Chapter 858 858. Passing Order

If the jackal orc dies before the spring water is provided, Anita will be dissatisfied but has no choice, because it is reasonable.

But once the spring water is given, the jackal orcs will die.

Elder Xiong naturally understood, so he asked people to stop when he received the spring water, and then walked up to the jackal orc himself and drank the spring water for him.

"Please, Your Highness and all the distinguished guests of the Elf Tribe, follow me to rest in the Orc Tribe." Elder Xiong threw away the empty bottle, then turned around and invited Anita and other elves to enter the Orc Tribe.

As of now, this matter has come to an end for the time being, so Anita does not continue to be in trouble.

The group of people walked into the orc tribe in a mighty manner, and many orcs on the road cast curious glances at them.

Because their eyes were mostly focused on Anita, the leader, Suyou and the others were not under much pressure.

"This is the residence prepared by the orcs for all distinguished guests." Elder Xiong took them to a very flat and spacious place.

The orc tribe is somewhat similar to a primitive tribe, with vegetation, flowers, trees and everything everywhere.

They will only clear a piece of open space where they need to build, and then build the houses they live in on the open space. The materials for the houses are naturally taken from plants in the forest, and they are all wooden houses.

Although it is a wooden house, it has a unique flavor because it is neatly built and decorated with plants inside and outside. In addition, it is located in a forest and has an excellent environment.

"Your Highness, do you want to rest now, or do you have other plans?" asked Elder Xiong.

Anita thought for a moment, then said: "Since I am here to help find the cubs on behalf of the elves, there is no reason to waste time and rest."

"A few of you will stay and settle down, a few of you will follow me, and the rest will be free to move around within the clan." Anita did not hesitate and directly arranged their respective tasks for everyone.

During this period, she didn't even look at Suyou and the others, as if they were really just one of the elves, nothing special.

After she made the arrangements, she turned to Elder Xiong and said, "Do you have a clan pass certificate?"

Elder Xiong took out many paw print-shaped tokens without hesitation. In addition to the paw print-shaped tokens, there were five text tokens.

Anita did not ask about the difference between the two tokens, nor did she take the tokens. Miffy was responsible for issuing the tokens.

Whether it was intentional or not, four of the text tokens were in the hands of Su You and others, and only one was taken away by Michelle.

After the tokens were distributed, Anita left with several elves and Elder Xiong. Three of the remaining elves followed Anita's instructions to stay and settle down. The other elves dispersed with the tokens, and Suyou and the others also He was taken to a corner by Miffy and Michelle.

"It's not appropriate to say too much in the Orc tribe. I'll just briefly introduce the situation." Miffy took out her paw print token and shook it: "There are many elders in the Orc tribe, and there are two types of pass tokens in the tribe. One is One is the elder’s pass, and the other is the public pass.”

"The elders' pass is unobstructed within the jurisdiction of the elders, and the public pass is unobstructed in all places except forbidden areas." Obviously, the elders' pass that Elder Xiong took out in large numbers was the one in the shape of a paw print. Carefully It looked like it was a bear claw.

The bear paw print represents the elder bear. Any orc of the bear tribe will be polite to him when he sees it. Moreover, in the area under the jurisdiction of the elder bear, they are very free.

Of course, the Elder Pass Order can occasionally be used in other areas. It mainly depends on whether the orcs in this area will give Elder Bear face. There are dozens of elders in the orc tribe. Almost every race has an elder. With more people, there will naturally be cliques. The areas under the jurisdiction of other elders who have good relations with Elder Xiong will naturally also be affected. Elder Xiong saves face, and tokens can also be used.

The text token is a public pass, and its function is the same as the bear claw token, except that the scope of effect is expanded to the entire orc clan.

Because the authority is very large, the number on each elder's hand is not large. Elder Xiong can come up with five, which is considered very good. After all, he does not need a public pass, but the orcs under him always need it.

Miffy obviously gave all four public passes to Su You and the others on purpose. As for Michelle, she left one because she would also follow Su You and the others.

Su You has now seen that Michelle's fighting ability is definitely considered strong among the elves, otherwise she would not take action in every battle-related matter.

And Michelle's mission on this trip is also very clear, which is to protect Su You and his group.

As for Miffy, she is only responsible for taking them to understand the situation. She will have other important things to do by then.

"The situation in the orc tribe is roughly the same. Su... Suyou, do you have any questions?" Considering that she is in the orc tribe now, Miffy stopped calling her 'Lord Su'.

Su You also understood, so she didn't care. After thinking for a moment, she asked a few questions.

"Do you know which elders are friends with Elder Xiong?"

"Elder Xiong has a good reputation among the orcs. Many elders are openly friends with him, and most of the orcs will give him face. Among them, Elder Rabbit and Elder Monkey have a very good relationship with him."

"It should be noted that the Leopard Clan and the Bear Clan had conflicts. Although it is in the past, it is best to stay away from the Leopard Clan."

Su You nodded a few times, already understanding why Anita chose Elder Xiong as a stepping stone.

Regardless of whether this elder bear is a really good person or a hypocritical villain, as long as he has a good reputation on the outside, the paw print token authority in their hands will be much easier to use than ordinary elder tokens.

And when getting along with this kind of person, if the other person is a really good person, they don't need to worry too much. If they are a hypocritical villain, then the other person will be limited in everything because they need to worry about their reputation.

"Do you know which tribe the four missing cubs are from?" Because she didn't know much about the orcs before, she had always regarded the orcs as a whole.

But when she came to the orc tribe and found that they had obvious group distinctions, she easily thought that the identities of those cubs must be important information.

"This is actually an extremely important clue, but so far, I only know that one cub is from the monkey tribe, and the identities of the other three cubs, especially the genius, are unknown."

After all, Miffy had just arrived here, so it was normal not to know.

Anita should know more information, but she is obviously very busy, so she can only ask later.

Although it was a pity not to know more information, Su You had already figured out the general idea of ​​​​investigation-first go to the monkey tribe, and then to the rabbit tribe.

The former is because the cubs were harmed and has more clues, while the latter is because of Baicao.

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