Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 872 872 Exploration Points

Chapter 872 872. Exploring %

But the system didn't do that.

The system was in trouble, but it didn't do anything irreparable.

If the system is regarded as the fourth camp, Su You can easily find that the system's position is outside the first three camps.

In other words, the system's position is not to merge the continents, nor to prevent them from merging the continents. It does not care about the results. It is more like it only provides a stage for their performances to be volatile.

Although the second camp and the third camp are both data, and the system is also data, they are different from the system. The system controls the data. The second and third camps are just like themselves, and they all live under the control of the system...

This kind of role that is involved but has nothing to do with it reminds Su You of the third indispensable role in a game besides the players - the referee.

[Congratulations to A1-16 for successfully exploring most of the world’s truth. Current progress: 88%]

Su You: "..."

Although he was a little speechless and dissatisfied with being monitored, he was more surprised that his guess was verified.

The system went crazy.

Su You nodded understandingly.

[Congratulations to No. A1-16 for successfully exploring the entire truth of the digital world. Current progress: 100%]

and many more……


Su You thinks this is reasonable, but also very unreasonable.

How can humans suddenly develop data that can replace humans?
She didn't mean that humans didn't have this ability, but it was just too sudden. This kind of powerful data seemed to appear suddenly. Humans didn't expect it at all. She even suspected that it might not be created by humans.

After waiting for a few minutes, the system didn't say anything, and Su You understood again - it acquiesced again.

"Isn't this really a conspiracy by aliens to rule the planet..." Suyou muttered to herself in a whimsical way.

[No comment. 】

In this case, acknowledgment is acknowledgment, denial is denial, and neither denial nor acknowledgment is acquiescence.

[…] Who allowed you to think this way?
Su You didn't know what the system was thinking. She continued to ask, "You are the referee. Your purpose is to give humans a fair chance to fight."

But if data is stronger than humans, humans will soon be replaced by data, which is against the normal rules. Therefore, in order to balance the system, it helps humans and gives humans a chance to fight against data.

"So what if you don't speak? Aren't you still exposed?"

So the system defaults.

Although Su You was surprised that what she said casually was the truth, she still found it funny.

How can this woman think so? !
Why doesn’t she go to heaven!
Give her the pen and she will write!
The reason why Su You asked just now was because she felt that the system was the party responsible for balance. If humans were stronger than data, then this would be a normal trend. After all, data was created by humans and it would not interfere.

"So are you really the referee?" Su You felt that since the system knew what she was thinking, it would be better to ask directly.

It really is the referee.

[…] The system was completely dumbfounded.

Su You didn't care what it was thinking. At this time, she only had a trace of peace in her heart knowing the truth.

Since aliens want to rule the planet, their purpose is also related to domination. In other words, merging continents is related to dominating the planet. It may even be that merging continents is equivalent to dominating the planet. Think of these two continents as two planets. The merger of the continents means that the two planets are connected.

As Su You's thoughts spread, out of sight, the system played garbled code with a numb look on its face.

Then, it seemed to think of something, and the whole system suddenly became happy, and it decisively gave Su You a task.

[Main Mission: Journey to the Dragon Clan]

[Mission goal: Go to the Dragon Clan and explore the secrets of the Dragon Clan. 】

[Task props: Dragon Walking Stone*10]

[Task time: one month]

【Dragon Stone】

Quality: purple

Category: Props (consumables)

Introduction: The Dragon Walking Stone is divided into two pieces, the mother stone and the child stone. The child stone is located at the origin. After the mother stone is used, it can be directly teleported to the vicinity of the dragon. The child stone can be used within the dragon family to teleport back to the origin.

What do you want to do?
Force her to go to the Dragon Clan?
Su You couldn't figure out why the system did this, but she always felt that it wasn't trying to harm her.

After all, we now know that the system is a referee, so it must be fair from a certain perspective. Even if it is unfair, it will not be too biased.

Combining all the information obtained today with the previous information, it was not difficult for her to guess that merging continents requires a lot of energy, that is, connecting two planets requires a lot of energy. Their energy sources come from many sources, the most important of which should be the four major races.

Now their plan to deal with the mermaids and elves has been ruined by themselves. Unfortunately, the conspiracy against the orcs should have been successful.

The only thing left now should be the Dragon Clan.

Does the system want her to go to the Dragon Clan to destroy the opponent's plan?
Or do you want to go to the Dragon Clan and die?

Su You didn't know what the system was thinking, but she knew that she had to go on this trip.

Ten Dragon Stones meant that she could only bring ten people with her, which seemed like a small number, but the Dragon Clan was absolutely overwhelming against humans, and she still went directly to their lair, let alone ten people, even if she brought a hundred Individuals are not enough.

She wasn't going to fight, so the small number of people wouldn't have much impact.

What Su You is most confused about right now is whether or not she should bring the dragon egg.

When the dragon egg reaches the Dragon Clan, it will definitely be taken away by the Dragon Clan, but when the dragon egg reaches the Dragon Clan's hands, life or death is unpredictable. The Dragon Clan is definitely not safe at this time. How can a dragon egg that can't run or fight survive?
But if she brought the dragon egg, she would have an advantage, that is, she could borrow the favor of retrieving the dragon egg and act freely in the Dragon Clan. Su You can still guarantee this. The Dragon Clan absolutely repays kindness, and Feiya is the best. proof.

If she didn't bring the dragon egg, the dragon egg would be safe, but she probably wouldn't even be able to get in through the Dragon Clan's door.

However, the time limit for this mission is one month, which means that the dragon clan will have at least one month before something big happens, so she can check the situation first and don't have to be so anxious to set off now.

So Su You entered into waiting.

But she didn't wait in vain, she was extremely busy during the waiting time.

Frequently contact Anita to understand the situation of the orcs, and always pay attention to the situation of the dragon eggs. At the same time, we must not forget the development of the territory.

Although the strength of the dragon clan crushed them, in order to increase fault tolerance and give herself more room to perform, Su You also used various methods to increase the strength of several magicians during this period.

She plans to bring more magicians this time, mainly because in front of the Dragon Clan, physical attacks are basically ineffective. Although she will not be an enemy of the Dragon Clan, who will let the Dragon Clan have internal fighting?
No matter which side she was on, she would always offend the dragon.

Su You felt annoyed just thinking about it.

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