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Chapter 869 869 The Wizard of the Snow Mountain Clan

Chapter 869 869. The Wizard of the Snow Mountain Clan
At the end of the double natural disasters two months ago, the Sunset Territory had already received three attacks from dark creatures.

During these two months, every other month, the Sunset Territory experienced another dark creature attack.

Although each time the dark creatures are stronger than before, the Sunset Territory does not always stand still. In other words, the development of the Sunset Territory exceeds the speed of the dark creatures' strength, so they are still going smoothly, and can even It was said that he easily crushed those dark creatures.

The most recent dark creature attack was on the 190th day. This dark creature attack lasted for ten days, and it ended more than two hundred days ago.

Su You spent another ten days correcting, upgrading, and developing her territory. She was about to come to the queen to fulfill her promise, but she received an invitation from Anita to go to the orc tribe.

So she planned to go to the orcs first. After all, the elves could come at any time, but the orcs could not come at any time.

"So Her Majesty, can you say a few more things now? Like the secrets of this world."

The Queen smiled slightly, not surprised that she had guessed what she wanted to say.

"You are very smart. I believe that you have guessed a lot of things since you have been here for so long. Before I talk about this, I want you to meet someone first." After the Elf Queen fell silent, Su You slowly saw the throne. A graceful and slender woman came out.

This is a completely unfamiliar face. Su You can be sure that she has never seen this face before.

But for some reason, this person's temperament, words and deeds always made her feel familiar, so she must have seen this person before, but when she saw her, she didn't have this face.

Perhaps it is because of such an image that he can better stay by Luya's side and take care of her.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for these two people to get together.

Su You was not surprised that Keyena would appear here. After all, the mermaid tribe and the elves had a very good relationship, and as the Queen said, she had already guessed many things, including her suspicion that Keyena and the Queen The same, they all have certain memories.

"Keyena?" Yes, Suyou was referring to the former mermaid queen, Luya's mother, and the son of the twin pearls of the mermaid clan, Keyena.

Different from 'Red Thought', the Red Thought that Keyena pretends to be is reserved, reserved and gentle.

"Okay, let's sit down and chat." The Queen waved her hand, and two chairs appeared out of thin air in the open space, and there was a table with refreshments in front of the chairs.

But that's not her nature. The chic and wanton woman Su You sees now is the real Keyena.

For those who meet the requirements, Su You will soon have the answer.

"This is the first time I've seen you with this face. I didn't expect you to guess it directly." Keyena brushed her long chestnut curly hair, which was tied up high, and a bright smile appeared on her handsome face. smile.

To be honest, if an uninformed person saw this scene, they would definitely think it was some sort of tea party show, and would have no idea what shocking secret this man, an elf, and a mermaid were chatting about.

"Since we are all here, let's not waste time." Keyena's true character is as decisive as it appears.

Think about it, after all, they are all mermaids who can dig out their own shark beads to save people. How easy can it be?
"I've died once, so there's nothing to be afraid of. What happened back then really seriously injured me, and I was on the verge of death for a time. Then I really died, but someone saved me. As a reward, I gave you my Shark Pearl. Give it to that person." Su You felt a storm in her heart.

She didn't know for a moment which sentence she should focus on.

"After I was resurrected, I was no longer a mermaid. It was only then that I found out that the person who saved me was a wizard from the Snow Mountain Clan. She needed the shark beads, so she took away my shark beads, but she later found out that she There’s no need for that shark bead.” At this point, Keyena laughed.

The Snow Mountain Clan, Su You knew, was a small race. They lived on top of remote snow mountains.

It's not that there are no capable people in small races, it's just that they are not famous.

She did not give in and continued to explain: "It is true that shark beads can resurrect people, but not all shark beads can. Shark beads are also divided into three, six, and nine grades, but the more energy the shark beads contain, the more energy they carry. The bigger the obsession becomes, until the obsession disappears, this Shark Bead belongs to its owner and she cannot use it."

Suyou understood.

The wizard of the Snow Mountain Tribe didn't even think about saving Keyena at first. She just wanted to dig up the Shark Bead and leave. However, the Shark Bead contained Keyena's obsession and she couldn't use it, so she had to Save Keyena and eliminate the obsession with Samezu.

I don’t say whether the wizard’s behavior is right or wrong, but this wizard is definitely a very powerful person, otherwise she would not be able to resurrect a person.

Keyena said that she was really in a state of death at that time. The role of the Shark Pearl was only to keep her body intact and her soul alive. It had no effect on resurrection. What's more, the wizard needed the Shark Pearl. It is also impossible to use the shark beads to resurrect her.

So this wizard knew a whole new method of resurrection, and she was able to pull it off!

"After I was resurrected, a lot of memories suddenly appeared in my mind. I knew that the mermaid tribe would be in a catastrophe, so after I recovered, I returned to the mermaid tribe as Hong Si."

Suyou understood the story that followed. It was nothing more than Keyena using her prophetic memory to control all the chess pieces and use her tricks to solve this catastrophe for the mermaid tribe.

Although the process was only explained lightly by her in one sentence, Su You knew that it must be very difficult. After all, this was something that the Elf Queen could not do despite her best efforts.

"I made an agreement with Poseidon. He gave me strength to help me solve the disaster." As for the cost, Keyena did not say, but from the current point of view, it is definitely not related to life.

Otherwise Keyena would not be here well.

Moreover, Keyena became an ordinary person after her resurrection, and she had nothing worthy of Poseidon's plans.

Using the life of an ordinary person in exchange for unlimited power is a loss for Poseidon no matter how you look at it.

But Su You felt that Poseidon did suffer a loss, but he didn't care whether he suffered a loss or not, because the mermaid tribe itself was his believer and was willing to help.

Secondly, Keyena is the son of Twin Pearls and the apple of His eye. Even though she is no longer the one, He will still be willing to give her some face.

"But I underestimated the enemy too much. I didn't expect that they actually deployed so many... controlled puppets, pollution in forbidden areas, dark creatures, skin-changing dummies, and even spells that confuse people's hearts..."

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