Chapter 859 859. Monkey Clan
Before she knew she could come to the orc tribe, she went to Baicao to understand the situation, and was entrusted by Baicao to send something to her parents.

These two races happen to be the races that the Bear Clan is obviously on good terms with, so their movements will be more convenient.

"How many days can we stay here?" Having an idea is not enough. Su You also needs to know the time so that he can make plans.

Miffy thought for a while and said: "Logically speaking, we should stay until the matter is resolved, but if there is no follow-up, we will return in a month at most. If there are obvious traceable clues, we will continue to stay." , but no more than three months.”

Considering that Suyou is the lord of a city after all, Miffy added: "Of course, if you want to leave early, that's okay."

One month is a long time.

You must know that the mermaid clan's affairs only lasted a week from the beginning to the end, and the orc clan's affairs would not quadruple the time no matter how difficult they were.

With time, Su You breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she could return early.

She asked a few more questions, then got the orc map from Miffy, and watched Miffy leave.

"Michelle, do you have any plans?" Su You turned to look at the cold elf who stayed beside them.

Michelle shook her head: "The task given to me by His Highness is to protect you."

Su You nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

She looked down at the map, found the location of the monkey clan, and immediately got up and set off.

The location of the monkey tribe is about more than an hour away from their current location, but the orc tribe also has its own means of transportation. The means of transportation here is a beast similar to a horse, which is specially tamed by the orc tribe. Used for traveling.

With the token, they successfully obtained the nine horse horned beasts, and then it took them only half an hour to arrive outside the monkey clan area.

"Which tribe are you orcs? Why are you here with the monkey tribe?"

"We are from the elves, and we were invited to help the orcs investigate the missing cubs." Miffy, who was in charge of the negotiations before, is not here now, and Michelle is a quiet person who is only responsible for fighting, so now the person negotiating has changed. Became Su You.

Suyou took out the public token herself, and others also took out the public/bear claw tokens.

After seeing the token, the monkey tribe's orc's eyes lit up, and the expression on his face became much gentler.

"It turns out that we are distinguished guests from the elves. Thank you very much for your willingness to help us!" The monkey orcs stepped forward enthusiastically and welcomed them in.

This is just a guard point outside Monkey Mountain. It is still seven or eight minutes away from Monkey Mountain where the real monkey tribe lives.

Suyou led the horned beast, followed the monkey tribe beastmen, and asked about the situation of the monkey tribe.

"I heard that one of the missing cubs this time is a monkey cub?"

Hearing these words, the monkey tribe orc froze and looked a little sad: "Yes, that is the most talented cub of our monkey tribe in the past thirty years!"

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Su You comforted him and continued to ask, "Can you take us to meet this cub's relatives?" The monkey tribe orc hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not refuse, but he did not immediately refuse. agree.

"Yes, yes, but I have to take you to see Elder Monkey first."

"I should." Su You smiled and continued: "Originally, I really wanted to visit the monkey elder first, but when I was on the way, I heard that the monkey elder was not in the clan, so I thought of going to the place where the cub was lost first. Let’s visit the family.”

The monkey orcs saw that Suyou spoke in an orderly and polite manner, and their favorable impression immediately increased.

"Elder Monkey has just come back from outside." The implication is that Elder Monkey was indeed not in the clan just now, but he just happened to be back when they came.

Suyou originally wanted to ask the monkey orc if he knew which races the four lost cubs belonged to, but thinking that she was about to meet the monkey elder, she asked the monkey elder the same thing.

What's more, this monkey orc may not know the situation.

Elder Monkey is a tall and thin man. He looks much younger than Elder Xiong. He is full of energy and high-spirited. Only a trace of tiredness between his eyebrows can tell that he must not be having a good time these days.

"Elder Monkey, these are distinguished guests from the elves." The orcs from the monkey tribe made a few dexterous jumps and came to the front of the monkey elder. He introduced the situation in a few words, and then stepped aside and said nothing.

"Thank you to the elves for your help!" Elder Monkey steeled himself and showed a smile, but this smile did not look very happy.

Su You knew that this was not directed at her, so she didn't pay attention and went directly to the topic.

"Every extra day the time drags on, the more likely it is that those cubs will be found and in danger. So I won't talk about useless things. I would like to ask the monkey elder if he knows who the other three missing cubs are. Which clan?"

Elder Monkey was still immersed in sadness, but now he suddenly heard Su You's direct and unobtrusive words, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then, he put aside other emotions in his heart and seriously told everything he knew.

"I only know that there are two cubs from the Ox Clan and the Leopard Clan. As for the one with the best talent... because he claimed to have average talent at the beginning, no one paid attention to it. At present, it should be except for the clan leader and his own clan. Except for the elders, no other orcs know his identity."

Ox tribe, leopard tribe...

Thinking of the bad relationship between the Leopard Clan and the Bear Clan, Su You had a headache.

However, this was temporarily forgotten by her, and she must still study the monkey clan's affairs first.

"Does the monkey elder know the specific situation of the ancestral tempering that day? For example, when did you go in? What was the order in which you went in? How long did the cubs stay inside? How did you find that the cubs were missing after you came out? Did you find any clues?”

Su You asked a series of questions. Elder Monkey did not feel impatient, but was moved by Su You's serious and detailed attitude.

Even Su You, an outsider, was so concerned about the disappearance of the cub. As an elder of the victim's clan, Elder Monkey would naturally not care.

"The situation that day was like this. There were twenty-one cubs in total. In order to avoid confusion, they were divided into four groups and went in one after another. Except for the fourth group which had six cubs, the first three groups all had five cubs. ”

"The orc clan has a unified time for rejuvenation and tempering. It is noon (twelve o'clock). The cubs will wait outside the forbidden area with the elders and clan leaders in advance. When the time is up, the clan leader will lead the cubs into the forbidden area. , after the cubs’ training is arranged, the clan leader will come out.”

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