Chapter 861 861. Cub Wheat
Su You raised an eyebrow: "In that case, there is only one exit, and you watched the cubs enter the forbidden area and did not see them come out. Doesn't that mean they are still in the forbidden area?"

Elder Monkey sighed: "That should indeed be the case, but we really didn't find them..."

The only exit was guarded and it was impossible for them to get in or out, which only meant that the four cubs were still inside.

But now several days have passed since the tempering accident, and the forbidden area has been turned upside down, but they still found nothing. Even if they think it is impossible, they can only think that the cub was taken away by someone. .

"On the way to the orc tribe, I saw that many beasts were very panicked. Elder Monkey, do you know why?" What Su You said was actually the news he got from Black Snake, that is, the orc tribe was angry with the surrounding beasts because of the loss of their cubs. Then there was the killing spree.

When she first heard Black Snake say this, she felt that the behavior of the orcs was quite strange.

And judging from the orcs she saw when she came to the orc tribe, Elder Xiong was a good old man, and Elder Monkey was also a kind old man. Although she didn't know much about other tribes, the monkey tribe, one of the victimized races, was definitely not Able to create a violent image that would rather kill by mistake than let go.

"The beasts around are panicking?" Elder Monkey was a little confused and looked unaware: "I've been looking for clues these past few days, and I don't know anything about other things around me."

Suyou thought as expected.

The mass killing had nothing to do with the monkey clan.

Since it has nothing to do with the monkey clan, it is most likely related to the other three races that lost their cubs.

The other two races she knew of that had lost their cubs were the Ox Tribe and the Leopard Tribe. For some reason, she seriously suspected that this matter had something to do with the Leopard Tribe.

Since Elder Monkey didn't know, Suyou wasn't going to say anything more. After all, Elder Monkey himself didn't seem to care. What he cared about most now was only clues about the cubs.

Su You asked a few more questions. Seeing that she had almost asked all the questions, Su You proposed that she wanted to contact the relatives of the missing cub.

The monkey elder nodded tiredly, and then called to the monkey orc who had led them before, asking him to continue to lead them as a 'guide'.

On the way, Su You asked about the situation of the cub's family. The monkey orc thought for a moment and said, "The cub's name is Mai Wheat. His father is Mai Ti and his mother is Mina. Mai Mai also has an older brother, Damai."

Su You: "..." Very good, easy to remember.

After learning about the Mai family, they came to a tree house.

The monkey orc came forward and knocked on the door, and then the door was opened. The person who opened the door was a female orc with a sad face.

Needless to say, this should be Mai Na’s mother.

"Maina, these are distinguished guests from the elves. They were invited by the clan leader to find cubs for us." The orcs from the monkey tribe introduced Suyou's identities to Maina. After listening to his words, Maina showed no trace of emotion on his face. Although there were many happy expressions, there was still a dead silence.

Although the monkey orc could understand the sadness of this family losing their child, after all, there were distinguished guests, so he was about to give a warning, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Su You.

"Hello Maina, I would like to know about your child, Mai Na. If there are enough clues, I believe we can find your child quickly." Maina's expression changed after hearing Su You talk about finding the child. Finally something moved.

"Thank you, please forgive my rudeness, come in and sit down." Maina gave up his seat and let them in.

Su You turned back and glanced at the others. In the end, only Su You, Duoya and An Luo went in. The other five people and Michelle went to other places in the Monkey Clan to inquire about information according to Su You's previous arrangement.

Otherwise, if they had been following Su You, the efficiency would obviously be too slow.

After entering the room, the monkey orcs found a corner to sit down as a background as before. They had no intention of leaving, but they had no intention of disturbing them.

Suyou and the other two sat on a row of wooden chairs, while Maina poured them drinks and sat across from them.

"Do you have any information about Xiaomai? Is he okay?" Maina was in poor condition, with a tired look on his face, obvious dark circles under his eyes, and the exposed animal-shaped hair had lost its luster and was yellow and dry.

These are enough to show how painful this female orc was after losing her child...I am afraid that she is heartbroken and can't sleep all night.

"I'm sorry, we don't have information about the cubs at the moment, but I believe we will find them soon." After Su You said this, she took control of the topic in her own hands and did not let it go. The rhythm is carried away by Maina's sadness.

"Maina, do you know which cubs Xiaomai has a good relationship with? In other words, do you know that among the cubs that were brought to the forbidden area for tempering, do you have good friends with Xiaomai?"

Maina was in a daze. After Su You reminded her twice, she came back to her senses: "Mai Xiao is a very cheerful child. He has many friends in the tribe, but he doesn't have many interactions with cubs from other tribes. If I haven't remembered, Wrong, he is the only child in the Monkey Clan who is qualified for tempering this year.”

Su You quickly understood the meaning of this sentence.

Xiaomai has many playmates from the monkey tribe, but no friends from other tribes. This time, he is the only child of the monkey tribe in Tempering, so he and the other twenty cubs are not familiar with each other.

She wrote down this information, and then continued to ask: "Then do you know if there is any difference in the wheat before and after the tempering day?"

"Different places?" Maina didn't understand the meaning of Su You's words.

"It's about his words and deeds. Are there any differences from the past? For example, his mood suddenly changed, he made actions he wouldn't normally do, or he has something to hide from you." Su You explained carefully.

Maina's eyes lit up and he nodded without hesitation: "Yes, yes!"

"Don't get excited and speak slowly." Su You just asked casually and didn't expect to get any clues. After all, in her opinion, this was a relatively simple clue. The matter shouldn't be that simple, but the result was beyond her. unexpected.

Maina calmed down, but spoke quickly: "During the first two days of Xiaomai's training, he was very silent. Obviously he is usually very lively, but he didn't talk much in those two days, and several of his playmates also came to ask questions. Why don’t I, Maimai, play with them anymore..."

Speaking of this, Maina suddenly covered his face and cried: "I... We all thought that Xiaomai might be tempered soon. He was very nervous, so he didn't take it to heart... Is it, is it because of us? He was negligent and did not take care of his emotions, so..."

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