Chapter 892 892. Han Rui
Although he didn't say anything specific, Suyou had already learned more detailed information from Anita, so he also understood that the person who stole the dragon egg should be the brother of the previous Dragon King.

"He was imprisoned in the Dragon Flame Furnace." The implication was that he was still alive.

Although it is both a raging flame and a furnace, it sounds scary, but to the dragon, it is nothing. At most, it can only be regarded as torture, and it will not cost the other party's life.

"What are the specific grievances and hatreds?" Su You wanted to break the casserole and ask the end.

She was actually quite annoyed by this kind of asking and talking, and it was also secretive, which was troublesome and a waste of time.

But there is no way, she must get the information she knows out of the way, otherwise even if she knows the past grudges and hatreds of the Dragon Clan, she will not be able to tell them. Moreover, the information she knows so far is not small, but it is of no use to the present. of.

Seeing that the Dragon King was still hesitating, Yao Guang was probably a little annoyed. She didn't say a word and stood up directly as if she was ready to leave. This move shocked the Dragon King. In addition to the secrets related to the life and death of the dragon clan, Apart from that, everything else is said.

Yaoguang was satisfied with this efficiency, but she was not actually planning to leave just now. She just felt that it was stuffy here and wanted to go out for some fresh air. Unexpectedly, she accidentally irritated the Dragon King, which was also a good thing.

"The person who stole the dragon egg is called Han Rui. He is the brother of the previous Dragon King, and he was also a candidate for the position of Dragon King..." The story told by the Dragon King is almost consistent with what Suyou learned from Anita. It also shows that the Dragon King did not lie.

When talking about killing the female of the orc tribe, the Dragon King explained for himself: "Actually, it's not that we want to embarrass her. The dragon tribe actually doesn't care about mating with foreign tribes and having children, but that woman wanted to see rare things by getting pregnant. The reason is that she entered the Dragon Clan and almost stole the Dragon Clan's treasure. I was ordered to arrest her. When chasing her, she accidentally fell off the mountain and died..." Moreover, one body and two lives were lost.

Sure enough, although Anita knew a lot, she was not from the Dragon Clan after all, so it was impossible for her to know all the information.

Just like it is impossible for the orcs to tell what happened to the divine pool, it is impossible for the dragon tribe to disclose information about the dragon treasure to the outside world, even if the treasure has not been stolen, so Anita naturally does not know that there is something hidden in it.

"Does Han Rui know this?" Su You asked.

Logically speaking, as long as he is not a love brain, Han Rui should understand that the Dragon Clan is not at fault in this matter. It was the orc who was planning to steal the Dragon Clan's things that led to such an end.

"Of course he knew that this matter was related to him after all, but we all knew that it was not his fault and we did not express our anger. We just didn't expect that he would actually hate us!"

All this was pretty much what Su You had guessed. This Han Rui knew the truth of everything, but he still took action. This made Su You couldn't help but wonder whether he was just making excuses, or whether he really liked the orc.

In contrast, Su You felt that the former was more likely. If it was the latter, then why did he abandon the orc and let her bear the pressure alone and come to the Dragon Clan?
To put it bluntly, he suspected that the old Dragon King was responsible for his injury and being deposed. After being deposed, he may have experienced some ups and downs in the world, so he held a grudge against the entire Dragon Clan. The so-called revenge was just an excuse.

Su You didn't shy away from it and directly stated her guess.

Before the Dragon King could react, Su You asked again: "What's the situation with Han Rui now?"

Dragon King: "About five years ago, we released him. After he was released, he stayed in the Dragon Clan for a year and lived in seclusion. No one saw him much. A year later, he left the Dragon Clan and has not come back yet. However, we don't know his current situation. "Although Han Rui has done something wrong, he has really shown that he has acknowledged his mistakes and repented over the years. In addition, because there is something wrong with the dragon egg, the Dragon King's feelings for this child have changed. It's not very deep, so locking him up for a hundred years is enough.

Su You couldn't comment on whether the Dragon Clan was right or wrong in doing this, but only gave a reasonable guess: "In this case, it can be reasonably suspected that he still hates the Dragon Clan, so he wants to destroy the Dragon Clan."

The Dragon King didn't understand: "We didn't do anything to him, we just locked him up for a hundred years. This was because he made a mistake..."

Su You suddenly laughed. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the Dragon King and asked, "Did you really not do anything to him? In other words, you have a clear conscience. What about the other dragons?"

Without waiting for an answer, Su You continued: "Don't forget, he was once a candidate for the Dragon King, but he was deposed. The position of the Dragon King no longer belongs to him. Isn't there a dragon in the dragon clan that flatters the superior and despises the inferior?"

As the benefactor of the dragon clan, Su You sent dragon eggs, and now she is also helping to solve the dragon clan's problems. She is not here to serve the dragon clan, so within a reasonable range, Su You does not taboo certain words, even if she says It sounds ugly. As long as the logic is reasonable, the Dragon King will not be so stingy and cares about everything.

"To take a step back, there is no one in the dragon clan who is sarcastic towards him, so will he be willing to do so? After he was deposed, some of his children finally died because of you and because of the old Dragon King's order. Will he really not? Hate?"

Su You thought for a while, but in the end she didn't express her darkest thought - she suspected that Han Rui's deposedness had something to do with the old Dragon King.

It is true that she does not know Han Rui and does not understand this dragon, but she knows that dragons, like people, have seven emotions and six desires, and they cannot be without desires and desires.

They say don’t look at what a person says, look at what he does. This applies to any race. The most obvious result is that Han Rui hates the Dragon King, and there is a high probability that he will also hate the old Dragon King. He may even hold a grudge. The entire dragon clan.

No matter how well he disguised himself, his actions still revealed everything.

And what could support so much of his hatred, if it wasn't the child, could only be what happened to him.

But there is no need to say this. At most, this incident can be regarded as the inducement for Han Rui to do all this, but it has nothing to do with the process. Moreover, it has been so long, and one of the dragons involved has died, and the remaining There is still no news about one of them, its life or death is uncertain, and it is impossible to explore it even if it wants to.

"Do you suspect that what happened to the Dragon Clan is related to Han Rui?" The Dragon King was still able to accept this result. After all, he had a very bad relationship with Han Rui. Whether he was good or bad, it was nothing to him.

"Then it depends on what happened to the Dragon Clan." Su You looked at the Dragon King: "Currently I only know that the young dragon was injured, so what else happened to the Dragon Clan?"

The Dragon King sighed, and then started talking a few months ago.

Some time ago, the Dragon Clan's treasure sensed the arrival of God, and the Dragon Clan rejoiced, looking forward to the Dragon God's arrival...

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