Chapter 871 871. Clay Figure
Keyena's story has been told, and the truth about the mermaid clan has been revealed.

Next it's the Elf Queen's turn.

What the Queen wants to talk about is definitely not about the elves. After all, Su You knows the elves very well. What she wants to talk about now is the secret she promised to tell her after the fifth dark creature attack.

"Actually, all of this stems from the battle between two worlds."

When Su You heard this, her heart trembled inexplicably, and an inexplicable panic swept through her body. She calmed herself down and continued to listen.

"The mason is the poorest man in the village. He is loyal to making clay figures, and he also has an absolute talent for making clay figures."

“The clay figurine was originally a dead thing, but as the clay worker became more and more skilled, the clay figurine became more and more lifelike, until one day, the clay figurine was made out of a clay figurine that was no different from a real person.”

"This clay figurine was the first to come to life. At first, it showed absolute kindness to the mason who made him. With the help of the clay figurine, the mason's life became better and better."

"Slowly, the clay figure became dissatisfied with his current life, so he wanted to create more clay figures and let them all be used for his own use."

"He was half successful." At this point, the Elf Queen paused, then looked at Su You: "What do you think happened to this mason?"

The queen thought for a while and nodded seriously: "What you said makes sense. No one wants to be ruled, so they are all working hard to fight for freedom."

After hearing Su You's ending, the Queen continued: "Later, the clay figurine did get out of control, because there was a master who was even more powerful than the mason. He also had superb clay figurine skills, and his strength was stronger than the mason. So he prepared to take all the clay figures of the mason as his own.”

Su You: "..." Shame on the eunuch!
Although she was complaining in her heart, Su You still asked another seemingly nonsensical question: "So where are the others?"

"What other people?"

"Of course he is from that world." Su You smiled: "The master wants to rule the world through clay figurines, but he is not the only one in the world. Why does he think that his clay figurines can fight against the whole world."

The Queen clapped her hands: "This is indeed a very reasonable ending."

As the queen narrated, Suyou gradually sketched a realistic version of the story.

"After being crushed by strength, the master became the master of these clay figurines. He was more ambitious than the mason. He tried to use the clay figurines to rule the world..."

Su You always felt that the Queen's words had two meanings.

Although she successfully prevented the two major disasters of the elves and mermaids, the orcs and dragons still suffered, and there were also problems with the orcs' divine pool.

"My story is over." The queen stroked her sleeves that she had inadvertently pinched.

Su You thought for a moment and then said: "Because his own ability could not keep up with the growth of greed, the clay figurine eventually lost control and he died in the hands of the clay figurine."

However, this story has thousands of possibilities, and it is normal to guess wrong.

Just when Su You was thinking like this, the Queen seemed to see through her thoughts and suddenly said: "Although they worked hard, the clay figurine is almost successful."

Reasonable, but incorrect. Su You guessed wrong.

No one wants to be ruled, not just the people in that world, but also the manipulated clay figures.

Unwilling to be controlled, the clay figurine counterattacked and devoured its master, and then dreamed of becoming the new ruler.

Su You's brain was running rapidly, and suddenly, she thought of the purpose of her coming today - in addition to listening to the story, her other purpose was to inform the queen about the orc clan's divine pool.

In fact, since the beginning of the story, Su You understood what the queen meant.

Neither the existence of the clay master nor the master is important, the protagonists of this story are the clay men and ordinary humans.

Although Su You thinks it's ridiculous, it seems to be the truth. The machines that I had heard about had self-awareness and then turned back on humans. This seemed to have become a fact, and it was exactly what she and other humans were experiencing.

The system and this digital world are the best proof. This is obviously not something that contemporary technology can do.

So they are trapped in the data world by the technological data they developed?
And then these data want to rule the human world?

Su You always felt that something was wrong, but nothing seemed to be as shocking as the news.

The Queen looked at Su You and said nothing for a long time. She looked at Keyena and then stood up and left.

When Su You came to her senses, she was the only one left here.

Do not……

It should be said that she was the only one from beginning to end, because both the Queen and Keyena were 'mud figures'.

They should be on the opposite side of themselves.

But that doesn't seem to be the case.

Keyena won't say much. She hasn't had much contact with her. She can only say that she is not an enemy. She dare not say anything else. However, the queen and the elves have helped her many times, so there is no doubt about it.

And everything she knows now is what the Queen told her.

Although the queen and the elves are 'mud people', they are not from that camp. This can be seen from Anita's almost accident. It is impossible for them to kill each other.

The same is true for the mermaid tribe.

What's more, besides them, there are also Dolly, Doya, Lyle, Lake, Vivian, Meck, Lilith...

Unknowingly, Su You had returned to Sunset Territory.

She stayed alone in the city lord's mansion and thought for a long time, and finally figured out something.

She thought that the ultimate goal of those people was to merge the continents, but the Queen said that she did not want the continents to merge, and also said that the mermaid tribe must also make this choice.

From here on, Su You felt that she was hinting that neither the elves nor the mermaids belonged to that camp.

As for the orcs and dragons, they are most likely not, because they are also victims now, but the Queen does not know their attitudes, but this does not mean that they are antagonistic.

"No..." Su You suddenly discovered a problem.

She discovered that there seemed to be three or even four camps in the entire world.

The first camp is her, and she alone.

The second camp is the elves, mermaids, residents of her territory, and even non-territorial residents... As long as their stance does not support the merger of territories, they all belong to the second camp.

The third camp is the organization that hopes to merge the mainland, which is the common enemy of Su You and the second camp.

As for the fourth camp, Su You didn't know if it existed. This camp was the system.

What she just realized was wrong was the system.

From beginning to end, the system didn't seem to be intentionally helping her, but it didn't mislead itself either.

When she didn't know the truth at first, it was easy for her to join the third camp as long as the system misled her a little.

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