Chapter 882 882. Fading
The mother in front of her is Dragon Egg. Judging from how much she cares about Dragon Egg, if there is really a problem with Dragon Egg, as long as she speaks out, Miaosha will do her best to protect Dragon Egg.

As expected, after hearing Su You's ambiguous words, Miaosha looked very nervous: "What's different? Is there something wrong with it?"

Suyou knew from Lingbao that Miaosha was not in good health, so she didn't dare to tell the truth to prevent Miaosha from thinking wildly.

"Actually, it's not a big problem. I just feel that its color is a little lighter than before." Su You recalled the initial appearance of the dragon egg. "When Lingbao first picked it up, it was pitch black and it didn't look good. Like an egg, it’s like a stone.”

But after Suyou and Lingbao took careful care of it, the originally rough and embarrassing appearance of the dragon egg gradually became smooth, and now it looked somewhat like an egg.

"How could this happen!" Miaosha was not comforted by Su You's words, but became even more worried: "How could it fade?"


Although Su You thought the same thing, Miao Sha still found these words inexplicably funny.

Suyou suppressed her inappropriate emotions: "Don't worry, I think this may be the change that happened because of seeing you, and this change should be good."

Miao Sha didn't quite believe it...or maybe she was actually a little too worried.

For Miaosha, besides joy, she was also more nervous and scared after losing and regaining her possessions. Her mood was even worse than before.

It was just one day, and the Dragon King was busy dealing with the celebration banquet for the recovery of the dragon egg. The Dragon Queen was unwilling to get along with other dragons and only wanted to take care of the dragon egg alone, so no one else discovered her.

But now that Su You has discovered it, she naturally can't just sit idly by.

"Do you still remember what it looked like when you gave birth to it?"

Miaosha thought for a while, and then said with difficulty: "It seems like...two white eggs."

Su You had long known that Miao Sha had double balls, so she wasn't surprised when she said that.

"Look, it was clearly a white egg at first, but now it looks like this. This is obviously not normal. If the dragon egg can return to white, this will be a sign that it has fully recovered." Su You said, understanding at the same time one thing.

She may know why the dragon egg has no dragon aura, because its aura is covered by something.

From a white egg to black, this is simply like a process of 'blackening', but a cub that has not yet broken out of its shell has no consciousness, so how can it possibly understand blackening?

So Su You suspected that the blackening of the dragon egg was due to external reasons. The so-called blackening should be that it was entangled with something dirty.

Dragon eggs are fragile and young and have no ability to resist, but dragons are different. The dragon energy in this body is the nemesis of dark things, so the dragon egg fades probably because after spending a day with the dragon queen, it is gradually absorbed by the dragon queen's body. The dragon energy is purified.

As for why the dragon blood that contained strong dragon energy did not purify the dragon egg, Su You personally believed that the dragon blood should have been absorbed by the dragon cub itself.

The dragon egg is divided into two parts, one is the surface of the eggshell, and the other is the dragon cub inside the egg. In comparison, the dragon cub itself is definitely more important than the eggshell.

The eggshell turned black, and so did the dragon cub. The dragon cub absorbed the dragon energy to purify itself, but it did not waste the dragon energy to purify the eggshell, so it still showed a dark appearance.

"So that's it..." Miaosha looked very happy after hearing Su You's explanation. She hugged the dragon egg tightly and even lowered her head and kissed it gently.

Then, she seemed to have thought of something and looked up at Su You: "That little cub needs dragon energy. I'll just give it blood. Will it recover as soon as possible?" Su You shook her head quickly, and she was also a little bit confused by this statement. The dragon queen who was bleeding was frightened.

She can guarantee that if she fails to stop the Dragon Queen, the Dragon King will throw them out of the Dragon Clan afterwards, even if they are saviors.

"Some things are too much. Lingbao could feel its desire before, but Lingbao didn't say that it desires dragon blood at this time. In other words, it feels that it doesn't need it now. Many things can be done step by step and naturally."

Miaosha felt a little regretful that she could not cure her child, but when she thought that things were going in a good direction, she didn't particularly care.

After that, Su You and Miao Sha chatted for a while, during which they quietly wanted to inquire about what happened to the Dragon Clan during this period, but they didn’t know whether Miao Sha was not as gentle and easy to talk to as she appeared, or whether she was really She only thought about her lost child. In short, Su You couldn't get any valuable information from her.

After Suyou left, the Dragon Queen took a deep look at her back, then continued to lower her head and gently stroke the dragon egg...


It has been four days since she came to the Dragon Clan. Although she successfully helped Long Dan recognize her ancestors and became a guest of the Dragon Clan, she has no clue about the mission.

The only thing Su You can do now is to continue reading the dragon clan's history books.

Although Dragon Egg had already proved her identity, the books were not immediately cleared away at her request. Ming Zheng must have asked the Dragon King what he wanted, saying that the books could be viewed at will, and then just left them alone.

So Suyou and the others read the book for several days.

Until the evening of the seventh day, when Su You and others read the last part of the book and were about to sort out useful information, the door was suddenly violently opened. Before Su You could speak, Meike and others tacitly agreed to let her and Wei Wei An stood behind.

"Who!" Meck snapped.

Su You turned her head to see what was going on, but because of the backlight, she could only see a blurry black shadow.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Meck was ready to take action directly if he disagreed, but the other party may have guessed his move and fled directly.

Everyone was a little confused by the other party's magical move. Before they could react, the Dragon Clan's people arrived belatedly. The leader was Tang Yu, whom they all knew.

Isn’t Tang Yu a doctor from the Dragon Clan?

How could she appear at a scene similar to the capture of an 'assassin'?

Just when Su You was confused, Tang Yu took two steps forward and asked, "Did you see any strange figure just now?"

Su You also stepped forward: "I saw it, but I couldn't see clearly what kind of creature it was."

If it were in the territory, it would most likely be a human being, but this is the human race, and it was hard to tell whether the thing just now was a human or an animal.

Tang Yu nodded, then turned to say a few words to the other dragons. The other aggressive dragons left after hearing this, leaving only Tang Yu.

"What happened?"

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