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Chapter 886 886 New and old grudges

Chapter 886 886. New and old grudges

Su You lamented that the dragon clan moved quickly, and then went out to explain the situation.

Ming Zheng looked at the twisted dark creature on the ground, and thought of the young dragon that had not yet woken up. His eyes turned red, and then he transformed into a dragon shape with a skillful roll. While taking Suyou and the others away, he also used a dragon claw to kill the dark creature. Hooked up.

When they arrived in front of the Dragon King, Suyou and the others felt dizzy again.

Fortunately, this time Zenyue had learned to use wind magic to ease their bumps on the road, so everyone just felt dizzy, but not as sick as before.

After they recovered, the puddle on the ground was completely lifeless.

The Dragon King was so angry that he could not keep calm even if he knew that there were outsiders present, because he had just discovered that the aura of the dark creature on the ground was exactly the same as the strange aura that appeared when the god descended not long ago.

It is not difficult to guess that when there was a problem with the divine descent, it was most likely because there were dark creatures that were interfering with it.

The accumulation of new and old grudges is the real reason for the Dragon King's rage.

Seeing that the Dragon King was still angry, Su You simply led people to a small corner and muttered what happened.

"Actually, when we separated yesterday, I noticed something was not right about the entire Dragon Palace atmosphere." Meike is the strongest, and naturally the most sensitive.

"I always feel like there is something hanging over the top of the entire dragon clan. When I wanted to explore it, that inexplicable power hit me."

Su You suspected that this power was either related to dark creatures or the system.

"Then what happened to this dark creature? How did you catch it?" Before, they only said that this dark creature was sneaking outside their house, but they did not say how they caught it. How did it catch it? What kind of methods can you use?

"When we went out, this dark creature wanted to run away, but Zenyue reacted quickly and chased after it. We met other dragons on the way, so we caught it with their help."

"When you caught it, did you feel anything was wrong?"

Duoya nodded: "There is still something wrong. We have come into contact with other dark creatures before, but there has never been a dark creature that can change its body shape so flexibly, and it has changed many times."

Su You was shocked: "Dark creatures can only transform once."

Duoya: "Normally it is like this, but we have seen it change several times with our own eyes, and..."

Looking at the note handed over by Duo Ya, Su You calmly put it into her backpack and pretended that nothing happened.

At this time, the Dragon King had regained his composure, and Ming Zheng came over and called them to discuss matters related to the dragon eggs.

What the Dragon King said was similar to what Tang Yu said, except that the dragon egg had recovered. Only then did Su You remember this matter. She had almost forgotten about it because of the frame-up.

"My child is fine now. This is all due to you. Thank you for bringing him to me." The Dragon King said as he took out several boxes.

"This is our intention, I hope you won't refuse."

Su You didn't refuse and accepted the gift directly. It was a troubled time for the Dragon Clan. The Dragon King really thanked them, but he really didn't have time to entertain them.

As expected, the Dragon King's next sentence was that the Dragon Clan was not peaceful recently, and something happened about dark creatures. In order to ensure their safety, he would send someone to send them back tomorrow.

As for the dragon eggs, no need to ask, the Dragon King will definitely not let them take them away.

This ending is what the Dragon King wants to see, but it is not what Su You wants to see.

"Your Highness the Dragon King, do you know anything about the orcs?"

"What happened to the orcs?" Dragon King frowned, he really didn't know.

The two clans are in trouble at the front and back. They both have too much time to take care of themselves. How can they care about other people?
Su You didn't say anything happened to the divine pool, only that there was a problem with the orc clan's tempering and returning to their ancestors. Several of the orc clan's cubs were gone, and one of them was extremely talented, the only one in thousands of years.

Although the Dragon Clan and the Orc Clan are not familiar with each other, they are all four major races, and they know each other relatively well except for personal matters.

The Dragon King knows the importance of tempering and returning to the ancestors, just like the importance of divine descent to the dragon clan.

He quickly guessed that what happened to the Dragon Clan before was not a coincidence, because something happened to the Orc Clan as well.

He did not suspect that Su You was lying, because he would know this kind of thing just by asking someone. This kind of lie was too easy to be exposed, and it was really unnecessary.

"How do you know about the orcs?" The Dragon King had heard from Ming Zheng before that the humans in front of him had good relations with the elves and mermaids, but he had not heard that she had a good relationship with the orcs.

"The orcs invited the elves to help find the cubs. I heard about this when I was looking for the elven princess for help." Of course Su You couldn't say that she had been to the orcs. Although the Dragon King would probably not talk to the orcs about this matter later, what if?
If she did, it would be difficult for Anita to explain to the orcs.

"So that's it, what else do you know?"

"Isn't it a coincidence that the orcs lost their cubs and the dragon cubs were injured?" Su You pretended not to know that there was a problem with the dragon tribe's divine descending, so she only said that something happened to the cubs of both tribes.

The Dragon King sneered: "It's really a coincidence. Not only did something happen to the cub, but there was also a problem with my Dragon Clan Divine Descendant!"

Su You didn't expect the Dragon King to say it so directly.

But now that the Dragon King has said it, Su You is not polite.

"Although I don't know what God's Descendant is, according to what you said, I suspect that the masterminds behind the troubles of the Orcs and Dragons should be the same group." After saying this, Su You looked embarrassed and said again: "To be honest, Something happened to the mermaid tribe not long ago.”

A few months ago, Su You would definitely not have said anything happened to the mermaid clan, but now the mermaid clan has almost adjusted. The new mermaid king has taken office, and the mermaid clan is very stable.

Moreover, anyone who inquires about what happened to the mermaid clan in the sea will know, but they cannot know the inside story, so it is not considered a secret, so there is no harm in telling them.

"What? Something happened to the mermaid tribe too!" Ming Zheng was feeling frightened as he listened, and he always had a bad premonition in his heart. But after listening to Su You's words, this bad premonition seemed to be confirmed. His heart was beating so fast that his head was buzzing.

"Yes, a few months ago, I was invited to be a guest of the mermaid tribe. It was the time when the mermaid tribe was worshiping the sea god. As a result, other sea creatures colluded with dark creatures in an attempt to destroy the mermaid tribe." Although he said something happened to the mermaid tribe , but Su You didn’t tell the details either.

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