Chapter 888 888. Cave
Di Luo shook his head: "Don't look at me, I am not strong enough, I can only see the problem but can't solve it."

If it was an ordinary human, she would be sure, but this was a dragon!
She couldn't defeat the dragon, but the uninvited guest could even defeat the dragon. Why did she think she could handle it?
"Actually, there are other ways. For example, you can find the body of another soul, bring the body over, and then forcefully stuff it back."

But this method is also difficult to implement. After all, they don't even know who the other person is. How can they find the other person's body?
The world is so big, they have no goals, not even finding a needle in a haystack.

"How is this possible..." Yilong smiled bitterly.

Di Luo's expression was indifferent: "How is this impossible? In order to ensure that the soul remains intact and to leave a way out, the body must not be too far away from the young dragon."

"How big is the scope?" Su You asked.

Di Luo thought for a while and said: "Although I don't know how big your dragon clan is, at least it will not exceed the position I was when I first got here."

The dragons' eyes lit up, and they immediately went out to search without saying anything.

The location where Di Luo first came here was actually the location where the Longxing Stone teleported, which was similar to the location where Suyou and the others had just arrived. That place was really not too far for the dragon.

"So what do we need to do now?" Although there is hope of finding the body, they must also be prepared to not be able to find it.

"I don't know much about the Dragon Clan, but you can send someone with high strength to watch here to prevent the other party from successfully seizing control and escaping. In addition, don't feed it any big supplements. It's best to let it The body should be weaker so that even if the opponent wakes up, he cannot run away. "

"Also, you dragon clan should have your own way of tracking your clan members. Use one on them so that they won't be found even if they run away."

Di Luo thought carefully about every aspect, and basically explained all possible countermeasures to any negative consequences he could think of.

After saying that, Di Luo turned to look at Su You: "Lord, let's go out and look for him too."

Su You nodded, but after leaving the room and confirming that no one was around, Di Luo suddenly said softly: "It is true that there are two souls, but in addition, I found that the other soul is also a dragon."

Su You didn't change her expression after hearing this, but her heart beat rapidly.

She knew that the reason why Di Luo didn't say anything was not to hide it intentionally, but because he didn't want to cause other troubles. They were outsiders, and they were afraid that the dragon clan would trust the clan members more. Saying this was thankless, and the other party thought they were sowing discord.

In this case, why not tell them and let them find it by themselves? They can find the result by themselves. They can't even believe it themselves, right?

"Then you don't want to go looking for it now, do you?" Since they know that the other soul is also a dragon, they naturally don't have the ability to explore every dragon.

"Didn't the lord tell me before he came that he wanted me to see the dragon egg?"

Su You: "To be precise, I want you to see Long Dan's brother."

Di Luo was puzzled.

"The dragon eggs were originally twins. Both disappeared. Later, only one was recovered. But so far, I have never seen the recovered dragon egg. I don't know whether it hatched or..." Although he said That's what it said, but Su You felt that the best outcome for the egg would be the same as the egg he found, alive but not yet hatched.

If it really hatched, with the Dragon Queen's attention to the child, she shouldn't have never mentioned the other child, and devoted all her care and love to the other child.

But if it is alive but not hatched, it is also very strange. As long as it is alive, the dragon queen can take care of it. "You want me to find where the other dragon egg is." Di Luo's words were affirmative.

She could indeed use her bloodline to find someone, but it was obviously impossible for them to get the blood of the Dragon King and Queen.

"It doesn't have to be parents, brothers can do it too?" Su You knew that they couldn't start with the Dragon King and Queen, but they could ask Lingbao to persuade the Dragon Egg to get some blood.

Of course, in order to prevent damage to the dragon egg's body, Suyou would use fairy spring water to replenish it.

Naturally, things that Su You had made up her mind would not change easily.

She took Di Luo to join the others, and then found Lingbao. Lingbao happened to be playing with the dragon egg at this time. There were only two dragons guarding the door and no one else in the room.

Suyou and Lingbao murmured a few words, and Lingbao immediately patted the dragon egg. At this time, the dragon egg changed from its previous hard and dusty appearance and turned into a large, round, smooth and white egg.

Perhaps because of its recovery, the dragon cub can already have a brief communication with Lingbao even though it has not yet hatched. This is something that not even the Dragon King and Queen can do.

As for the reason, it is probably related to the life-saving blood from Lingbao during the period when Da Bai Dan was fragile.

'嘤嘤! Lingbao held a blood-red bean the size of a soybean in his paws, ran to Su You and handed over the red bead.

These are blood beads. To put it simply, they are condensed into solid dragon blood for easy portability.

Suyou touched the Lingbao and the big white egg, then took out a bottle of fairy spring water and poured half of it.

Such a little blood and so much spring water can definitely be replenished.

"I have to go out. The Dragon Clan is not safe these days. You have to be careful and go back directly if necessary. Do you understand?" Suyou felt relieved after touching the Lingbao and finding the return stone she gave her.

Lingbao guessed that she might have something to do, and wanted to follow her, but as soon as she left, the dragon egg floated over and wanted to go.

It was impossible for Su You to bring the dragon egg with her. It would be too conspicuous and in the way, so Lingbao stayed with Da Bai Dan.

After going to a place without dragons, Diluo hung the blood beads on the puppet silk like decorations. Then, she summoned her own puppet. After the puppet appeared, it rushed straight in one direction without saying a word.

The group of people followed the puppet and made many twists and turns, avoiding the dragon on the road. It took them four or five hours and countless magic on the road before they found a very inconspicuous cave among the layers of dragon mountains.

It turns out that it was a wise decision for them to bring an earth magician.

If it weren't for Yi Mingjun, they would probably still be circling down the mountain now, because there is no road to get up from this cave. Dragons can fly, so they naturally don't need a road, which is a hardship for them.

"It's right here." After Di Luo confirmed the location with the puppet, she put the puppet away, and she also put the blood bead into her space bag.

"Go in and take a look, everyone be careful."

As everyone who has experienced many explorations, they did not need Su You to remind them. They took out a series of props that they might need from their carry-on space bag and put them on.

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