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Chapter 874 Chapter 874 Magma Pool

Chapter 874 874. Magma Pool

It's just that this stable mood didn't last long before it was severely broken.

And not only her, but everyone present's expressions changed drastically.

Because they all felt that the ground they were stepping on was shaking violently.

No one spoke, and they all ran away in tacit agreement. Zenyue would be busier. While she was running away, she would use magic to speed up the others.

When they ran from the foot of the mountain to a magma pool, the dragon egg in Suyou's hand suddenly flew up on its own.

Although Su You didn't tell the story behind the dragon egg, she also told the others that the egg was a dragon egg. They all came to the Dragon Clan. There was really no need to hide the identity of the dragon egg.

So when they saw the dragon egg flying away by itself, everyone panicked.

Suyou is not as fast as the others, so she is behind, but a white plush comes out of her body out of nowhere, and this plush is Lingbao!

Lingbao followed the dragon egg as fast as lightning. Among the others, the fastest wind magician Zenyue followed closely behind.

Seeing that the dragon egg was about to fall into the magma, Lingbao instantly exploded. It subconsciously wanted to jump over, but it was obvious that without a foothold below, even if Lingbao passed over, it could not change the fate of the dragon egg falling into the lava. Facts, and it may even cost you your own life!
No one else had time to react. Zen Yue's speed suddenly increased. She also jumped into the air with the same lightness. Right below her was the hot magma that could directly burn anything into ashes.

She successfully caught the dragon egg. Everyone saw it and breathed a sigh of relief. But what no one expected was that the dragon egg seemed to be on purpose. It rolled and fell straight into the Into the magma!
Zenyue really didn't have time to react this time, because when she caught the dragon egg, the distance between the dragon egg and the magma was not far away. Moreover, no one expected that such a thing would happen, so she was unprepared and naturally couldn't react in time. .

Lingbao's struggle gradually became smaller and smaller until it stopped.

Although flying is the most expensive of the basic wind magic, Zenyue is now a senior magician after all. If it is only used by herself, she can fly for at least half an hour without external interference.

If she were an ordinary person, doing this would be tantamount to seeking death, but Zenyue was not an ordinary person. When she jumped high in the air, a silvery-white halo appeared vaguely around her ankles. This was the appearance of the flying technique in wind magic. .

Su You took the Lingbao over. At this time, she was no longer surprised and frightened. Su You, who had regained her composure, vaguely guessed something.

"Lingbao, don't worry. The dragon egg went down voluntarily. No life will seek death for no reason. Moreover, its desire to survive was so strong before, so it must know that this magma will not hurt itself, so it went down." Su You held down the struggling Lingbao and explained seriously and rationally.

But now she doesn't need such a long time at all. She only needs a short ten seconds. First she flies to Lingbao, grabs Lingbao's tail, and then stretches out her other hand to catch the dragon egg. .

Watching the dragon egg fall into the lava, Chanyue was helpless. She could only hold the struggling Lingbao tightly and return to Su You.

One person and one marten watched helplessly as the dragon egg flew above the magma, and then suddenly fell like a bird that had lost its wings.

Su You breathed a sigh of relief, then touched Lingbao's head and continued to comfort him: "Think about it, that's a dragon egg with a dragon cub inside. This is where the dragons live. They must have the ability to move in magma. ability."

Lingbao felt that what Suyou said made sense, so it calmed down.

It chirped twice in embarrassment, and then chirped crazily at Chan Yue, who had saved his life. Although Zenyue couldn't understand what it said, she could guess it. She smiled and said, "It's good that you're fine."

Su You was about to say something when suddenly, the ground shook again, but this time, before they had time to escape, a creature dozens of feet tall appeared directly in front of them.

Almost instantly, Su You guessed the identity of this tall creature—a dragon!

This is the dragon!

"Why did humans come to our dragon clan's territory? Why did you come? And how did you come?" A majestic voice rang in my ears, like thousands of speakers surrounding it.

Everyone was shocked by the sound and had a headache. Fortunately, Su You was prepared. She took out her earplugs and divided the points. At the same time, she did not forget to explain: "We picked up a dragon egg in the wild. We are friends with the mermaid tribe. I wanted to contact the Dragon Clan through the Mermaid Clan to return the dragon eggs, but I couldn’t get in touch, so I had to take the initiative to come to the door.”

"Before coming here, the elves also entrusted me with giving this gift to the dragons."

With that said, Su You quickly took out an item with a strong elven aura.

The first sentence Su You said was the truth, and the second sentence was also true. The difference was that the purpose of Su You's first sentence was to explain the purpose of her visit, and to inform her that she did not come to the door intentionally, but that she could not contact her. The Shanglong Clan was helpless and told the dragon that it was related to the Mermaid Clan.

As for the second sentence, the gift from the elves is true, but it is an excuse given by the queen because she was afraid that she would be embarrassed by the dragons after she knew she was coming to the dragons.

Since Suyou and his party are here to return the dragon egg, and they are also related to the mermaid tribe and the elf tribe, the dragon tribe will not say anything that will be detrimental to them openly, otherwise even if they don't talk about the kindness of the dragon egg, they will still have to do it. Taking into account the face of the mermaids and elves.

Sure enough, after Su You said these words, the momentum that was originally so strong that it was difficult for people to stand up suddenly weakened.

After a while, a tall man over two meters tall appeared in front of them.

Needless to say, this must be what the dragon looks like in human form.

Seeing him approaching, Su You took two steps forward and gave the dragon the gift from the elves.

He took the gift and glanced at Su You: "You are quite brave."

Although the Dragon Clan does not often enter the world, it does not mean that they are not involved in the world. It is not that no one has seen a dragon. It is just that before they see a dragon, they are all lofty and ambitious, with an attitude of "The Dragon Clan is nothing more than that". But after seeing them, All of them were trembling with fear and kneeling down to beg for mercy.

But the humans in front of them, except for the youngest little girl, did not have a look of fear in their eyes, but they were just a little out of breath from the dragon's momentum.

But that's about it.

Su You smiled and said nothing.

The dragon in front of him looked at the thing in his hand, and after confirming that it was really from the elves, his attitude softened slightly.

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