Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 889 Chapter 889 It still has life

Chapter 889 889. It still has life

After everything was accurate and complete, the group of people walked slowly towards the cave. They thought they were going to experience something, but no one expected that they actually walked to the deepest part of the cave in less than a minute. Under the props Under the light, they saw a broken egg lying alone on the ground, with a few pieces of dusty eggshell scattered around.

"Is this a dead end?" Yi Mingjun felt that the result was obvious.

"Dragons will eat eggshells after they hatch out, because eggshells are the best tonic for them and can immediately replenish the large amount of energy they need." Vivian has read a lot about dragons during this time. Of course, she wanted to read the history book to better understand the medical knowledge of the Dragon Clan, but she also inevitably saw other contents.

"Since the eggshell has not been eaten, it should be..." Chanyue shook her head, with a look of reluctance on her face.

Although he is not his own child, he is still a life.

And looking at the broken egg shell, it’s hard to imagine what this egg went through during its lifetime.

"Check around, but don't move anything, and don't move the eggshells either." Su You reminded everyone, and everyone took action immediately.

Soon, they discovered that in addition to the eggshells, there were some places in this place that were obviously different in color from other places. After Suyou checked, they judged that these should be blood stains. It was only because of the passage of time that the blood stains seeped into the surrounding ground. Make these places a different color, but not too obvious.

"Didn't I say that Dragon King and the others found an egg? Is this the egg they found?" Vivian was speechless.

It was outrageous enough to have his newborn child stolen, but why did the child he found become like this?

"No, there's a problem." Su You pointed at the eggshell: "Even if the dragon clan is different from us humans and doesn't pay attention to burial, it is absolutely impossible to place dead dragon eggs casually like this."

You must know that they only see the eggshell now, but what about the dragon cub inside the eggshell?

Even if the dragon egg is dead, there is always a 'corpse' inside, right?
No matter what happens, there are always egg yolks and egg whites, right?

Although Su You and the others have never seen the inside of a dragon egg, they must all know that it cannot be empty.

"Could it be that they retrieved the dragon egg, found it dead, and then took out the... inside and buried it, leaving the eggshell here?" Yi Mingjun frowned and managed to come up with a reasonable guess.

But it was quickly rejected.

"Probably not. Even if the dragon eggs are dead, they will never take them out individually and deal with them separately. They are all buried together." Duoya also read those books related to the dragon clan, and this part of her I happened to see it.

"No matter what happened, the other dragon egg must be dead." On this point, no one had any objection.

This was comparable to a scene where corpses were exposed in the wilderness, and it didn't look like someone could survive.

"There is something here." Meck did not join their discussion at first, but focused on looking around. He saw a strange thing in a corner. He did not touch it, but just let people go over and take a look.

This strange thing was a small round gray-black bead. Because he didn't know what it was and Su You couldn't check the information, Su You temporarily put it away.

I don’t know if it was because of sudden luck, but when Meike said that she had found something, she kept shrinking behind everyone. Sha Ling, who was a little scared, also gently pulled Su You’s sleeve, and then pointed in one direction: "Sister Su, I feel that there seems to be a strong ice element over there."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Because they all know that the young dragon is suspected of being injured by ice magic, they are now extremely sensitive to words related to 'ice'. After some inspection, Su You decisively issued an order: "Meike, blast this place away."

She was not afraid of attracting attention. They had been here for so long. If anyone had discovered it, they would have discovered it long ago, and they had not seen any traces of other creatures moving here.

"Okay, you guys stand back."

Everyone stepped back to make room for Meck.

With a loud noise, a big hole was blown out in that location.

The hole was indeed empty. When I walked in, I saw that the inside was very shallow, the space was not large, and there were not many things. There was only a square table that was polished and flat. In addition, there was an automatic transparent container placed on the square table. Inside the container It was filled with liquid, and an unknown 'meat ball' the size of a head was soaked in the liquid.

The meat ball looked like some kind of creature had been peeled off, and the outer layer was wrapped with a transparent film. Because the container was transparent and the liquid was transparent, they could clearly see the pits on the surface of the meat ball even if they stood far away. Traces, scarlet bloodshot...

"Ugh..." This was the first time Yi Mingjun went on a mission with Su You, and it was also the first time he saw such a thing. He immediately rushed out and vomited out in disgust.

Others also felt uncomfortable, because the ball of flesh didn't look like a dead thing... To be precise, it definitely wasn't a dead thing before.

"Huh?" Di Luo, being the calmest of all, took two steps closer with some confusion, then took out her puppet silk. The puppet silk seemed to be pulled, floating straight to the top of the container, and then prepared When he reached into the liquid, Di Luo decisively pulled him back.

Just kidding, no matter what the liquid that the unknown meat ball is soaked in is, it must be very dirty. If the puppet wire really touches it, then you should change it yourself!

Although she is not afraid, not being afraid does not mean that she is not disgusted!

Di Luo pulled back his puppet silk and said to the others: "The puppet silk reacts to this."

She said it tactfully, and the others reacted for a moment before understanding what she meant.

Yi Mingjun, who had just finished vomiting, couldn't believe it when he heard it: "Could this be inside the egg..."

Di Luo nodded.

Then Yi Mingjun, who felt better, rushed out again, followed by Sha Ling and Duo Ya, who was worried about Sha Ling.

Although Sha Ling was well protected and didn't see anything, she inevitably heard something, and bad pictures unconsciously emerged in her mind.

Others were somewhat disgusted, but after all, they had seen worse things, so this was nothing.

Su You is now thinking about whether they need to take this thing back. In any case, she believes Di Luo that this ball of flesh should be the dragon cub that has not hatched yet but was taken out directly.

"It's still alive." Vivian said surprisingly.

Su You hadn't figured out what to do next when she was startled by this sentence, and the same went for others.

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