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Chapter 881 881 Burning Flame Flower

Chapter 881 881. Burning Flame Flower

As for Su You and the others, because they were not from the Dragon Clan and wanted to watch the excitement, although they did not stare directly at them, they glanced at them from the corner of their eyes from time to time. In short, they looked at what they could see. Have fun watching it all.

Su You coughed twice: "Your Highness the Dragon King, we have found another way to verify the identity of the dragon egg."

The Dragon King was quite embarrassed just now, but now that Su You gave him the steps, he immediately came down quickly.

"What method?" Although he asked Su You, the Dragon King's attention was still stuck on the Dragon Queen.

Su You lamented the sharp contrast between the relationship between the Dragon King and his wife and the mermaid clan. At the same time, he also took out the information they found and briefly described it.

"The book says that the Dragon Clan has a place called the Flame Valley. The Burning Flame Flower growing in the Flame Valley can verify the identity of the dragon egg. If it is a dragon egg, the Burning Flame Flower will be absorbed by the dragon egg as nutrients; otherwise, the Burning Flame Flower will be absorbed by the dragon egg as nutrients; otherwise, the Burning Flame Flower will be absorbed by the dragon egg. The flowers will turn to ashes.”

The Dragon King read the book and immediately asked people to go to the Valley of Fire.

The Dragon Clan does have a place called the Valley of Fire, and there is indeed a fiery red flower in the valley, but they don't know what this flower is called or what it does.

I didn’t expect to see it in a book recording the history of the Dragon Clan!
The dragon who was sent was very fast and brought a large handful of Burning Flame Flowers in less than three minutes.

In order to avoid suspicion, it was the Dragon King Benlong who personally verified it. According to the method recorded in the book, it connected the rhizome of the Burning Flame Flower to the top directly above the dragon egg. It looked like it had 'planted' the Burning Flame Flower. The same as on the dragon egg.

Then, the Dragon King dropped a drop of blood on the joint between the root and the dragon egg. The next second, everyone saw that the Burning Flame Flower withered quickly as if it had been drained.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is obviously a sign of being drained of nutrients!

For a time, there was another burst of war and chaos.

The dragon queen held the dragon egg and the spirit treasure attached to the egg. She cried and murmured to herself, such as "I knew this was my child", "My good cub is my mother, I'm sorry for you", "You come back to me" That’s good, I will take good care of you in the future and never lose you again.”

Because she was not crying loudly, but she was crying quietly, and because the Dragon Queen's human form has a gentle appearance, no matter who looked at her, she felt pity for me.

Even the Dragon King, who was unhappy when the egg took away all his wife's attention, felt a little sorry for his child who had been lost for a hundred years because of the Dragon Queen's cries.

After a day of tossing, everyone was tired. Although Su You was worried about the dragon eggs and spirit treasures, seeing the way the dragon queen was acting, it was obviously impossible for her to be willing to let them go, so she could only give a few serious instructions and then take them with her. The others went back to rest.

After a day's rest, when Suyou woke up, the entire dragon clan felt as if the world had changed. Finding the dragon egg was something that made the whole clan happy, not to mention that it was the Dragon King's child!

For a moment, everyone in the Dragon Clan was beaming with joy. When Suyou and the others woke up, the dragons of all sizes were even more respectful to them, without the arrogance they had before.

After some discussion, Su You asked the others to disperse and find other dragons to collect information.

They are now the benefactors of the Dragon Clan and can move freely in the Dragon Clan, so they don't have to worry about safety issues.

Even if they encounter danger, they still have the Return Stone and the Dragon Walking Stone to quickly teleport back to their territory.

The others left, and Suyou was about to find the Lingbao. When it found the Lingbao, it was playing with several young dragons. When it saw Suyou coming, it immediately abandoned its new playmates and quickly came to Suyou's side. Then he said a lot of words. Su You successfully learned a lot of news about the Dragon Clan from Lingbao.

For example, Ming Zheng is the younger brother of the Dragon King.

For example, the previously taciturn Tang Yu was a doctor of the Dragon Clan. She was one of the few dragons in the Dragon Clan who was born with healing talents. Compared with other dragons, her combat effectiveness was not high, but she had powerful healing abilities.

Also, the reason why the Dragon Queen didn't come looking for the dragon egg a few days ago was because the Dragon King didn't tell the Dragon Queen about the egg.

The Dragon Queen lost her child a hundred years ago just after giving birth. She was overly grieved and her body was damaged. She then secretly left the Dragon Clan many times to look for her child without taking good care of her body. She consumed a lot of money, which caused the root of the disease, so her body was very weak. .

Although after a hundred years of careful care by the Dragon King, the Dragon Queen has recovered a lot, she still cannot get emotional and run around at will, otherwise no one can say whether she will relapse and lose consciousness in an unknown place.

The identity of the dragon egg was unknown a few days ago, and it was naturally impossible for the Dragon King to tell the Dragon Queen about it. Fear gave her hope, but also made her despair, stimulated, and completely depressed.


After successfully collecting the information, Suyou touched Lingbao's head to express a good job and asked where the dragon egg was.

Lingbao did not speak, but directly led the way. When the young dragons saw this scene, they quickly followed.

When Suyou found the dragon egg, she saw the dragon egg leaning in the queen's arms, enjoying the queen's gentle touch.

I don't know if it was Su You's illusion, but the originally dark egg actually showed signs of 'fading'. This gave Su You the feeling that the egg was originally 'blackened', but now because of the care of family, so Its blackening degree gradually decreased.

"Your Highness the Dragon Queen." Su You greeted the Dragon Queen.

The Dragon Queen was very fond of Su You, the human who saved her child, so when she saw Su You, she didn't show the impatience she felt when seeing other dragons. Instead, she smiled and patted the seat next to her: "Come and sit."

"Don't call me Dragon Queen. If you don't mind, just call me Miaosha." Miaosha smiled softly, and the sadness and dejection in her whole body swept away, replaced by a strong aura of motherly love.

Suyou knew that all these were changes brought about by the dragon egg.

"Miao Sha." Su You didn't mind getting closer to the Dragon Queen, or in other words, she was eager to get closer to the Dragon Queen.

"You came to see it, right." Miaosha touched the dragon egg, and then moved it slightly towards Su You, but she never moved the dragon egg out of her protection range.

When Su You saw this, the hand she was about to extend stopped moving.

She glanced at the dragon egg, doubts flashed in her eyes, Miaosha sensitively caught her emotions, so she asked: "What's wrong?"

"I feel... it seems to be different from before." Su You was not prepared to hide it, because she was also worried that the changes in the dragon egg would have bad consequences. Her power alone is limited, and this is not her territory. , it’s not easy for her to express herself freely, so it’s better to talk it out.

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