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Chapter 862 Chapter 862 Axiang

Chapter 862 862. Axiang
Su You always felt that this was not the case.

The disappearance of the cub must be the work of an outsider, and it must have nothing to do with the cub itself. Even if it is related, they must have been induced to do something without knowing it...



Suyou's heart skipped a beat. While comforting Maina, she asked her about the names and addresses of Xiaomai's monkey playmates.

Originally, she wanted to ask more questions, but seeing that Maina's mood had completely collapsed, Su You had no choice but to leave first.

Before leaving, Maina still held Suyou tightly, her eyes full of expectation.

"Don't worry, Xiaomai will be fine, and we will definitely find Xiaomai."

After closing the door, Su You breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and then she asked the monkey tribe orcs to take them to find some of Xiaomai's friends who were playing well.

On weekdays, these children of the monkey tribe will play everywhere in the entire tribe. After all, they are monkeys, and it can be seen that they have the ability to jump up and down.

But since the incident with the cubs such as Xiaomai, even though they knew that this incident was aimed at the highly talented cubs of the orc tribe, during this period, all the cubs of the orc tribe were closely watched by their relatives.

Let alone playing around, they don't even have a chance to go out.

But this is good, because it makes it easier for Su You and the others to find someone. Otherwise, if the children usually run around all over the map, Su You and the others may not be able to find someone all day long.

Su You visited several houses in a row, and the attitude of these monkey orcs was very good. After all, Xiaomai was also their child's friend, and in their eyes, he was half their own child.

Now that Mai is missing, they feel uncomfortable.

When they knew that Su You was from the Elf tribe and she was here to help find the cubs, they all cooperated and found their children and asked them to answer several of Su You's questions.

But unfortunately, the answers given by the first few cubs were useless. It was not until the fifth house that Su You asked for some useful clues.

This cub is called Axiang, and she is a somewhat timid female cub.

When Suyou asked her if she felt that Xiaomai was in a bad mood before disappearing, she nodded hesitantly.

Su You had asked this question at the previous four houses, but those cubs either nodded directly or shook their heads. This was the first one to show such obvious hesitation like A Xiang.

Suyou felt that Axiang must know something.

"You noticed that Xiaomai was in a bad mood. Do you still know why he was in a bad mood?" Su You asked gently. For fear of scaring the child, she also handed a few candies to Axiang.

Axiang ate a piece of candy with her parents' permission. The sweet taste soothed her nervousness, and the memories that had been almost forgotten revived again.

"Well, Mai has been unhappy in those days. I want to ask him why he is unhappy..." Axiang frowned and thought for a while, then continued: "Mai said he was scared and afraid of being embarrassed."

Afraid of embarrassment?
What expansion is this?

Not to mention Suyou, even Axiang's parents who were watching were a little confused.

Axiang's father was afraid that Axiang's nonsense would affect his search for Mai, so he squatted down and touched Axiang's head: "Axiang, please don't talk nonsense. Wheat is one of the cubs in this year's batch of our monkey tribe. The most powerful one, how could he be embarrassed?" On the contrary, Xiaomai has greatly embarrassed the Monkey Clan!
Didn't you notice that there are no races next door that are qualified to temper cubs? During this period, the right to speak has become lighter, and even the allocation of resources has been much reduced?
Axiang pursed her lips nervously, and Su You quickly reassured her: "It's okay, Axiang can tell you whatever you know. I believe everything you say is true."

Axiang looked at the elder sister who had always been gentle and would give her sweets, and finally plucked up the courage to say loudly: "I didn't talk nonsense, this is what Xiaomai said!"

"Wheat said that if he doesn't perform well during tempering, he will lose face to the Monkey Clan, so he must perform well during tempering and not embarrass the Monkey Clan!"

Clues, isn’t this coming?
Su You narrowed her eyes, still praising and stroking Axiang with a gentle expression on her face, but she had already begun to speculate in her heart.

Xiaomai is just a little cub. According to human age, he is only four or five years old. How can he understand whether to behave or not, whether to be embarrassed or not, and whether to lose face?
Therefore, someone must have said this in front of Xiaomai, which is why Xiaomai became depressed due to pressure.

"This..." Axiang's parents obviously noticed something was wrong.

They looked at Su You hesitantly, with some uneasiness on their faces.

"Don't worry, Axiang is very good. She has been a big help. Can I ask her a few more questions?" Su You felt that this little orc named Axiang must be an important role.

In fact, she just asked casually. Regardless of whether Axiang's parents agreed or not, she would definitely ask more questions.

However, there is no reason for them to disagree.

"Okay, okay, it would be great if you could help!"

Suyou nodded, and then continued to maintain her previous gentle demeanor and asked Axiang a few more questions.

"Axiang, do you know when Xiaomai became unhappy?"

Axiang counted the time with her fingers: "It should be three days before the wheat disappeared."

That is to say, three days before the tempering started, someone with ill intentions had already come into contact with Wheat and said certain words to Wheat, which caused him to feel depressed and doubled his pressure.

"Then three days ago, did you know whether Xiaomai had left the monkey clan?" Three days ago, when Xiaomai had not yet come into contact with the bad guys, Su You wanted to know where he came into contact with the bad guys.

Axiang shook her head decisively: "No, we usually don't leave the monkey clan because everyone will be worried."

Since he didn't go out, it means that the other party has sneaked into the monkey clan.

Suyou asked a few more detailed questions, but unfortunately Axiang didn't know them.

But no matter what, this child has provided a very important clue, and there is a high probability that this is a clue that the elders of the monkey clan, and possibly even other elders and clan leaders, do not know.

After leaving Axiang's house, Suyou asked the monkey orcs to lead the way, and they went to find the monkey elder.

After telling Elder Monkey about wheat being put under pressure, Suyou started observing Elder Monkey.

The monkey elder showed an expression of disbelief at first, and then became very angry, with a bit of heartache in his anger.

The anger was obviously directed at the person with ill intentions, while the distress was for Mai Xiao, who suddenly had to bear so much pressure inexplicably at a young age, and now disappeared inexplicably, and his life or death was even uncertain.

"Thank you very much... If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even know that the child has endured so much..."

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