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Chapter 891 Chapter 891 Fake Dragon Egg

Chapter 891 891. Fake dragon eggs

After saying that, he felt that what he said was a bit unreasonable, so he quickly added: "I need to discuss this matter with His Majesty the Dragon King."

After Ming Zheng finished speaking, he was ready to go directly to the Dragon King, but he was afraid that Su You and the others would run away after he left, so he simply rolled them all up for the third time.

Su You: "..."


Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the palace where the Dragon King was. Ming Zheng went in first and didn't know what he said, but then a voice came from inside asking them to enter.

Maybe Ming Zheng had already talked it through to the Dragon King, so after the others entered, the Dragon King didn't say anything else and just talked about what happened that year.

"At that time, Amiao gave birth to two dragon eggs. I was very happy, and the entire dragon clan was also very happy. But soon, a bad news came, and the two eggs disappeared overnight." Although it has been a long time, but Now that I mention it, the Dragon King is still very angry.

"We searched hard and finally found a dragon egg in a cave in the Dragon Mountains. As for the other egg, we have never found it."

When they heard the location of 'a cave in the Dragon Clan Mountains', Su You and the others' eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Recalling everything they saw in the cave, they wondered if the Dragon King had also seen that... But then they thought, as outsiders, they felt very sad and angry when they saw that scene, let alone the Dragon King?
If he really knew all this, I'm afraid he would never be so calm.

Sure enough, the Dragon King's next words proved that when they found the dragon egg, it was in good condition.

"Amiao was very sad. The recovered dragon egg almost occupied her whole body and mind. Gradually, she began to become a little weak. At first, we all thought she was too sad. She almost forgot to eat and sleep because she had to take care of the child. , so it became like that, until one day, she suddenly fell into a coma. "

Although dragons also need to eat, drink and sleep, this is not the only way for them to restore their physical strength and spirit.

In other words, without injury or other external stimulation, they cannot be unconscious for no reason.

After some inspection, they made an astonishing... even terrifying discovery!

"That dragon egg is abnormal! It's like a disgusting parasite that relies on absorbing the energy and spirit of the people around it to grow!" The Dragon King's expression was a little complicated, as if he was disgusted, but because of the identity of this dragon egg It was his own child, and he couldn't completely dislike this child.

"After learning about this problem, we took him away from Amiao. Amiao's vitality was damaged due to twins before. As a result, she lost her child before she could recover. She was restless and in poor health. Later, she was even addicted to alcohol. Even after it was taken away, Amiao was still unconscious for a long time. "

"She wanted to see the dragon egg after she woke up. Of course I didn't agree, so I lied to her that the dragon egg was dead." They didn't want to do this either, but they found the dragon egg was too scary.

Although it has not hatched yet, it can be said to be domineering in absorbing other people's energy, that is, vitality. Not to mention the weak Dragon Queen, even the most powerful Dragon King at that time was almost succeeded by it.

They said no one could stay with this dangerous creature.

Su You shouldn't have spoken at this time, because the story was obviously not over yet, but she couldn't help but ask: "Does His Highness the Dragon Queen know about this now?"

The Dragon King shook his head: "We have always concealed it very well. She always thought that the dragon egg was dead..."

Su You immediately retorted: "No, I think she should know that you are lying to her."

Now Su You understood why the Dragon Queen felt angry and hateful when she mentioned the previous dragon egg. She was angry at the Dragon King and the others for deceiving her, and hated them for taking away her child. Su You didn't hide anything and told the Dragon Queen's attitude.

From the current point of view, there is no problem with the Dragon King. The biggest problem is the Dragon Queen... In fact, from the beginning, Su You felt that there was something abnormal about the Dragon Queen's mental state, but it was not convenient for her to say it, and she didn't The evidence proves it.

But if you put aside the identity of the Dragon Queen, treat her as an ordinary person.

A mother lost her child not long after giving birth, and then found it again. Not long after, her closest lover deceived and took the child away without any explanation. Under multiple blows and stimulations, it is strange that her mental state could be improved.

If the Dragon Queen was still in a normal mental state under such circumstances, then Su You would not only not think she was strong and brave, but would instead find her very scary.

Su You was speculating on the status of the Dragon Queen. The Dragon King was already shocked by Su You's words.

He never expected that the Dragon Queen already knew all this!
"Amiao, she..."

"Compared with the situation of His Highness the Dragon Queen, I think the current situation is more important." Su You is not ruthless. She also sympathizes with the Dragon Queen, but things have happened and cannot be changed. Instead of worrying about the past, it is better to deal with the present first. good.

There is a baby dragon struggling over there!

Su You thought in a bad way, this was most likely the Queen Dragon's revenge on the entire dragon clan because she lost her own child, so she started with the young dragons.

Of course, this is the worst guess, but it's not impossible.

"How did you deal with that dragon egg?" Su You felt that it was too slow to listen to the Dragon King's story, so she simply asked it herself.

"After all, it is my child. I didn't want to kill it, so I locked it in a remote valley of the Dragon Clan." After all, it was his own child. Although it behaved like this, the Dragon King was still comforting himself. The other party is just a dragon egg that has not yet hatched, and it understands nothing.

Whether it was the Dragon King or other dragons who knew about this, they were not prepared to harm it. They just wanted to hide it, wait for it to hatch, and educate it well so that it would know right from wrong and not do anything harmful to nature.

"Which direction is the valley?" Su You didn't have time to go there now, so she just asked the Dragon King to point in the direction. She only needed to confirm the approximate location first, especially whether it was the same place as the one they found.

"It's a mountain range on the north side of the Dragon Clan."

Then it's not the same one.

The cave Suyou and the others discovered was on the south side, in completely opposite directions.

Su You sorted out the information, and then asked about things from a long time ago: "Who stole the dragon egg back then? How did you deal with each other?"

Hearing this question, Dragon King and Ming Zheng looked at each other with ugly expressions.

But because they had promised to tell everything they knew, they didn't hide it.

"The person who stole the dragon egg belongs to the dragon clan. I have some personal grudges with him. In order to get revenge on me, he stole my child."

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