Chapter 880 880. Many books

Her explanation for this was that she wanted to find out from these records whether there were other ways to prove the identity of the dragon eggs.

The Dragon King was very busy, so the task of entertaining them was handed over to Ming Zheng. Ming Zheng saw that this request was not difficult, so he turned around and went to the warehouse. After ten minutes, Su You saw that almost half of the territory was filled with piles. The books in the warehouse made my whole body go numb.

She took a deep breath, and then her eyes fell on the other people behind her...

A few minutes later, seven people, that is, everyone except the young Sha Ling, were sitting on the ground holding books and studying hard.

Ming Zheng was not spared either. Su You saw that there were not enough manpower and knew that Ming Zheng had nothing to do, so she pulled him down to search.

The dragon clan has a history of thousands of years. It is not surprising that there are so many records. But not being surprised is one thing. It is another thing that they have been tortured because of so many records.

After everyone finally spent six or seven hours reading half the room's history of the dragon clan, they found nothing.

Just when Su You was wondering if there was something wrong with her thinking, and how could there be no relevant clues in the dragon clan's records, Ming Zheng stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said, "This house is too small. There is not enough room to hold all the books, and there are several rooms next door that are full of books..."

Su You: "..."

Everyone: " many books!"

For a moment, everyone's face turned pale.

Su You didn't know whether to be happy that she hadn't finished the book yet and that the clues might really exist, or whether she should be sad that she hadn't finished the book yet!
Ming Zheng also realized something was wrong.

He also wanted to stay and read. If there were several rooms of books, wouldn't he also have to read several rooms of books?
Thinking of this, Ming Zheng's face turned green.

Afterwards, he left decisively, holding a dozen dragons that didn't have time to escape. Su You and the others had good memories, and they recognized that these dozen dragons were the same knotted nest of dragons they had seen before.

With the addition of more than a dozen laborers at once, the efficiency must have been much faster, but because the total amount was really too much, they only saw less than one-fifth of it until the evening.

Reading is too energy-consuming, especially for these impatient dragons. It would be better for them to have a fight and get hurt a little if they read so many books.

After all, flesh injuries are physical injuries, so they can be tolerated as long as they get used to them, but reading now is mental injuries, and they can't get used to it at all!
But even if they are not used to it, they have no choice. After all, this matter involves the identity of the dragon egg, so they can only hold their noses and admit it.

After reading the book for three days in a row, everyone and the dragon were buzzing and nauseated when they saw the text. But the hard work paid off, and they finally found a way to verify their identity!

But just when they were about to conduct identity verification, a strange female dragon suddenly appeared. She excitedly rushed to the front of all the dragons, staring closely at the dragon egg next to Lingbao. Lingbao was so frightened that Lingbao took the egg and ran away. Hidden behind Su You.

Just when Suyou was confused about how all this happened, the words of other dragons following behind this dragon revealed her identity.

"Queen, why did you run out? You are not in good health. Go back and rest!"

Is this actually the Dragon Queen?
Su You looked at it curiously, but not surprised. After all, if this dragon egg really belonged to the Dragon King, then the Dragon Queen would be its mother. As a mother, the Dragon Queen must care about her children.

But for some reason, she had never seen the Dragon Queen in the past few days, and then she suddenly appeared today? "Don't pull me! I want to see my child..." The dragon queen should be very strong, as three or four dragons couldn't pull her back.

Of course, it's possible that her health is really bad and these people don't dare to pull hard, but her strength is obviously not low.

It was impossible for Su You to let the farce continue, so she quickly stepped forward and explained: "Currently we are still studying how to prove that this egg is a child of the dragon clan. Until it is proved, it is not necessarily a dragon egg."

The Dragon Queen was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at her, then with a serious face and a determined tone: "This must be my child. How could I not recognize my child?"

Su You felt that these words were somewhat familiar. She glanced at Ming Zheng calmly, then turned back and continued: "Did you feel the aura of the dragon from this egg?"

Only then did the Dragon Queen react. She looked at the egg and shook her head, but she was still confident: "Although it doesn't have the aura of a dragon, it must be my child. It must have become what it is now for other reasons." This is what it looks like.”

The Dragon Queen's attitude surprised everyone present, including Su You.

Although Su You was confused, she was also considerate of the mother who had lost her child, so she asked Lingbao to take the dragon egg to spend some time with the dragon queen, and she was also going to have a chat with the dragon queen.

When the dragon queen could touch the egg, the whole dragon became extremely excited, and the hands that reached out to touch trembled slightly.

Until her hand fell on the egg and felt the warm and smooth touch under her hand, which also had a familiar and kind feeling, the Dragon Queen burst into tears unconsciously.

The few dragons following the dragon panicked instantly. They hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them, but were pushed away by the dragon queen. While everyone was in a panic, no one noticed a drop of crystal tears falling on the dragon egg. It shook slightly, then stopped moving.

After the Dragon Queen adjusted her mood, Su You had a conversation with her, and then she covered her head with a headache.

She originally thought that the Dragon Queen might have some basis for thinking that the egg was her child, but she didn't expect that she had no basis at all. She just stubbornly believed that this was her child. This attitude made Su You, who was originally sure of the Dragon Egg's identity, confused. I can't help but doubt the authenticity of Dragon Egg's identity.

Su You feels that the Dragon Queen is not suitable as a basis for proving the dragon egg's identity because she feels that the Dragon Queen's condition is not normal.

It was like she lost her child and became insane due to excessive stimulation. No matter what egg she saw, she might think it was her child. There are similar cases in real life.

Su You sighed helplessly.

At this moment, the Dragon King came. As soon as he came over, he walked straight in the direction of the Dragon Queen. He hugged the Dragon Queen distressedly and was about to say something, but was pushed aside mercilessly by the Dragon Queen. .

"You're blocking my view of my good little cub." The Dragon Queen sounded a little disgusted, and then continued to look at the dragon egg with soft eyes, and even said a few words in a gentle voice to the Lingbao.

Dragon King: "..."

Su You: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The other dragons seemed to be used to this. They turned their backs tacitly and dared not look again. The only brave dragon was Ming Zheng. After all, the Dragon King was his brother, and there was nothing for him to avoid. If there were no other people around at the moment, he would definitely have made a few jokes.

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