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Chapter 856 Chapter 856 Green Stone

Chapter 856 856. Green Stone

Although their voices are not as good as those of the mermaids, they are not comparable to those of ordinary humans either.

Since he is disguised as an elf, his appearance is the most superficial, so naturally no one can find fault with him.

Miffy explained the functions and precautions of these medicines, and then she and Michelle gave a demonstration.

After a lot of trouble, ten people...eight people, two elves, the whole thing changed drastically.

After taking the drug, their appearance gradually changed, but they could still vaguely see the shadow of their past. The drug did not directly turn them into another person, but slightly changed the position of their facial features, the depth of their skin color, and even Also changed the color of the pupils.

As for the voices, the changes are not big. Some voices have become deeper, some have become childish, and some have become clear.

"You also want to go to the orc tribe like this?" Su You made a reasonable guess as he looked at the two elves who had transformed from peerless beauties into Xiaojiabiyu.

"Yes." Miffy nodded: "Otherwise, wouldn't it be weird if you were the only ones changing?"

It's strange that some people have changed and some people have not. But if everyone has changed, the orcs won't be able to tell the difference.

As for whether the orcs would suspect the reason why the elves did this, this is not a question for Suyou and the others to consider. Since Anita has arranged this, it means that the elves and the orcs have already negotiated on this matter.

The elves have given suitable reasons for the orcs to accept their transformation into the orcs.

"Let's go when everything is ready." After confirming that there was no problem, Miffy glanced at Michelle next to her.

Mi Xue, who had been silent throughout the whole process, waved her hand, and a portal appeared in front of everyone. Mi Fei and Mi Xue walked in front of each other, and Su You and others stood in the middle and walked in.

The other end of the portal is not the orcs, but a place very close to the orcs. After all, Michelle cannot open the portal in someone else's home, and of course, it cannot be opened too close to the orcs.

"It takes about half an hour to get to the orcs from here." The half hour here is not the normal movement speed of humans, but calculated based on the movement speed of the elves.

The elves have wings, and their wings are not just for decoration, but they can really fly.

"This medicine can give you our flying ability for a short period of time." Miffy took out another pile of medicine. After everyone drank it and learned to control the wings, Miffy flew the fastest in front and was responsible for leading the way. Michelle Xuefei Responsible for watching over them at the end to prevent anyone from falling behind.

Miffy's estimated time was accurate. Within half an hour, they saw many half-humans and half-animals with ears and tails, or palms with beast claws.

Although orcs can maintain a full beast form or a full human form, the human form facilitates their movement, and the beast form facilitates their fighting. In order to easily switch between the two forms at any time, they generally maintain half human and half beast when there are no outsiders. look.

Baicao would usually let out its ears and tail when a rabbit was in the herbal garden. Suyou saw it once by chance, and only after asking about it did she understand the reason.

"Who are they!" These orcs saw their arrival and looked at them unkindly.

But when they got closer and saw the wings behind them, the orcs were stunned for a moment, and then quickly changed their faces. "Are you all distinguished guests from the elves?" An orc came forward politely and asked, not at all arrogant like before.

Miffy and Michelle obviously didn't like their previous attitude very much, but after all, it was someone else's territory, and their attitude had changed now. They wouldn't hold on to it, but their attitude was also a lot colder.

"We are following His Highness to help investigate the disappearance of the cubs." Miffy's tone was cold, not at all the gentle look she had in front of Su You and the others.

Judging from the tail and ears, the orc in front of him should be a jackal.

The jackal orc heard the coldness in Miffy's tone, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, but his face remained polite and respectful.

"I need to verify your identity." As he said that, the jackal orc took out a green stone.

Naturally, Suyou and the others didn't know what this stone was, but Miffy and Michelle did.

Miffy's face instantly became very ugly. Although Michelle's mood swings were not great, there was a trace of anger in her eyes.

Michelle waved her hand without hesitation and knocked away the jackal orc in front of her. Miffy also calmly scolded the opponent and informed Suyou and the others of the function of the stone.

"Green Stone? How can you, an ordinary orc, own this thing?" Miffy sneered, then took the Green Stone from the Jackal Orc's hand, and then continued to scold: "I'm here to assist you orcs, I am not here to be questioned and humiliated by you. Even if your clan leader is standing here, you are not qualified to ask us to test your blood to prove yourself. How can you, a mere little orc, have the courage?"

Su You and the others also looked angry, but they already understood the situation in their hearts.

This green stone can prove the identity of the elf, and the way of proof is a drop of blood.

Suyou and the others just took medicine to change their appearance and voice. The blood was definitely not elf blood, so as long as it was verified, there would definitely be a problem.

However, Miffy and Michelle have a very tough attitude, so they definitely cannot and cannot do blood tests.

But having said that, Su You also felt that there was something wrong with the jackal orc.

Although Miffy was so tough to get him to give up the idea of ​​taking a blood test, even if Suyou and the others were really elves and not pretending, Miffy would definitely not do a blood test.

Because the elves are guests, and they are guests invited by the orcs to help, so there is no reason to let the guests bleed?
Although it is to verify identity, there are so many ways to verify identity, why do you have to use this most stupid and most disrespectful method?

I'm afraid it won't be that easy to let go of today's matter. At best, this jackal orc is worried about the affairs of his clan, and has a direct and simple personality. At worst, he is deliberately trying to sow discord between the two tribes and doesn't take the elves seriously. .

"This... don't go too far!" Michelle was merciless just now, so the jackal orc was seriously injured. Seeing him vomiting blood and whimpering while talking, the other orcs were also a little angry.

As early as when they first discovered their arrival, some orcs had already gone back to report, but no one knew that the situation would develop into what it is now, so when the orcs who went to report came with the elders of the orc clan, they were all stunned. .

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