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Chapter 878 Chapter 878 Dragon King

Chapter 878 878. Dragon King
Ming Zheng didn't hesitate much and agreed directly.

It's not appropriate to bring people in directly, but it's not a big problem to bring a little guy, and this little guy also has half of the dragon blood, and he is also an adult treasure hunting beast, and his blood level is not much different from their dragon blood level.

"Okay, let's go." Ming Zheng saw that Lingbao was not getting close to him, and the dragon egg was also next to Lingbao, so he simply walked in front and led the way, looking back from time to time.

He turned around several times and saw the little guy carrying the dragon egg. Although he was some distance away from him, he had never lost his way. Then he felt relieved and walked ahead without looking back.

The dragon clan's lair is luxurious and extravagant, with glittering gold everywhere. There is no skill in the design, and it is all made of money. Therefore, there is no winding road at all. After just two turns, Ming Zheng arrived at the nest. Lazy and postureless, he sat in front of the Mimicry Dragon.

"Stop sleeping, let's see what I bring back." Ming Zheng was not polite. He transformed into a dragon tail and slapped each one. After waking up all the dragons, he pointed at the Lingbao and the tail on it. The dragon egg introduced: "This is a treasure-hunting beast mixed with half of our blood. This is the lost cub of our clan."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent for a moment, and then Lingbao subconsciously ran back ten meters with the egg. When it stopped, its original location was surrounded by more than a dozen dragons.

"What? Dragon egg? Where is it?"

"You damn thing, don't squeeze me, I want to see the dragon egg too!"

"We, the Dragon Clan, have not had a newborn for more than a hundred years. Who is this family that is so powerful that it secretly produces a baby?"


It is said that there are too many people and there is too much right and wrong, but this dragon is not quiet when there are too many people. It is noisy. Lingbao is so annoyed that it is all covered with hair. The dragon egg seems to have sensed Lingbao's angry mood. It slowly flies up, and then takes advantage of ten seconds. Several dragons were entangled and knotted with each other, and they were smashed one by one, as if they were venting their anger for the spirit treasure.

After all, it was an egg, and the dragons were still rough-skinned and fleshy, so it would definitely not hurt if they were hit, but this sudden attack still made them stunned for a moment.

While Ming Zheng was watching dumbfounded, he couldn't help but find it funny, so he quickly laughed at him: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, what are these old guys doing? How shameless are they to make such a fuss in front of juniors?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the dozens of dragons that had been completely knotted, and shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, I'll go find the Dragon King first. If you want to see the cubs, just take care of them yourself before going over."

After Mingzheng finished speaking, he didn't wait for their response, raised his chin at Lingbao, and then left quickly.

Lingbao couldn't stand the noise here for a long time, so he quickly left with the dragon egg.

This place is quite far from the Dragon King's palace, but the Dragon King is not in his palace at this time. Instead, he is sitting in the main hall, looking like he is thinking hard.

I don't know if he was too obsessed with his thoughts, but he didn't even notice that Ming Zheng was coming.

"Your Majesty, look what I brought back! A dragon egg!" When facing the Dragon King, Ming Zheng's attitude was obviously different from before.

Although his attitude at this time was not respectful, it was much better than that of the dozen dragons before.

He didn't even show off and directly revealed Dragon Egg's identity.

"What dragon egg?" The Dragon King frowned and looked at Ming Zheng. He also saw the Lingbao on the ground, which was smaller than their size, and also saw the egg next to Lingbao. The Dragon King's reaction after seeing the egg was almost the same as Ming Zheng's reaction when he first knew it was a dragon egg. He pointed at the dragon egg with a tone of incomprehension: "Don't tell me this is a dragon egg. Do you think you believe it?" ?”

Ming Zheng naturally knew why the Dragon King was suspicious, so he spoke quickly and told everything that had happened before.

Finally, he asked: "Brother, do you think there is a dragon in our clan that has lost its egg? I don't know whose cub this is."

As soon as these words came out, the Dragon King's expression changed, and Ming Zheng was a little confused. Then he seemed to think of something, and then looked at Lingbao...the egg behind him in disbelief.

The Dragon King also reacted in the same way.

Their appearance successfully frightened Lingbao. Lingbao tried to run away, but was quickly caught by the Dragon King.

Mingzheng quickly stopped him and repeatedly emphasized that Lingbao was his savior.

"No matter whose cub this is, this treasure-hunting beast is the benefactor of our dragon clan." After saying that, he seemed to remember something, and continued to add: "I almost forgot, there are a few humans outside, the ones who sent dragon eggs. We should treat those who come back well."

The Dragon King's eyes were still glued to the dragon egg, but when he saw that the dragon egg hid behind Lingbao because of his burning gaze, he resisted the impulse and withdrew his gaze to avoid scaring it.

"Go and invite them in... No, I will greet them personally." This sentence was enough to show the Dragon King's inner excitement at this time, as well as his gratitude to Su You and the others.

By the time Su You and the others sat on the seats in the Dragon Palace Hall, it was already half an hour later.

Although the waiting time was long, Su You and the others also felt a lot of peeping eyes during this period. This half hour was more difficult than waiting for Ming Zheng to enter the magma for five hours to search for the dragon egg, but they finally got through smoothly. He entered the Dragon Palace and was personally greeted by the Dragon King's leaders, becoming the honored guest of the Dragon Clan.

Considering the etiquette for treating guests, even though the Dragon King couldn't wait to know the identity of the dragon egg, he still patiently held a banquet and invited Suyou and the others.

After some polite exchanges of cups and cups, some excited words of gratitude and thanks, after they had finished drinking and eating, all the other unimportant dragons left, leaving only Su You and his party, Ming Zheng, the Dragon King, and a man who seemed to be named ' Tang Yu's dragon.

"I have heard Ming Zheng talk about this egg before, but I want to hear you talk about it again." The Dragon King's tone was undeniably serious.

Su You didn't refuse. The Dragon King should be cautious. Who made this egg breathless?
Even a dragon would be suspicious.

Moreover, the Dragon Clan was very polite and courteous, so Su You had nothing to complain about.

So Su You repeated everything he said to Ming Zheng. Considering that this was the Dragon King in front of him, the boss of the Dragon Clan, a being with the same status as the Queen, and he was most likely the father of Dragon Egg, so what Su You said More than before.

She added a lot of details, but she didn't say anything that shouldn't have been said.

"So that's it." The Dragon King nodded, his calm face showing no emotion at all, and no one knew whether he believed Su You's words.

After a few seconds, the Dragon King said: "Although all the current evidence proves that this is the cub of my dragon clan..."

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