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Chapter 865 Chapter 865 Cub Amu

Chapter 865 865. Cub Amu
But what does this have to do with the monkey clan?
It can't really be that the Leopard Clan is 'angry' against the Monkey Clan because of the Bear Clan, right?

The Leopard Clan was at fault for accidentally intruding into other people's territory, so they wouldn't be looking for enemies for themselves without any reason, right?
As if seeing her doubts, Baicao's mother's voice was even softer than before: "The Leopard Clan secretly broke into the Bear Clan's territory. In fact, the Bear Clan didn't notice it. It was the Monkey Clan who found out and told the Bear Clan about it." Clan…”

Su You: "..." OK, that makes sense.

The Leopard Clan suffered a loss because of this incident, and initially resented the Bear Clan, but because they couldn't defeat the Bear Clan, they could only keep it in mind.

Now I suddenly realized that it was the Monkey Clan who snitched on me that made me suffer. In addition, the Monkey Clan was far less powerful than the Bear Clan, so naturally I started to blatantly target the Monkey Clan.

Thinking of this, Su You couldn't help but admire the clan leader.

She had only come to the orc tribe for less than a day, and she had already learned about the conflicts and disputes between so many races. To describe it in a vivid and vivid way, there were dozens of naughty children under the supervision of an elder, and the naughty children often They fight with each other, but he can still maintain the relationship of the entire extended family well...

This ability is beyond the reach of most people!
Su You was thinking a lot in her mind, but she didn't show it on her face. After she left Baicao's house, she quickly took out a pen and paper and wrote down all the relationships and clues she learned.

For example, the lost cubs belong to the monkey tribe, the cow tribe, and the leopard tribe.

The Bear Clan has a good relationship with the Monkey Clan and the Rabbit Clan, the Leopard Clan, the Snake Clan and the Monkey Clan have a bad relationship, and the Leopard Clan has a bad relationship with the Bear Clan...

After finishing writing, she looked at it carefully, and then decided to visit the Niu Clan as her next stop.

The Ox Clan is quite far away from the Rabbit Clan. It is located in the completely opposite direction to the Rabbit Clan. Fortunately, they have the Horsehorn. Although it still takes some time, at least it is not on foot, so it will not be so tiring.

After spending more than two hours, Su You and the others finally arrived at the Niu Clan before dark.

Entering the Niu Clan, Suyou and the others used the public pass. In addition to the public pass, the Niu Clan didn't seem to recognize the pass orders of the Bear Clan and the Monkey Clan. They had a total of six public passes, but there were nine people in total. , so three people couldn't get in.

But Su You was a little worried if there were only three people left, so she only brought Michelle, Duo Ya and Ning Shi with her.

With Michelle here, there is basically no need to worry about safety issues.

Moreover, there is unlikely to be any serious danger within the Niu Clan. The reason why they are not allowed in is because they lost their cubs, so they are so cautious and do not want outsiders to disturb them.

If Su You and the others hadn't held the public pass, they wouldn't have been able to get in just because they were elves.

The remaining five people were arranged by Su You to investigate the surrounding area.

Lilith is the beast tamer, and she also brought Xiao Hui with her. She has a lot of room for maneuver among the orcs.

Di Luo and An Luo are a puppet master and a wood magician. They can also play a great role when no one is around. This is why Su You left them outside.

After entering the Ox Clan, there are eyes everywhere, and it is not that convenient for them after all.

After making arrangements, Su You followed the Niu tribe orc who called himself "Da Shan" and entered the Niu tribe.

As usual, the four of them first went to visit the elder of the Niu tribe. Elder Niu was a strong-looking man in his prime. He looked obviously much younger than the elders of the Monkey and Bear tribes.

It's just that no matter how young he is, his face seems to be full of exhaustion because of the loss of the cub. "I hope your guests will forgive me. The child has not been found yet, and we don't want anything else to happen." Elder Niu was explaining why not all of them should be allowed into the Niu Clan.

Suyou expressed her understanding, but it was useless if she didn't understand anyway. In that case, she might as well have a good impression of him.

Sure enough, Su You's attitude made Elder Niu look much better.

Su You asked some questions about what happened on the day of tempering. The content of Elder Niu's answer was similar to that of Elder Monkey. There were only some details that may have been expressed differently due to different locations, but they were all irrelevant and Su You didn't care. .

Because of the important clues found by the Monkey Clan, Su You also reasonably doubted whether pressure was also exerted on the lost cub of the Ox Clan.

When she asked to meet the cub's relatives, she was unexpectedly rejected.

"It's not that I don't want you to see it, but this child..." Elder Niu sighed, and then continued: "This child... is Amu. His parents died young and he was raised by his grandma since he was a child. Now Amu Lost it, we were afraid that the old man would be too sad if he knew about it, so we kept it secret. "

Elder Niu explained to Amu's grandma that Amu was very talented and had to study with the other cubs at the patriarch's side for a period of time and would not be able to come back in a short time.

Although grandma missed Amu, when she heard that Amu was so capable, she suppressed her thoughts and all those thoughts turned into pride.

Elder Niu issued a silence order to everyone in the clan and did not allow them to talk nonsense in front of the old man.

Fortunately, the old man did not go out often due to health reasons, so the secret was never revealed.

The only females of the cattle tribe who may come into contact with the old man also stick to their duties. They are only responsible for taking care of the old man and chatting with him, and do not mention anything else.

"So that's it..." Su You no longer insisted on seeing this grandma after hearing what Elder Niu said.

The old man's energy is limited, and she may not know what happened to Amu, so there is really no point in looking for her.

"Does Elder Niu know if Amu has any good friends in the Niu clan? I want to find clues from them." Since there is no way to start with the child's relatives, Su You can only start with other people who may have contact with Amu. People start.

Under normal circumstances, children will only come into contact with two types of people, one is relatives and the other is friends.

"I know something about this. I usually ask my grandson to take care of Amu." Although Elder Niu looks like he is only a human in his early thirties, he is actually in his fifties or sixties. It is normal to have grandchildren. But that's it.

Elder Niu's grandson is called Dashu. He is a child who looks very healthy and energetic.

The Niu tribe is very united, and they especially take care of the old, weak, sick and disabled in the tribe, so Elder Niu specially asked Dashu to play with Amu. This was mainly to prevent children who had lost their parents from becoming autistic.

The relationship between Dashu and Amu is really good. Suyou only asked a few questions, and Dashu could talk endlessly about a lot of things about Amu.

Elder Niu interrupted his grandson's nonsense and asked him to answer Suyou's questions seriously and not say useless things.

Dashu curled his lips unhappily, but he didn't say anything because he also cared about Amu.

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