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Chapter 883 883 The young dragon is injured

Chapter 883 883. The young dragon is injured
"What happened?" Su You was originally curious about what happened, but just now she was afraid of asking the other party and refused to tell her, so she felt that it was overstepping her limits. But now that Tang Yu has stayed, it means that she definitely wants to talk to him. Just a chat.

Tang Yu didn't hide anything and said directly: "I just came from the Dragon Queen and learned about the recovery of the dragon eggs. I wanted to come over and tell everyone, but I didn't expect that I met an unknown creature on the way and was attacking my young dragon. , I led people to pursue it, and ended up here. ”

Su You knew that Tang Yu was doubting them.

This is normal, otherwise why wouldn't something happen sooner or later, but something happened when they were in the Dragon Clan?

Moreover, the unknown creature was also very evil. It actually deliberately led Tang Yu and the others in this direction. Su You and the others were the only ones here looking at the history of the Dragon Clan. This was obviously a frame-up!
"Is the young dragon okay?" Su You asked.

Tang Yu thought for a while and said, "It's been treated, nothing is wrong."

"Do you know what caused the wound?" Su You continued to ask.

Tang Yu glanced at them and said in a strange tone: "When I found the young dragon, the cold from the wound was still there."

Su You understood, but the chill didn't subside. Wasn't this because she was doubting Sha Ling?

Although the Dragon Clan is surrounded by fire and lava, Sha Ling is a master-level magician, and her level is enough to cause damage regardless of the environment.

Su You was also very direct: "So you are doubting us?"

"That's not the case, but we need an explanation." Tang Yu actually didn't want to believe that Sha Ling did this. After all, Sha Ling looked like a child under ten years old, but her reason told her that even if she saw No matter how young he is, he is still a master magician.

The strength of a grandmaster level magician cannot be underestimated, not even the Dragon Clan, because when the Dragon Clan fights against the Human Race, there are some inherent limitations, so they cannot exert their full strength.

All in all, Sha Ling is capable of hurting young dragons.

"What explanation? An explanation that proves that the young dragon was not injured by Sha Ling?" Su You smiled and continued: "If the young dragon was really injured by Sha Ling, let's not talk about why she was stupid enough to come back here. In fact, Sha Ling The bell has no ability to hurt the young dragon."

Su You knew that Tang Yu wouldn't believe what she said was unfounded, so after comforting Sha Ling, he took her out.

"It doesn't matter what I say, you can come and check it yourself and you will know." Dragons are born 'magicians', and they can naturally sense the elemental fluctuations in the magician's body.

Tang Yu didn't know why, but he still came over to check it out. As a result, he was stunned when he checked it out.

Because she discovered that although the human child in front of her did have strong magical elements in her body, these elements were very messy, and to put it simply, she was very disobedient.

If the elements in a magician's body are disobedient, no matter how abundant the magic energy in his body is, he will not be able to use advanced magic.

As for low-level magic, it is impossible to cause harm to dragons, even young dragons.

"What's going on?" Tang Yu asked subconsciously.

Su You shook her head: "This is the secret of this child. She is indeed a master magician, but the magic she can master is limited. The person behind the scenes chose to frame her, which was really a wrong choice." This was Su You's sincere words. If the other party chose to frame Mei Ke, Su You really couldn't find any way to prove it for a while.
Tang Yu listened to Su You's words and did not continue to ask. As long as it was proven that this matter had nothing to do with Su You and the others, they would not insist on exploring other people's secrets.

She did not doubt that Sha Ling deliberately messed up the elements in her body to mislead her, because this was impossible and the result would be tantamount to seeking death.

"I understand. I misunderstood this matter. I apologize. I will ask someone to send me an apology afterwards." Tang Yu apologized politely, and Su You naturally accepted it. After all, Tang Yu had suspected them before. I was very polite and didn't say anything rude. I just wish I could explain it clearly now. However, Su You didn't care whether she wanted to apologize or not. What she cared about most now was whether she could use this incident to learn more about the Dragon Clan.

Su You thought about the words: "Originally, this should be a matter of the dragon clan, and we should not interfere, but the other party has already started to frame us, so I hope to get some relevant information and find the real culprit of this matter as soon as possible. ”

"Since the other party attacks the young dragon, there is no guarantee that they will not attack the dragon egg. After all, I have been raising it for a while, and I don't want it to get hurt."

Tang Yu really didn't want to say it at first, but because of the previous misunderstanding, she was a little embarrassed, and Su You's words sounded nice, so she didn't refuse after thinking about it.

"If you want to ask anything, you can ask directly, but there are some things that can't be said, and I won't say them either."

Su You was quite satisfied with the result, and she didn't expect the Dragon Clan to believe in her easily.

"Where was the baby dragon injured?"

"It's by the Dragon Palace Pond not far away." As the first dragon to be discovered, Tang Yu naturally knew this very well.

"Is Longgong Pond far from here?"

Tang Yu recalled: "Longgongchi is quite far away from here. We chased it for twenty minutes before we got here."

Su You secretly thought that it was indeed quite far away. It would take twenty minutes to chase at the speed of the Dragon Clan, so it would take at least an hour or two for them.

"Is the place where the baby dragon is unconscious obvious?"

"Obviously, it's on the road, otherwise I wouldn't have seen it when I came over."

"When you found the baby dragon, was it unconscious or awake?"

"Already unconscious, but fortunately the injury is not serious." When Tang Yu said this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she was angry that someone would do something to the dragon cub, she was also glad that the baby dragon was not seriously injured.

It's just that although it's harmless, the other party must catch it, otherwise there is no guarantee that the other party will not continue to attack.

"That's not right." Su You asked, and Tang Yu's heart skipped a beat when he heard these words.

Tang Yu: "What's wrong?"

"Since the injury is not serious, why is he unconscious?"

"This..." Tang Yu was speechless for a moment. She naturally didn't understand the reason, but she also knew that Su You's suspicion was right.

"Since it's unconscious, the injury is unlikely to be minor, unless the other party came to stun the baby dragon from the beginning. But since they only planned to stun it, why did they hurt it?" If it were other creatures, what else would it mean? It could be explained that it was accidentally injured when trying to stun the baby dragon, but the baby dragon also has rough skin and thick flesh. If it was not deliberately done, there would be no wounds at all.

Tang Yu naturally knew this, but she didn't know the reason.

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