.

When moving the dragon eggs, Su You saw that there were only a bunch of empty bowls and dishes on the table where there were originally a bunch of elf birds, and a 'letter' with green leaves lying quietly in the middle of the table.


I don't know whether it was because of Su You's warning or because Baicao was strict about it, but Xiaobai didn't even have a chance to leave the herbal garden, let alone coveting the dragon eggs.

As soon as he got up every day, he was taken away by Baicao to accompany him to plant medicine. After a busy day, he fell asleep, and the matter just ended.

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