Chapter 887 887. Two souls
For example, it was the fishmen who colluded with the dark creatures, there were traitors and puppets in the mermaid clan, there was an accident in the forbidden area, and the formation was damaged... She didn't mention any of these.

But that's enough.

"That's ridiculous!" The Dragon King's anger, which had finally calmed down, resurfaced again.

"It seems that this matter is unusual." Ming Zheng, who had been looking a little out of tune during this period, also had a serious face. He and the Dragon King looked at each other, and then Ming Zheng asked: "Miss Su, if you have anything to say, you can just tell me Say, I believe you’re not just saying this for us to listen to, right?”

Suyou readily admitted.

"To be honest, I had already expected what happened to the Dragon Clan. Of course, I didn't discover it myself, but an astrologer around me discovered it." Su You was not prepared to mention Yao Guang at first. , afraid of causing trouble to Yaoguang.

But since Yaoguang's master can exchange the young dragon horns from the Dragon Clan, and also allows his apprentices to enjoy good treatment in the Dragon Clan by virtue of his status, then she doesn't have to worry about what the Dragon Clan will do to Yao Guang.

"Why is the astrologer so powerful that he can even survey the affairs of the Dragon Clan?" The Dragon King was a little unconvinced.

But soon, he was slapped in the face because Tang Yu came with Yao Guang.

Looking at the astrological ruler in Yaoguang's hand, the Dragon King was silent.

Obviously, he already knew Yao Guang's identity. After all, that person said back then that she prepared this dragon horn for her apprentice. One day, she would let her apprentice pick it up by himself.

It seemed that the teenage human doll in front of him must be that man's apprentice.

"I surveyed the dragon clan's affairs. In addition, I also found that the other three clans all had a disaster of genocide." Yao Guang fiddled with the astrological ruler in his hand, his eyes were not focused, but staring at it casually. Landing somewhere in the air, then constantly drifting to change positions.

"The first thing that happened was the elves, then the mermaids, and then the dragons and orcs... Now that the catastrophe of the elves and mermaids has passed, everything has returned to peace, and the orcs have not overcome the catastrophe and are already in decline. "Position." All the dragons present were frightened and broke out in cold sweat.

Even the Dragon King is no exception.

If anyone else had said this, he would have just asked the dragon to throw him out, but the person who said this happened to be that person's most proud disciple.

That man once helped the Dragon Clan survive a catastrophe. In exchange, the Dragon Clan presented rare treasures, but the man only took a young dragon horn.

The dragon horn was not taken away, but left in the Dragon Clan. The man left a message and only waited for future generations to pick it up.

Before she left, she said that there would be another catastrophe for the Dragon Clan. As expected, the disaster would happen to be the day when her apprentice came to pick up the things. At that time, she would bring people who could help the Dragon Clan with her.

The above is not what the Dragon King experienced, but what happened when the previous Dragon King was there. The other party told this matter to him when he abdicated.

It's just that a long, long time has passed since that person left, so the Dragon King has almost forgotten about it.

It wasn't until Yao Guang appeared with an astrological ruler that he remembered.

So, these humans in front of us are the ones who can save the dragon clan?

The Dragon King found it a little weird, but he never mentioned asking Su You and the others to leave again, and he readily agreed when Su You offered to help. All this went smoothly, which made Su You feel furious inside. She felt as if the plot of the Dragon Clan was being sped up, as if there were hands behind her pushing her forward crazily.

However, even if there was secret help, it was not known whether it was because she arrived late. Therefore, during the investigation of the Dragon Palace in the next few days, although they found many clues, there was no key information.

The only information that can be considered the most important at the moment is the injured young dragon, but so far, the young dragon has not woken up.

Spring water of life, ten thousand years of marrow, fire vein Ganoderma lucidum... The young dragon has taken countless top-notch life-saving medicines, but it still hasn't woken up.

After some thought, Su You decided to go back and bring Di Luo with him to see if Ning Shi was back. If he was back, bring Ning Shi with him.

Of course, this kind of thing must be discussed with the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon King readily agreed. After all, it was related to the safety of the young dragon. The young dragon had been in a coma for four or five days, so this matter could not be delayed.

Considering that the Dragon Walking Stone in Su You's hand was not enough, the Dragon King rubbed more than thirty Dragon Walking Stones on the spot.

Not long after getting the Dragon Walking Stone, Su You returned to the territory. It happened to be lunch time and most people were in the territory, so Su You found Di Luo easily. As for Ning Shi, according to Duo Li, She came back a few days ago, but left again soon after.

In desperation, Su You rummaged through some herbal props with strong light elements from the warehouse, and then took Di Luo to the Dragon Clan.

When he saw the young dragon, Di Luo frowned.

"It feels so familiar, just like those puppets... No, there is still a slight difference." Di Luo took out the puppet silk and tried to drive it. As a result, the young dragon, which had been lying motionless like a dead corpse for several days, suddenly twitched. one time.

This scene frightened Tang Yu to immediately check its condition.

"What's going on?" Tang Yu couldn't help but ask Di Luo. There was no blame in her tone, only surprise and worry.

I was surprised that the baby dragon had a reaction when this seemingly ordinary human came. What I was worried about was that the baby dragon's reaction was obviously not normal.

"Does the Dragon Clan have soul stones?" Di Luo did not answer, but asked a question.

Tang Yu immediately asked Long to get it.

"Watch it, don't let it run away." Di Luo didn't explain much. After getting the soul stone, he immediately asked Tang Yu to put a drop of the young dragon's blood on the soul stone. The next moment, the young dragon suddenly stood up from the bed like a carp, As a result, he was pinned down by several dragons who were well prepared.

"As expected." Di Luo handed the soul stone to the dragon beside him and let it be destroyed. The dragon obediently turned the soul stone into powder. After all this was done, the young dragon lay back upright again, and Di Luo began Explanation: "There are two souls in its body. They are fighting for sovereignty, but because they are equally powerful, no one can take control, so they never wake up."

Di Luo had just guessed this possibility, so he used the soul stone to test it. The blood dripping from the soul stone can pull the soul. The body belongs to the young dragon, and the blood also belongs to the young dragon, so what is pulled is naturally the soul of the young dragon.

The young dragon's soul was pulled away, and the uninvited guest naturally gained the upper hand. Fortunately, someone held down the young dragon in advance, and Di Luo also destroyed the soul stone in time, so nothing happened.

"Then what should we do?" All the dragons present had very ugly expressions on their faces. They cast expectant glances at Di Luo because she discovered the problem.

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