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Chapter 873 Chapter 873 Heading to the Dragon Clan

Chapter 873 873. Heading to the Dragon Clan
In the next ten days, Su You not only recruited many personnel with high combat effectiveness, but also improved the strength of all the existing magicians.

This is true even for magicians who are not prepared to take them to the Dragon Clan.

Meck is now a master-level magician. Due to his vigorous training, he has even reached a bottleneck, and his strength is infinitely close to that of a grandmaster-level magician.

A magician of this level can almost destroy a whole city by himself in the human world.

In addition to Meike, Vivian and Ning Shi have also successfully advanced to the master level. The remaining Zen Yue and An Luo are high-level bottlenecks. Although Yuai's initial talent is too poor, Suyou gave him tools to increase his talent. , so now he has been successfully promoted to a senior magician.

In addition to these six magicians, Su You used the accumulated number of recruitments to recruit more than 20 people during this period. One-third of these 20 people were magicians.

Su You has almost gathered all the magicians.

In addition to magicians, some professions that are not available in the territory are also slowly being added.

In addition to wizards and spiritual masters who have always wanted to recruit but have never been recruited many times, there are also some other production professions, such as gem inlay craftsmen, charm makers, refiners, etc.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Su You always felt that the territory had developed extremely smoothly in the past ten days.

As for the remaining two, one is Sha Ling and the other is the newly recruited high-level earth magician, Yi Mingjun.

The reason why she has improved so quickly is entirely because the talent and energy of a god-level magician are helping her. She is different from ordinary magicians. God-level may be the end point that they cannot reach in their lifetime, but for her, this is just the starting point. That’s all.

The daily flow of people is unexpectedly large. The halos from the halo kit are also beneficial and harmless. The random events also have more benefits than disadvantages. The most obvious one is definitely the recruitment in the tavern, which has improved visibly to the naked eye.

Su You thought that the system might have done something. She wanted to ask the system, but when she thought about it, what if something bad happened after asking?
So Su You decisively chose to pretend that she didn't know anything.

But after a long period of physical recuperation and ability training, her current strength has surpassed Meike - she is now a master-level ice magician.

When everything is ready, there are still eighteen days left for the mission.

Su You held the dragon egg in her hand, and was followed by seven people. Including her, there were eight people in total.

Sha Ling, the child who was forced to possess the power of a god-level magician, was once on the verge of death because she could not control her energy well.

Among these seven people, five are old acquaintances: Duoya, Yaoguang, Vivian, Meike, and Chanyue.

But strength on paper is not combat strength after all. Even if there is a level difference, Sha Ling will definitely not be able to beat Meike, but she is still very strong, and her strength is second only to Meike, so Su You has tested her basic abilities. After there was no problem, I took her with me.

As for Yi Mingjun, he also has good magic talent. He was recruited not long ago. Su You brought him here because there are many mountains in the Dragon Clan's home base, and there is a lot of room for the earth element to be used.

Among the seven people, five are magicians, and the only two are not magicians, which seems a bit strange.

Su You brought Du Ya with her not out of habit, but because of the dragon-patterned bone bow. Su You suspected that the dragon clan might have something to do with Du Ya's father, so she brought Du Ya with her. At the same time, Du Ya also brought the dragon-patterned bone bow. Take the bow. As for Yaoguang.

Thinking about it, he knew that Su You would definitely not take her with him. Not to mention that she had no fighting ability. With her fragile body, Su You was afraid that she would not go to the Dragon Clan to help, but to touch Ci'er. of.

But if Yao Guang asked to go with him, Su You would definitely agree without any hesitation.

She felt that Yao Guang might know something. When dealing with such a secretive person, as long as the other person was trustworthy, she didn't need to ask in many cases, she just had to do as he was told.

Because of the existence of the props, there were no bumps on their way to the Dragon Clan...not even the process on the road. After all, as soon as they used the props, their eyes went dark. When they opened their eyes again, they had arrived at a black and red volcano. at the foot of the mountains.

The mountains were red and black smoke was rising from the top. At the same time, they could all clearly feel that the temperature around them had become very high.

Without waiting for Su You and the others to exchange anything, they heard a sudden dragon roar in the distance. Then, a strong wind hit. Zen Yue reacted quickly. She used magic to set up a shield around the wind to resist the wind. This was for a high-level wind blower. It is not difficult for a magician.

With the shield, the impact on them gradually lessened.

But soon, they discovered that the surrounding temperature was gradually increasing at an unpleasant but steady speed. Meck subconsciously wanted to put a shield on everyone, but was stopped by Su You. She looked in the direction of Sha Ling. The little girl Nervously holding the staff that Su You had specially made for her, she muttered to herself.

Meck understood what she meant. He stopped but did not put down his hand. Because the temperature was still increasing, Sha Ling might not succeed. If it failed, he would still have to clean up the mess.

But if it succeeds, whether Sha Ling is a higher level of strength than Meike, or the ice attribute is more suitable for this time, it will be more advantageous for Sha Ling to take action than him.

Perhaps because of nervousness, Sha Ling was a little intermittent when reciting magic spells. Although the magic she was about to cast was only intermediate level, it still seemed a bit laborious for a master-level magician like her to cast it.

But fortunately, she succeeded.

Feeling the temperature around their bodies drop, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The most relaxed one among them must be Sha Ling. After all, she was under the most pressure just now. For Meike and others, the spell can be easily cast, but for Sha Ling, It's like a young child reading books in a foreign language, which are obscure and difficult to understand, and they don't even recognize the words.

But Sha Ling still worked hard. She memorized all the possible spells by rote memory.

She memorized it very skillfully, but when she actually used it, she felt the surge of magical energy around her, and her nervousness doubled the difficulty.

But as long as she succeeds, her efforts will be worth it.

"Well done." Su You touched Sha Ling's head, then held her hand tightly.

Although Sha Ling is the strongest among them, she is still a child after all, and she may be more scared than any of them, so Su You also takes extra care of her emotions.

But Sha Ling is not an ordinary child. She has experienced more things when she was younger. So far, she has only arrived in a strange place and has nothing to be afraid of, so her emotions are very stable.

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