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Chapter 855: 855 Disguise Medicine, Voice Changing Medicine

Chapter 855 855. Face-disguising drug/Voice-changing drug

"Okay, I understand, is there any other news?" Su You continued to ask.

Black Snake rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Su You rolled her eyes: "Speak quickly, and I'll give you the animal pattern fruit after I finish speaking." As she said that, she took out the fruit from her backpack.

With the temptation of the beast-marked fruit, Black Snake swallowed his saliva and stopped talking: "I got a message from a few squirrels. The orcs went crazy because they lost something. There was something wrong within the orcs, so Just lost something! '

Su You frowned and motioned for it to continue.

Unexpectedly, the black snake shook its head and became silent.

"Nothing to say?"

'if not? After all, those guys are not orcs, so it’s good to be able to find out these things! Don’t ask for too much! '

Seeing that it didn't look like a lie, Suyou nodded to show that she understood, then directly threw the animal pattern fruit to the black snake, and then said something to drive it away.

Black Snake got the animal pattern fruit and left happily without paying any attention to Su You's behavior of chasing the snake away.

After Black Snake left, Suyou directly contacted Luya to learn about the situation of the dragon clan. After learning that she still had not contacted the dragon clan, she said that she could continue to contact the dragon clan, but there was no need to talk about the dragon eggs, because she had already given them to The elves will dispose of the dragon eggs themselves.

Luya had no doubts. After all, she knew that Su You had a good relationship with the elves. The dragon eggs were a problem in personal hands, but if they were handed over to the elves, they would be less troublesome.

But Luya was a little resentful. She asked Suyou why he didn't give the dragon eggs to the fish tribe. When Suyou heard this, she suddenly felt like a Shura field.

If you really want to give away the dragon egg, Su You's first choice is indeed the elves, not the mermaids. After all, the mermaids themselves have many troubles, and the mermaids are in the sea and have a long journey, so they are definitely not as good as the elves. It's convenient to just open a portal.

But she couldn't say that, so Su You racked her brains to think of words to explain, and then ended the conversation in a hurry.

Before she could relax, Suyou received another message from Anita.

"Suyou, the orcs invited the elves to investigate the missing cubs together. Do you want to go together?"

"Go!" Su You agreed without hesitation.

Su You had long thought that she would go to the four major races sooner or later, but the Dragon Clan could not be contacted, and something happened to the Orc Clan, so she never had the chance.

If possible, what Su You wants to go to most right now is definitely the Dragon Clan, because she knows the most information about the Dragon Clan, and there is also a dragon egg. If she solves it as soon as possible, she can send the dragon egg home as soon as possible.

But judging from the current situation, it is obvious that there is no such opportunity, so she can only solve them one by one first.

"In this case, you should hurry up and prepare. I should arrive at your territory early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, can I bring someone with me? How many people can I bring? Is there anything I need to pay attention to?" Su You heard the urgency in her words, so she quickly asked a bunch of important questions.

"You can bring people, but not too many. After all, the orcs are quite sensitive after this happened. I will dress you up as elves when the time comes." Anita explained what they should pay attention to when the time comes, roughly speaking: They need to go to the orcs disguised as elves, not as humans, and they must be careful not to be exposed, otherwise they will be in big trouble.

"Okay, I understand." Suyou took note of Anita's instructions carefully and was not impatient. Because she also knew that it was not easy for Anita to bring them into the orc tribe. In normal times, even without Anita's help, Su You could enter as long as she could get in touch with the orc tribe. Orcs.

But now the situation of the orcs is tense. After losing their cubs, they look like everyone has bad intentions. If they find out that the elves have brought humans into the orcs at this time, they will definitely suspect that the elves also have problems.

In order to be able to operate smoothly among the orcs and not to implicate the elves, Su You led few people in this operation.

Although Anita said she could bring a dozen people, Suyou only brought seven people this time, including herself, and only eight.

Duo Ya, Lyle, Vivian, Lilith (animal tamer), Di Luo, An Luo (wood magician), Ning Shi.

Among these people, except Ning Shi, they are all from the territory, and they are also the people Su You trusts the most.

Although Di Luo and An Luo are both new to the territory, the former has already followed her on many missions. Although An Luo has never been out, his contribution to the farm cannot be ignored.

The orcs live in the forest, and the forest belongs to wood. This is the fundamental reason why Su You brought An Luo.

Moreover, An Luo's loyalty value has reached full value, which is why Su You can safely take him with him.

As for Ning Shi, Su You was not planning to take her, but I don't know if it was a coincidence or not. Just two days ago, Ning Shi suddenly joined the territory quietly.

When she discovered this, she was shocked, and what followed was joy.

After all, Ning Shi's strength goes without saying, and she has participated in so many operations in the territory. She also has a tacit understanding with the territory and has various qualities required to perform tasks.

Therefore, after knowing that Ning Shi was one of his own, Su You did not hesitate to add Ning Shi to the list of troublemakers... no, the task list.

Because Anita was coming tomorrow and time was very urgent, Suyou held a meeting overnight to prepare things and inform her of precautions.

Each of the eight people was issued a third-level space bag. The various materials in the space bag were fully prepared. Everything was ready, waiting for Anita to pick them up.


Early the next morning, Su You led people to wait at the City Lord's Mansion.

Around eight o'clock in the morning, two special guests came to Suyou City's main residence.

"Lord Su, we are here to meet you as instructed by Her Royal Highness the Princess." Anita did not come. She arranged for two elves to take them.

"I am Miffy and she is Michelle." Miffy introduced herself and then took out a bunch of things.

"This is the face-disguising medicine, this is the voice-changing medicine." Miffy counted the number of people, then took out the corresponding number of medicines and distributed them one by one.

"It's like this. The elves and humans are different in appearance and body shape. In order to conceal your identity, this time you all go to the orcs as elves. In order to prevent exposure, this is what Her Royal Highness has prepared for everyone. camouflage props.”

Su You nodded and said he understood.

In fact, she had doubts before. Anita said that they should go to the orcs as elves, but the elves are blessed with unique looks, and even their voices have a unique charm.

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