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Chapter 870 Chapter 870 Resurrection

Chapter 870 870. Resurrection
Su You couldn't help but comforted: "It's not that we underestimate the enemy. It can only be said that the opponent is too well prepared."

Now Su You's many doubts about the mermaid clan finally have answers.

Why did the pollution in the mermaid palace always come and go? Why did the attacks of the mermaids and dark creatures always get stronger and weaker? Why did the mermaids look like the situation was over, but they were still like a crumbling high-rise building. It was just crumbling. But it never fell.

This is all Keyena's credit.

It's just that Keyena's power is limited. She can help solve the pollution on the surface of the mermaid clan, and can also help the mermaid clan resist most physical attacks...

"Indeed, there is only so much I can do." Keyena did not fall into blaming herself like others who encountered this kind of thing, but accepted Su You's comfort calmly.

"Can't you tell other people about these things?" Su You felt that Keyena could actually do better. Since she was not strong enough on her own, she should recruit a few more people to help.

But she didn't.

It's impossible that she couldn't think of it, so it can only be that she can't do it. Thinking about the queen, she is also the same, which seems very reasonable.

Keyena nodded: "Yes, those memories are extremely clear, but I can't tell others... Of course, that was before. I can tell them after the disaster has passed."

Although her power is limited, everything she does can indeed allow the mermaid tribe to survive even without the help of Su You and the elves, but it will only cause heavy losses.

"You are much better than me. Although you can't say it, you can change it, but I don't even have the ability to change." It was obviously the queen who said this.

It was only at this time that Suyou realized that the Queen was here, perhaps because Keyena's story was so exciting that she even forgot that she was in the Elf Clan.

The queen is right, she and Keyena both have memories. The difference is that she has memories but can't change them and can only rely on Su You. But Keyena has memories that she can't tell, but she can rely on her own strength. Turn the tide.

If Nirvana could change everything after rebirth, the Queen would probably be willing to take the risk.

"I see." Keyena sneered: "So, I have to be glad that I died once, otherwise I wouldn't even have a chance to change everything."

But Su You suddenly became bolder and no one knew what she was thinking.

"I think this may have something to do with her resurrection." Su You expressed her bold guess. Seeing both of them looking at her, she continued: "You are puppets and chess pieces. But once the puppet body is destroyed, the chess pieces will be destroyed." Broken, the puppet is out of control, and the chess pieces don’t have to be moved according to the player’s wishes.”

Even though this was something that everyone knew very well, neither party said it outright because they always felt that if they did, something bad would happen.

The queen sighed and said nothing.

But the Elf Tribe and the Mermaid Tribe are different after all. After all, Keyena's identity at that time was not the Mermaid King, and the Mermaid Tribe would not perish without her. But the Elf Tribe is different. Without the queen, the Elf Tribe would inevitably be in chaos.

This was the first time that Suyou had so clearly revealed that they were the controlled party in front of the queen.

Su You suddenly thought of something and looked up at Keyena: "Did you deliberately give up the throne to the former Mermaid King?"

Keyena raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

"I feel like you should have known something for a long time. You know that you will die, so you can't become the Mermaid King. The mermaid clan lost the Mermaid King and lost the son of the twin beads. They are two different concepts." Su You always felt that this was the only way. is the truth.

Although the Son of the Twin Pearls is important, it is not that the mermaid clan cannot survive without the Son of the Twin Pearls. Instead, it is the Mermaid King. Once the Mermaid King dies, the Mermaid clan will not have enough pressure on other sea clans, and there will inevitably be chaos in the ocean. If the mermaid clan doesn't deal with it in time, the ocean forces will just reshuffle the cards.

Even if they choose a new mermaid king in time and rush to the shelves, there will definitely be commotion. The most terrifying thing is the competition for the throne. I am afraid that some stupid people will ignore the safety of the mermaid clan and fight each other for the throne.

From this point of view, if Keyena's death is inevitable, then she definitely cannot become the Mermaid King.

This is the explanation that Su You thinks is the most reasonable.

Otherwise, based on her current understanding of Keyena, she doesn't seem to be irresponsible. She gave up the throne because she didn't want to take on the pressure, and she dug up her Shark Beads willfully, resurrected her friends, and finally died unexpectedly. Mermaids in chaos...

This strong sense of disobedience had long existed, but Su You didn't know that Keyena had gone through so much at that time, so she had doubts. However, due to lack of clues, she couldn't figure out the reason, so she could only assume that this was the truth.

"You're so smart that I feel a little scary." Keyena clicked her tongue and subconsciously reached out to touch the goosebumps on her arms.

Although Su You didn't explicitly say whether Su You's guess was true or false, this was considered acquiescence.

"So your memory did not come after resurrection, but existed before death. It was just that you were restricted at that time, so you couldn't do anything." Su You revealed the truth in one sentence.

Keyena nodded helplessly: "Yes, that's right."

"But I'm not as powerful as you think. I just think that since I will die, it's okay if I don't take the position of the Mermaid King. Being the Mermaid King is so tiring. There are so many things to deal with every day. Anyway, my life is short. It’s better to enjoy it.”

Su You: "..."

Elf Queen: "..."

It’s really easy to see.

However, Su You felt that these seemingly perfunctory and casual words might actually be Keyena's true thoughts at that time.

She knew that she would die, so she gave up the throne, resurrected her friends, prepared a lot of formations for the mermaid tribe, and wanted to protect the mermaid tribe as much as possible, and then died calmly.

But being resurrected after death should be something beyond her expectation.

She didn't lie about what happened after her resurrection.

"So why are you hiding it?" Su You was a little curious.

Keyena was even more helpless: "I have regretted it since I found out that guy didn't become the King of Mermaids properly after his resurrection. If I had known he was this kind of person, I would have dug out both his and mine shark beads for Mi. Li’er, let Miriel be the king.”

Su You understood Keyena's brain circuit. She undoubtedly thought that as a person with memories from the beginning, it was a bit embarrassing for her to choose such a fool as the ruler of the mermaid tribe, so she simply pretended that she knew nothing.

Keyena: I only have memories after my resurrection. What does the things before my resurrection have to do with me?

Su You: Very good, this is very Keyena.

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