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Chapter 879 879 Retaining Guests

Chapter 879 879. Retaining guests
"But it doesn't have the aura of my dragon clan. What do you think about this, Miss Su?" In fact, when Ming Zheng just asked about which dragons in the dragon clan had lost their eggs in recent years, the Dragon King couldn't help but think of a hundred years ago. Accidentally lost dragon egg.

Although they were recovered, only one was recovered.

Anita's information was very accurate. It was extremely rare for the Dragon Queen to give birth to two dragon eggs.

Twins are not uncommon in the human race, and are very common in the orc tribe, but in the dragon tribe where it is difficult to have heirs, it is a rare sight in a thousand years.

This lost dragon egg was like a thorn in the throat, which made the Dragon King and Dragon Queen suffer for a full hundred years. Even though they had caught the culprit and gave him the punishment he deserved, they would still be forever. Lost his child...

However, although the Dragon King desperately hopes that this is his child, he is rational and can become the Dragon King. He must not be stupid and trustful to strangers.

Something happened to the Dragon Clan not long ago. If he leads a wolf into the house for his selfish reasons at this time, then he will be the sinner of the Dragon Clan!

Now that there was something obviously wrong with the dragon egg, he had to find out why.

Su You had already thought about the possibility of this question before, so she had already thought of an answer: "I think the Dragon Clan should know more about this matter than me. After all, this is a dragon egg."

"Of course, I am not shirking responsibility. If you really want to ask me what I think, I really have two ideas."

Seeing her calm and calm look, the Dragon King had the same idea as Ming Zheng. They both believed that Su You was not lying. Of course, this did not mean that this was the dragon egg.

They believed that Su You really regarded this egg as a dragon egg. Even if this dragon egg was fake, Su You did not deliberately pretend to be a dragon egg. She was kind-hearted and the dragon clan would not be embarrassed.

"Please tell me." After understanding that Su You was most likely not an enemy, the Dragon King's attitude was a little gentler, but his face was still very serious and cold.

"The first possibility is that the dragon egg has been lost for many years. In order to protect itself, it hid its aura."

"The second possibility is that something went wrong with the dragon egg, so its aura disappeared or was covered up."

Ming Zheng's mind was a little confused, so he subconsciously asked: "What's the difference between the two?"

After saying this, Ming Zheng regretted a little, because he found that Su You looked at him with a very complicated look. When he turned around, the Dragon King saw the same.

The Dragon King was even more direct. After all, he was one of his own. He patted Ming Zheng on the shoulder: "I asked you to study hard, but you know how to play nonsense all day long, and now you can't even understand a human word."

Mingzheng: "..."

Su You coughed dryly, and in order to ease the embarrassment, she explained: "The difference is that in the former, the dragon egg actively hides, while in the latter, it is most likely that it was passively hidden due to external influence."

If they are actively hiding, then they only need to find a way to relax the dragon egg and let it know that it is safe, and then it will naturally release its breath.

But if it is the latter, then you have to worry about it, because there is a high probability that the cause and solution will not be found in a short time.

"What you said makes sense." The Dragon King nodded, and then continued to ask: "Then what does Miss Su think we need to do?"

"Please wait a moment." Suyou called Lingbao and said a few words, and then everyone saw Lingbao coming to the dragon egg, touching and patting it comfortingly, and making little chirping noises from his mouth.

The dragon egg seemed to be enjoying it too, as it staggered close to the Lingbao. Even people who didn't recognize it could tell that they had a great relationship. Except for Su You, no one here was proficient in Diaoyan, so everyone looked at a loss. Only Su You just looked at it seriously.

As time passed, ten minutes later, Su You saw that Dragon King and the others still had no response, and knew that it must have failed.

"I just asked Lingbao to comfort the dragon egg, telling it that this is its home, that it is safe here, and that it can relax, but it seems that there is no response so far."

The Dragon King asked in confusion: "So what do you mean?"

Su You didn't think about it and said directly: "It is very close to Lingbao, and I think I have been very good to it during this period. Even if it does not trust me, it will not distrust Lingbao, but even so, it still has no reaction. , so I personally prefer the latter."

The dragon egg was picked up by Lingbao and raised with blood by Lingbao, so it must be close to Lingbao.

Even though Su You provided a comfortable environment for it and worked hard to find animal-marked fruit dragon crystals and other items to raise it, it still liked Lingbao more and would definitely listen to Lingbao's words.

However, despite Lingbao's persuasion, the dragon egg still did not respond, which could only mean that it was unable to respond.

Seeing that the Dragon King was about to speak again, Su You was like a prophet who had not predicted the future, and answered his question first: "If you want to ask why it was forced to hide, and how to solve this problem, this is not something I can know. After all, I don’t know much about the Dragon Clan.”

The Dragon King was silent.

Ming Zheng didn't know what to say for a while.

Just when the atmosphere was about to fall into an eerie silence, the third dragon present, the female dragon named 'Tang Yu' who had never spoken before, suddenly said: "First of all, whether this egg is the cub of our dragon clan or not, , but it cannot leave the Dragon Clan until it is verified that it is not.”

After Su You heard this, she couldn't help but frown slightly.

But Tang Yu's next words made her frown.

"But after all, the egg was raised by Miss Su and this treasure-hunting beast together. In order to ensure its normal growth, I also ask you to stay with the Dragon Clan for a few days. The Dragon Clan will definitely entertain you well."

Su You knew that Tang Yu's words seemed polite, but in fact they could not be refused.

There is indeed no room for negotiation between humans and dragons.

However, Su You was prepared to stay. Firstly, she was also worried about the safety of the Dragon Egg. Secondly, another purpose of her trip was to find out what happened to the Dragon Clan. At the same time, she also wanted to help the Dragon Clan overcome the crisis. She could not let those behind the scenes People succeed.

Although Tang Yu's words were exactly what he wanted, Su You didn't agree immediately. Instead, he thought for a moment and hesitated before nodding in agreement.

Considering that the habits of the Dragon Clan are different from those of humans, the Dragon Clan had never considered that foreigners would come to the Dragon Clan before, so there were not many preparations. Even this meal was made from some unknown source that was finally plundered from the depths of the warehouse. Human food stuffed into a dragon.

Fortunately, Suyou and the others have prepared everything, so they don't have to worry about food and drink. The dragon clan only needs to give them a quiet place to rest.

After solving the problem of food and accommodation, Su You proposed that she want to go to a place where the history of the Dragon Clan was recorded. It would be better if there were relevant books and dictionaries.

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