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Chapter 864 864 Racial Conflicts

Chapter 864 864. Racial Conflict
Baicao's mother did not open the package directly, but put it aside, and then exchanged pleasantries with Su You.

After some pleasantries, Su You also revealed the purpose of his trip.

"As you know, Auntie, we are here to investigate the disappearance of the cubs, so I would like to ask you a few questions. Do you think this is okay?" Su You asked politely.

Baicao's mother naturally had no reason not to agree.

Although the cubs lost this time were not from their rabbit tribe, we are all members of the orc tribe. This kind of attack on cubs is really too bad. If they can help, they will definitely help.

Otherwise, if you sit back and watch now, what will you do if the fire burns your own cubs?
"You can ask, but our rabbit clan is not qualified to participate in tempering this year, so I don't know much."

Su You also knew this, otherwise she wouldn't have simply visited Elder Rabbit and left, because the Rabbit clan was not a victim, and they had no cubs that could participate in training this year, so they could be said to be completely aloof from the incident.

But Su You didn't care. It would be best to ask for clues. It wouldn't be a pity if you didn't.

Su You first asked a few non-trivial questions. Although Baicao's mother was confused, she still answered everything she knew seriously.

"Are you familiar with the Monkey Clan?"

Baicao's mother nodded: "As you are familiar with, our Rabbit Clan and Monkey Clan have always had a very good relationship, and as you know, I am in charge of the Rabbit Clan's elixir garden. We often trade elixirs with the Monkey Clan, and we have become close over time. ”

Suyou knows about elixirs. There are some differences between elixirs and herbal medicines. They are spiritual herbs. To put it simply, they are high-grade herbs. They are very effective, but they are also difficult to grow.

Su You is very interested in elixirs, but now is not the time to discuss this, and her current identity should not be interested in elixirs, so she plans to use Baicao's identity to ask about it.

"Since you are familiar with the Monkey Clan, do you know which races have a bad relationship with the Monkey Clan?" In fact, it is easiest to answer this question if asked to the Monkey Elder himself, but the situation is very sensitive now, and she dare not ask easily. , for fear that it would be considered as instigating the relationship between the orcs.

Even if everyone knows that the relationship between a certain clan and a certain clan is not good, it is fine to know this kind of thing in private, but it is not appropriate to put it in public. Moreover, she is still a member of the Elf clan. Although Elder Monkey is very Thank her for her help, but I don't necessarily want her to know this.

As expected, Baicao's mother frowned, as if she was hesitant to speak.

Obviously, she knows something, but she just can't say it.

This situation was expected by Su You.

She did not continue to ask, but turned to ask about the spiritual grass.

"In addition to asking me to hand over these things, Baicao also asked me to ask you about the elixir." Su You asked about how to grow the elixir, precautions, and how to obtain elixir seeds and other related matters.

Although elixirs are precious, they are not unique to the Rabbit Clan, and it was her own daughter who wanted to ask about the cultivation of elixirs, so Baicao's mother not only answered seriously, but also specially picked up a book of elixirs. Planting Manual.

"Please give this to Xiaocao."

"Okay." Su You nodded, put the manual away, and had no intention of reading it. She couldn't understand it anyway, so it was better to leave it to Baicao himself. "As for the seeds, our Rabbit Clan sells elixir seeds. If Xiaocao needs it, she can ask the lord of her territory to send someone to buy it." Baicao's mother never doubted Su You's argument from the beginning to the end.

However, Su You's statement itself was half true and half false. Baicao was indeed living in a human territory, and the lord of this territory did want to plant elixirs... But what she didn't say was that she was the lord of this human territory.

In the eyes of Baicao's mother, Suyou is an elf and she is Baicao's friend. All she did today was just to help Baicao.

Thinking of this, Baicao's mother's affection for Su You doubled.

Especially when Su You didn't pursue the question just now, but changed the topic. It was clear that Su You just had the mentality that even if she couldn't get any clues, she could get the method of growing the spiritual grass, but that was not the case in the eyes of Baicao's mother.

She thinks Suyou is a very polite, discerning, and neither arrogant nor discouraged elf.

"Can you let them go out? I have something I want to talk to you in private. Please tell Xiaocao." Baicao's mother seemed to have made up her mind and whispered to Su You.

Su You nodded, turned around and asked everyone else to leave the room.

After she and Baicao's mother were the only ones left in the room, the female orc whispered: "Although the orcs are united on the surface, in fact there are many conflicts in private."

Su You didn't show it on her face, but she was already cheering in her heart.

To be able to make this not-so-courageous rabbit tribe orc say these words only shows that she already has a very good impression of him.

"Auntie, don't worry, only the two of us know what happened today." Su You immediately assured.

Baicao's mother breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued: "I can't say anything else, but the relationship between the Snake Clan, Leopard Clan and Monkey Clan is not very good."

"When we were trading spiritual herbs with the Monkey Clan, the Snake Clan interfered and destroyed a lot of spiritual herbs. However, this matter has been dealt with fairly by the clan leader, so it is over..."

Su You could clearly tell that although Baicao's mother said that the matter was over, she didn't think so herself.

Thinking about it, if the herbs he finally grew were destroyed, even if he had received compensation, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

It's just that Vivian doesn't know about this. If Vivian hears that someone destroys many precious herbs for their own selfishness, she will probably burn the heart of the snake tribe.

But even if they are dissatisfied, there is nothing they can do. Whether they are the monkey clan or the rabbit clan, they are weak in front of the snake clan. It is good that the clan leader is willing to uphold justice and deal with it fairly.

"What about the Leopard Clan...?" Speaking of the Leopard Clan, Suyou remembered what Miffy had said before, that the Leopard Clan and the Bear Clan had a bad relationship, while the Bear Clan had a good relationship with the Monkey Clan and the Rabbit Clan. According to the enemy's Friends are also enemies, so the Monkey Clan does not have a good relationship with the Leopard Clan.

"This matter involves many years ago. It is said that the Leopard Clan wanted to expand its territory, but accidentally broke into the Bear Clan, so the two sides had conflicts. At that time, the Leopard Clan was not as powerful as the Bear Clan, so they suffered a lot. "

Su You understood that turf wars were indeed the most likely source of conflict among beasts.

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