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Chapter 863 863 Rabbit Clan Spiritual Medicine Garden

Chapter 863 863. Rabbit Clan Spiritual Medicine Garden

Elder Monkey choked up a little when he said this.

Elder Monkey's true feelings did not seem to be fake. Su You could now basically confirm that Elder Monkey was indeed a very good elder.

He regarded all the monkey tribe orcs as his own children, that's why he was so sad after Xiaomai disappeared, as if he was losing his own children.

But there is nothing wrong with saying that, because Suyou has already learned from the orc of the monkey tribe who is responsible for leading the way that the monkey elder has not married and had children. The other people in the monkey tribe respect him because he really does what he does. When it came to thinking about his people, he spent all his life on developing the monkey clan.

Since he has no children, all the monkey people are his children.

"Elder Monkey, don't be sad now, we haven't found the wheat yet."

"That's right...finding the wheat is the most important thing." Elder Monkey wiped away his tears and returned to his original appearance.

"I've asked Ah Xiang, and neither Xiaomai nor they have ever left the monkey tribe. That means that person must have sneaked into the monkey tribe. The monkey elder can investigate this carefully." After all, it was only Su You's first day here, and he didn't know much about the monkey tribe. It was not easy to get this clue from Ah Xiang.

Obviously, after confirming that the monkey elders are good people, this matter can be left to the monkey elders themselves. After all, this is also a matter for their own race.

There are outsiders entering the Monkey Clan without authorization, whether they are sneaking in or entering the Monkey Clan openly, this can explain the problem.

"We should investigate this matter ourselves." The monkey elder knocked on the table with a serious face, raised his hand to call over a few monkey tribe orcs, and after giving a few instructions, the orcs immediately left to do their work.

After they left, Su You lowered her voice in embarrassment: "Actually, there is another possibility."

It can be said that Elder Monkey is very fond of Su You now. After all, they have been investigating for so many days without any clues. However, Su You has only been here for less than half a day, and they have already found out that someone is putting pressure on Wheat.

Coupled with Su You's elf status, Elder Monkey not only has a good impression of Su You, but can even be said to trust Su You.

"You can just say it. No matter what you say, whether it's appropriate or not, I can pretend that I didn't hear it."

Su You secretly praised this smart monkey elder, and then said another guess of his without hesitation: "In fact, it may not be an outsider."

Elder Monkey was startled and looked at Su You with complicated eyes.

Su You's meaning is obvious. There are actually many people who can come into contact with Xiaomai. They may be foreign orcs, or other creatures disguised as orcs. Of course, there is another possibility, and that is people from the monkey clan.

If this is the truth, then there will definitely be riots within the monkey clan. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a traitor within the monkey clan.

"You're right." Although he was very reluctant to admit it, Elder Monkey still had to confirm that Su You's guess existed, and the possibility was not low. After all, his people could easily attack him at any time.

"Elder Monkey is wise. In this case, I will leave first. I still need to look for clues elsewhere." The monkey clan has dug up enough clues. Although there may be more clues, they must be deeply hidden clues. , instead of wasting time digging for clues, it’s better to see if there are any that are easy to find.

The monkey elder still couldn't help but doubt whether there was really a mole in his monkey clan because of Su You's words, so when he heard Su You leave, he didn't say much, waved his hand and asked the monkey clan orc to take her. leave.

Before leaving, the monkey elder also gave Suyou five monkey clan tokens and a public token. The monkey clan's token has a long tail pattern and is about the same size as a bear's claw. "This is the way out."

"Brother, do you know where the Rabbit Clan is?" Suyou called to the Monkey Clan orc who was about to leave, ready to ask for directions.

Although she has a map, the location of the rabbit clan on the map is a bit abstract. She should be able to find the location after some searching, but it is always a waste of time.

Fortunately, the orc from the monkey tribe knew the location of the rabbit tribe, and he kindly led them half the way.

"Go straight from here until you see a shrub with large red leaves, which means you have arrived at the Rabbit Clan."

After thanking Su You, she walked in the direction he indicated. After only ten minutes of walking, she saw what the monkey orcs called a shrub with large red leaves.

While seeing the bushes, Su You and his party also saw the rabbit orc with rabbit ears on his head.

Su You had heard from Baicao before that most of the rabbit tribe were timid, so in order to avoid misunderstanding, Su You directly took out the token and showed his identity.

When they knew that they were elves from the Elf Tribe and were here to investigate the matter of the missing cubs, these nervous rabbit orcs suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that you are a distinguished guest. Please come in... My name is A Huan. If you need any help, please feel free to contact me."

Su You and the others followed A Huan into the Rabbit Clan. After visiting the elders of the Rabbit Clan, Su You asked to meet Baicao's relatives.

"I wonder if there is an orc named Baicao in the Rabbit Clan? I have met her once. She is now living in a human territory and living a good life. When she heard that I was coming to the Orc Clan, she entrusted me to send something over. "

"Baicao..." Ah Huan thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up: "I know, I know, Sister Baicao's parents are still the stewards of our clan's spiritual medicine garden!"

Su You was a little surprised. She didn't expect Baicao's parents to be quite well-known in the Rabbit Clan.

No wonder Baicao could take over a herbal garden so quickly and manage it in an orderly manner. It turned out to be related to her elders. Her parents were the managers of the elixir garden, and she must have learned a lot from what she heard and saw.

"This is our Rabbit Clan's elixir garden. However, outsiders are not allowed to enter the elixir garden at will. Please wait outside for a while." A Huan apologized, but Su You didn't care. She could understand, after all, in the territory The herbal garden is also off-limits to strangers.

Seeing that Su You didn't care, A Huan breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly stepped forward to negotiate with the guard at the entrance of the elixir garden. After the negotiation, a rabbit guard went in, and A Huan returned to Su You and the others.

Not only are outsiders not allowed to enter without permission, but even the orcs from the rabbit tribe are not allowed to enter the elixir garden casually.

But soon, a female orc with a similar appearance to Baicao walked out of the elixir garden.

"Are you Xiaocao's friend?" The orc in front of her was obviously Baicao's mother. She smiled gently and brought Suyou and the others to her home as guests.

"I'm Baicao's friend, and this is what she asked me to hand over to you." Su You took out a package and handed it to Baicao's mother.

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