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Chapter 885 885 Astrology Ruler

Chapter 885 885. Astrology Ruler

Su You really hoped that the young dragon would wake up soon, because then she might be able to get some information from it, and at the same time, she could also use this incident as a breakthrough to learn more about the dragon clan.

Long, who was waiting beside him, hesitated for a moment. He originally wanted to refuse, but he probably recalled Tang Yu's words, so he finally nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll trouble you two." There was a red dragon waiting for her. Although she didn't know what happened to the young dragon, she believed in Tang Yu. Tang Yu had treated the young dragon, but the young dragon still hadn't woken up. Come, so she doesn't think these two humans can do anything.

Suyou glanced at Vivian, who nodded towards the red dragon, and then stepped forward to check on the injured young dragon.

"The wound is not big and the amount of bleeding is limited."

"There was no poisoning, and there were no traces of other drugs on his body."

"The dragon scales and other parts are complete and there are no defects."

"I don't know if it was controlled. I'm not a professional on this. It's a pity that Di Luo didn't come."


"What are you talking about?!" The red dragon looked at Vivian seriously and really thought she was here for treatment. What she said at first was normal, but as she spoke, the dragon felt something was wrong.

Su You: "You can ask Tang Yu about this issue later."

"What are you asking me for?" Tang Yu's voice came from outside the door.

After seeing Tang Yu, Hong Long seemed to have found a backbone and quickly repeated what Vivian had just said.

Tang Yu wasn't too surprised. After all, these were the questions Su You had just mentioned. She just asked people to check them based on these.

So she said to the red dragon: "It doesn't matter, don't worry about it."

Although Hong Long was still confused, Tang Yu didn't say anything and she didn't ask further questions.

"Have you got the things?" Su You asked Yao Guang next to Tang Yu.

Yao Guang nodded: "Now I can help a little bit." As she said that, she shook the dragon horn in her hand. This scene shocked the red dragon again.

She looked at Yao Guang in surprise, and then at Tang Yu. It wasn't until Tang Yu said that she took the dragon horn with her that she calmed down a little.

Su You, Vivian and Yao Guang didn't care about the changes in the red dragon. Tang Yu would explain it clearly anyway, so the three of them were gathering together at this time. Su You and Vivian watched what Yao Guang was going to do with the dragon horn.

"Dragon horns can be used to make good astrological rulers. This dragon horn was bought by my master for my trade with the Dragon Clan a few years ago..." At this point, Yao Guang paused, seeming to have thought of something, and then continued. : "I was still young at that time and didn't need this. Master thought it was troublesome to keep it with me, so I kept it with the Dragon Clan."

Su You understood. No wonder Yao Guang wanted to follow him. It turned out that he was here to get something.

However, she probably didn't do it all just to get things.

But what's a little strange is that the dragon horn is not very big. It looks like it is only one-third the size of an adult dragon.

"This is the horn of a young dragon." Yao Guang seemed to see Su You's confusion and explained to her: "Young dragons shed their horns. These are the horns shed by a certain young dragon."

While talking, Yaoguang prepared his astrological ruler.

"I'll be out for a while, you don't have to worry about me." After saying that, Yaoguang left with the astrological ruler. If an outsider wanted to act alone in the Dragon Clan, Tang Yu would definitely not agree, but after knowing Yao Guang's identity, Tang Yu did not stop him. She was intently checking the situation of the young dragon.

Just like the results of Vivian's examination, there were only wounds the size of a palm all over the baby dragon's body. The wounds looked like they were cut open with a sharp blade. If it was connected to the ice, it would most likely be something like an ice knife.

But considering that the dragons have rough skin and thick flesh, it is obviously impossible for ordinary ice knives to harm young dragons, so there must be something wrong with this tool.

"Miss Su, have you checked why it hasn't woken up?" Tang Yu was very worried.

Although the baby dragon seemed fine, it never woke up. It didn't look like everything was fine.

"I didn't find anything, but drugs are not the only thing in this world that can make people unconscious."

"Is it possible that it's a spell?" Su You raised a possibility.

Tang Yu shook his head: "Impossible. There is also someone in our dragon clan who knows the magic. I have asked him to look at it. There are no traces of the magic on it."

Su You and Vivian looked at each other and thought of something. Vivian said: "Then are there any traces of dark elements on it?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Yu was stunned, and then immediately understood that Vivian suspected that the injury to the young dragon might be related to the dark creatures in the abyss.

"I really haven't thought about this, but it's impossible for ordinary dark creatures to harm my dragon clan."

"Yes, it is impossible for ordinary dark creatures to escape from your hands." Vivian continued, and then Tang Yu was speechless.

Su You broke the silence: "They don't have to be dark creatures. Don't forget, black magicians are the same." At this point, Su You regretted why she didn't bring Ning Shi.

But this was just a thought. If Ning Shi could come, she would definitely bring him with him. Ning Shi had something to do and left the territory, and the time here was not very generous, so Su You didn't bring Ning Shi with him.

"This is a direction, I will report to His Majesty the Dragon King." Tang Yu told the red dragon a few words, and then said that he would guard the young dragon, and then the red dragon hurriedly left to spread the news.

Just when the red dragon left, Duoya's voice happened to be heard outside, and it was also vaguely mixed with the voices of some other people.

Suyou knew that the young dragon was inside and it was inconvenient for them to come in, so she took Vivian out. As soon as she went out, she saw everyone here. In addition, there was a dark human figure stepping under Meike's feet. Unidentified objects.

"What's going on?" Su You asked.

Meck snorted softly: "Not long after you left, this guy was sneaking out and didn't know what to do."

Su You checked and found that the unknown humanoid object was actually a dark creature that transformed into a human form!

Tang Yu didn't come out because he had to take care of the young dragon. Su You could only let one of the dragons go to Ming Zheng, while she went to Tang Yu to tell him about the dark creatures.

"There are actually dark creatures in the Dragon Clan?!" Tang Yu's eyes revealed disbelief.

Su You didn't explain. Anyway, you'll know if you go out and take a look. The evidence is out there. You can't just say you don't believe it or not.

Tang Yu wanted to go out and have a look, but was also afraid that something would happen to the young dragon here alone, so he had to ask Su You to call the Dragon King and leave the matter to the Dragon King. After all, the dragon clan was invaded by dark creatures, which was not a small matter.

"I have asked the dragon outside to find..." Before he could finish his words, a dragon roar came from outside, and then Ming Zheng's serious voice sounded.

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