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Chapter 875 Chapter 875 Underworld Struggle

Chapter 875 875. Underworld Struggle
"I am Ming Zheng, you said you are here to return the dragon eggs?" Ming Zheng accepted the elves' things. Although he admitted that the humans in front of him were indeed related to the elves, he seriously doubted that Su You had anything to do with the dragon eggs. The truth or falsehood of the words.

"Yes, it's just that the dragon egg jumped down on its own just now." Su You pointed at the lava behind him.

Ming Zheng frowned, seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, he suppressed the doubts and doubts in his heart, said "wait", and then jumped into the magma smoothly.

With such a skillful and unhesitating look, those who didn't know thought he was diving, but they all knew that the 'red flow' rolling in front of them and emitting a scorching light was not water, but magma that could directly melt people.

But for the dragons, the existence of this magma is indeed the same as a stream next to human homes. They have played here since childhood, let alone adult dragons with rough skin and thick flesh. As long as they are healthy, even if they are Nothing will happen to the unhatched dragon eggs.

This was also the reason why Ming Zheng didn't immediately question Su You's words.

Su You and the others thought they would just have to wait for a while, but they didn't expect that after waiting for a full ten minutes, the magma remained calm, without any change.

Not to mention the human figure and the dragon egg, they didn't even see a hair or an eggshell!
"Wait, let's all take a rest. We don't know how long we have to wait." Su You didn't think about leaving directly, but she had already lost the most important trump card, the dragon egg, so she really couldn't leave.

She must wait for the dragon egg to appear, dead or alive.

Even if there is a piece of eggshell, it is more or less an explanation.

The Dragon Clan is rich in fire elements, and it is also a very pure fire element. Meike can practice here and get twice the result with half the effort.

Besides Sha Ling, the second winner was Meike.

But compared to theoretical experience, what Sha Ling lacks more is practical skills, because she already knows too much theoretical knowledge.

Seeing how serious he looked, everyone tacitly agreed not to disturb him, leaving him alone in the corner meditating.

As time passed by, Su You and the others found nothing... Oh, I should say, except Sha Ling, they found nothing.

With this protective shield, the temperatures they can come into contact with become as comfortable as a bath.

Sha Ling can be said to have gained the most among them.

Because the ground was covered with hot lava, everyone did not dare to sit down easily while resting. Fortunately, Su You was prepared. She took out high-temperature-resistant seats, and Sha Ling once again covered everyone with ice protection. shield.

Seeing that five hours were about to pass, Su You asked everyone to replenish their energy first, eat and drink when they should.

They bring sufficient supplies every time they go out, and this time is no exception, so they are ready for a protracted war.

Because she was the only one who had the most things to do in the past period of time, such as putting an ice shield on everyone every ten minutes to prevent heat stroke. During this period, she was not idle, chatting with other magicians around her when she had nothing to do. Chat and learn from the experience.

What they didn't expect was that before they had even taken two bites of their meal, Su You heard a strange noise coming from the lava... If you want to describe it, it was like the sound of water being boiled.

But magma is not water, so why does it boil?

Before Su You's brain could turn around, she had already subconsciously given the answer - "Let's go!"

With that said, several people stood up and ran away skillfully. They didn't even bother to put away the food while they were eating. All kinds of food fell all over the floor.

At this time, life-saving must be the most important thing. They have a lot to eat, so there is no need to risk their lives for a mouthful of food!

A group of people ran very fast. Less than a hundred meters away, they heard a suspected explosion behind them! ' There was a sound, and then they all felt a huge rush of heat coming from behind.

Almost at the same time, several magicians chanted spells at the same time. For the first time, they were all covered with a fiery red shield. This was Meike's.

The next second, they felt that their speed was much faster. This was Zen Moon.

Immediately afterwards, another layer of white and light blue shield appeared outside the fiery red shield. This was Sha Ling's ice shield.

Finally, they heard the sound of something rising from the ground behind them. Several people subconsciously looked back and saw that the lava that was about to pounce on them was suddenly blocked by a tens of meters high earth wall. Obviously, this was Thanks to Mingjun's contribution.

However, the power of the magma was too strong after all, so the earth wall only lasted less than five seconds, but this gave them enough time to escape.

When the lava behind them stopped, everyone stopped to rest.

Fortunately, they all took medicine to restore their mental and physical strength before eating. Eating was simply to satisfy their physical appetite. It didn't matter whether they ate or not. Otherwise, they really couldn't resist such intense physical exertion at this time.

Taking a few sharp breaths, they began to observe the magma that was more than ten meters away. The magma was still flowing at this time. Fortunately, they all had ice shields given by Sha Ling, so they couldn't feel much heat. As for heat stroke or even burns.

"Why has it become like this?" Ming Zheng's slightly surprised voice came. He was holding an egg in one hand, with obvious astonishment on his face.

Before everyone could come to their senses, Lingbao, who didn't really care about the magma, but only cared about the dragon egg, rushed out, as if he wanted to take the dragon egg back from Ming Zheng's hands.

Although Ming Zheng was surprised by the tragic scene here, he also felt that something was approaching him, and the target was the thing in his hand.

He reached out his hand casually and grabbed the Lingbao easily.

"Little guy, you still want to... what did you do?!" Ming Zheng sneered. He originally thought that this little mink dared to provoke him, which was tantamount to hitting an egg with a stone. But who expected that the next second, he felt a pain in his hand, and he Subconsciously letting go, Lingbao broke free from the restraints and at the same time, the dragon egg held in his other hand also fell from the air.

Lingbao jumped over without hesitation to catch the dragon egg. Zenyue saw this and quickly helped. She also used a flying technique on Lingbao. Lingbao easily caught the dragon egg, and then curled its big tail. Dragon egg, Ma Liu'er ran away.

The scene reached a deadlock for a time.

Suyou didn't dare to act rashly. After all, Lingbao had just injured the dragon. The dragon didn't have a good temper, so they were afraid that he would hold a grudge and do something. So they all tacitly squeezed the Longxing Shizishi, waiting to see If something goes wrong, just go home.

Ming Zheng on the other side was indeed angry just now. After all, he was hurt, and he was hurt by a weak creature in his eyes. Rather than being angry because of the injury, he was angry because he had lost face.

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