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Chapter 890 Chapter 890 True Dragon Egg

Chapter 890 890. True Dragon Egg

They all thought the thing inside was the 'corpse' of a dead cub, but Vivian actually said she was alive?

At this time, the disgust in everyone's hearts was swept away, replaced by sympathy and pity.

Su You was also a little shocked. If this was a dead body, she could comfort herself that it was the same as a specimen soaked in formalin, which was acceptable.

But this is alive...

"Does it still have senses?" Suyou asked Vivian. Like everyone else, she couldn't move her eyes away again.

Vivian frowned. She took two steps forward, approached the container, and then took out the staff.

After a moment, her expression was complicated, but also slightly relaxed.

"No senses." Having no senses may be a bad thing for other people, but for the dragon cub in this situation, it is actually a good thing.

Su You regarded its current condition as a vegetative state. Although it was alive, it had no feelings for the outside world at all. It could not see, hear, smell, or speak...

She felt a little more relaxed, just like Vivian, but she still felt a little uncomfortable.

I feel bad for this life.

"Should we take it back?" Duoya couldn't bear it.

"This kind of thing must be done by someone within the Dragon Clan, otherwise it would be impossible for outsiders to steal the dragon eggs and treat them so cruelly." Su You paused, and then continued: "We still don't know the identity of the other party, nor I don’t know if the spy is still there, but it would be dangerous to take him back.”

But it would obviously not be appropriate to just place it here, especially since they have already damaged this place and cannot restore the scene at all.

"Yi Mingjun, look around to see if there is a suitable place, find a place where it can be stored, and then put this and the eggshells in it." Su You was not prepared to find other places to hide things.

Not to mention that they are not familiar with the Dragon Clan. They can easily be discovered if they go anywhere else. If the Dragon Clan discovers that they are carrying this thing, it will easily cause unexplainable misunderstandings. Moreover, she believes that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

"Do you have anything to cover your aura?" Su You asked Vivian.

Although she felt that these things could not be discovered in the Dragon Clan for so long, and there should be no breath on them unless the Dragon Clan knew about them, but just in case, it was best to cover them up.

"Yes, but I'm not sure if it can be used, but you can win with quantity." As one of the few Vivian who has a fourth-level space bag, she carries a lot of potions with her, and her rich mission experience lets her know that everything is possible when going out. It's possible, so in addition to regular potions, she also often researches and brings some strange potions.

She took out a dozen bottles of potions that masked her breath, and waited for Yi Mingjun to find a good location and use magic to open up a new cave. After placing the things, they sprayed the potions in every corner as if they were free of charge.

Fortunately, the potion itself is colorless and odorless, otherwise the place would either be dyed discolored, or the smell would be so strong that it could kill a group of people.

After doing all this, the group of people hurriedly returned to the Dragon Clan. On the way, they happened to encounter Ming Zheng leading a group of dragons who seemed to be looking for something.

"Why are you here?" Ming Zheng looked at them suspiciously.

Although he didn't suspect that Su You and the others had done anything bad, he felt that something was wrong. "We are looking for a way to wake up the young dragons." Su You was not sure whether all the dragons present knew about this, so she spoke cryptically.

Ming Zheng's suspicion dissipated a little. He knew that Su You's people had noticed that the young dragon had two souls, and she would not lie about it.

After the trick was over, Su You asked Ming Zheng how the situation was, and Ming Zheng said he had learned nothing.

This was actually what Su You expected, so it wasn't surprising.

"I have something to ask you." Su You naturally wanted to ask about the egg in the cave.

Ming Zheng saw that she had something to say, so he let the other dragons act on their own.

"What's so mysterious?"

"I heard that Asi seems to have a brother." The Asi in Su You's mouth is the nickname given to the big white egg by the Dragon Queen. The Dragon King will not give it a formal name until it hatches.

As soon as these words came out, Ming Zheng's expression changed and he blurted out: "Who did you listen to!"

Since Su You could ask, she had already made an excuse, so she didn't panic at all: "When I went to visit Her Highness the Dragon Queen, I heard her mention it accidentally."

This is true. The Dragon Queen did mention the other egg, more than once, but every time she mentioned it, she would stop immediately, as if she accidentally said the wrong thing.

If it was just once or twice, Su You could still understand that the Dragon Queen had made a mistake, but this happened four or five times. The strangest thing was the Dragon Queen's attitude when mentioning this matter.

There was disappointment, sadness, and most importantly, there was a hint of subtle anger and hatred.

After thinking about it, she knew something was wrong. Su You suspected that the Dragon Queen did it on purpose. She deliberately wanted to attract her attention and let herself know about it.

"You are the benefactor of the Dragon Clan, but I cannot tell you this."

Although Ming Zheng said so, this attitude was already acquiesced.

As does have a sibling.

"The Dragon Clan is really stubborn." After hearing Ming Zheng's refusal to answer, Yao Guang, who had always had no sense of existence, suddenly laughed: "It is inevitable that something will happen to the Dragon Clan, and it has happened now. You know this best, and you are unable to solve it. How about now? It's easy for someone to be willing to help you, but you repeatedly refuse because of your ridiculous face. In this case, we don't need to stay. "

Logically speaking, Su You and the others came to the Dragon Clan just to deal with the disaster of the Dragon Egg and the Dragon Clan. Now that the first thing has been solved, there is nothing the Dragon Clan can do about the second matter if they don't cooperate with them, so there is really no need to waste time here.

Su You regretted that she could not help the Dragon Clan, but since Yao Guang said so, she would not insist on staying.

Although this would allow the people behind the scenes to gain something from the Dragon Clan again, wouldn't there be nothing wrong with two of the four major races?
Without the power of these two races, Su You feels that the other party's goal may not be easily achieved, and this matter may not be without a turn.

"In that case, let's go back first. We haven't returned to the territory for many days, and there are many things that need to be dealt with in the territory." It has been half a month since Suyou came to the Dragon Clan. Although there are a few people who manage the territory on their behalf, But they couldn't make decisions on some extremely important matters, so they could only wait for Su You to deal with them.

Ming Zheng saw that they were not joking and were really leaving. Su You and the others had even taken out the other half of the Dragon Walking Stone. He quickly stopped him: "No, you can't leave!"

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