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Chapter 860 Chapter 860 Tempering Process

Chapter 860 Chapter 860. Tempering process
"The longer the tempering time, the better. In the past, the average cub could temper in the forbidden area for one and a half hours, but among these cubs this year, even the shortest tempering time lasted two hours!"

Elder Monkey was undoubtedly very proud when he said this, but Su You felt his heart pounding when he heard it.

The average score of one and a half hours has become the lowest score of two hours. This improvement is not just a small improvement!

If it is the one with the best performance who has made such a big improvement, then it is still possible. After all, there is a peerless genius among this year's cubs!
The average score of others is one and a half hours, so no one would think it strange if he stayed in there for three hours!
Elder Monkey didn't notice anything wrong with Su You, and he continued: "I remember clearly that five cubs came out in two hours, and another ten minutes later, three cubs came out, and everything happened after that. Two or three cubs would come out every ten minutes until three hours after they went in..."

"Because cubs were coming out one after another, it had been three hours, and there were still four cubs that hadn't come out. No one suspected it at first. It wasn't until half an hour passed and there was no movement that someone expressed concern. , but because it is very important to temper and return to the ancestors, no one can disturb it, so we all decided to wait. "

The reason why they decided to wait was that they did not want to disturb the tempering of the cubs inside, and the other reason was that they all felt that the forbidden area was the safest place for the entire orc tribe, and they did not think anything would happen to the cubs there. So they waited another half hour.

"It's been three and a half hours, but none of the four best cubs have come out. Everyone was worried but afraid of being disturbed, so in the end only the clan leader came in to check the situation."

After the clan leader entered, he thought he could see four cubs being tempered, but he didn't expect that there was no one in the forbidden area!
The person who can take the position of the leader of the orc clan is definitely not stupid. He did not take any chances, but keenly realized that there was a problem, so he immediately went out to inform the elders, and then a group of elders entered the forbidden area to look for the cubs. As for that The seventeen cubs that did not have any accidents were strictly protected by their respective races.

"That's probably how the whole thing happened..." After Elder Monkey said all this, he seemed to have aged dozens of years.

Su You still has a good impression of this monkey elder. At least for now, it seems that he is indeed a very responsible elder who also cares about the younger generation.

Regardless of whether his concern here is for the entire monkey clan, or simply for the missing monkey baby, his efforts are real.

"Elder Monkey, please calm down first. I have a few questions to ask you." Although the entire process of tempering and returning to the ancestors just described by Elder Monkey is very normal and there is no problem, but now that it has happened, then This shows that behind this seemingly normal situation, there must be a big flaw!
"You can ask... As long as we can get that child back, you can ask anything!" The monkey elder sat on the chair that the monkey tribe orc had moved over before, and the look of exhaustion on his face became even stronger.

"Elder Monkey, is there a direct connection between the tempering time of these cubs and the number of beast-marked fruits they eat?"

The monkey elder frowned and thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "There is some connection. In the past, when the orcs were weak, they did not specially select suitable cubs to enter the forbidden area for tempering. Instead, all the cubs were tempered at once. Chances are, if I remember correctly, as long as the cub could eat a beast-marked fruit, it could withstand half an hour of tempering."

"Those who can eat two beast-marked fruits can basically withstand an hour of tempering. Three can last for an hour and a half..."

After hearing what Elder Monkey said, Su You almost knew what was going on.

Why is it said that the cubs of the orc tribe could stay in the forbidden area for an average of one and a half hours in the past?

Because those who can enter the forbidden area to temper, the worst they can do is eat two half-animal pattern fruits. According to the algorithm of the monkey elder, they can stay there for more than an hour at worst.

There are basically a few excellent cubs every year. Some can eat more than three, and some can eat four. The average time is indeed one and a half hours. "Elder Monkey, don't you think there is something wrong with the tempering time of the cubs this year?"

"According to you, if you don't count the four lost cubs, the average tempering time of these cubs this year has reached two and a half hours. In the past, it would have taken four or even five Only the cubs of the beast pattern fruit can withstand such a long period of tempering!" This length of tempering was obviously the huge problem that Su You discovered first.

"This..." Elder Monkey thought for a moment and felt that what Su You said made sense.

Although they would like to see more cubs being able to temper in the forbidden area for a long time, he must also admit that there is a problem with time here.

Su You saw Elder Monkey frowning and not speaking, so she didn't wait for him, but expressed her thoughts.

"Elder Monkey, do you think it's possible that some cubs finished their tempering, but did not come out of the forbidden area immediately, but stayed in the forbidden area for some time?"

Elder Monkey immediately rejected it: "Impossible!"

Su You originally just expressed her guess, but when she saw Elder Monkey being so sure, she couldn't help but ask the reason.

"Why is Elder Monkey so sure?"

Elder Monkey: "Although those cubs are tempering for the first time, before they temper, whether it is the elder of their clan or the clan leader, they will come out immediately after the tempering is completed to avoid affecting the tempering of other cubs. ”

"Most of the cubs are obedient, so it is basically impossible for them to stay inside after the tempering is completed."

"Of course, there may be a few cubs that are naughty, but the forbidden area is not something you can stay if you want. There is pressure from the beast god in the forbidden area. No matter who enters the forbidden area, they will feel tremendous pressure. When tempered, the pressure will be slightly reduced. Once the tempering is over and the pressure is restored, if the cub does not come out as soon as possible, not to mention losing his life, it will be extremely uncomfortable. "

Suyou understood.

To put it bluntly, it is basically impossible to stay in the forbidden area, so these cubs actually stayed there for two or even three hours.

"Is there any other exit from the forbidden area?"

Elder Monkey hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Actually, we shouldn't say much about the forbidden area to outsiders, but you are distinguished guests of the elves, and such a big thing happened this time, so I won't hide it. The forbidden area There is only one exit in total, and we are all waiting at the exit while the cubs are tempering.”

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