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Chapter 893 893 Statue Collapse

Chapter 893 893. Statue collapses
All the preparations before the God's descent went very smoothly. Until the day of the God's descent, all the dragons were waiting for the arrival of the Dragon God. But what they never expected was that they encountered a scene that the Dragon Clan had never seen before since ancient times. …

"The statue of the Dragon God suddenly shattered and collapsed. All the dragons present were injured, and the descending ceremony of the God was destroyed. We still haven't found the reason." Although the result was summarized in just one sentence, the situation at that time was much better than what the Dragon King described. It will be even worse.

Led by the Dragon King, all the dragons circled around the statue, expecting the arrival of the Dragon God. However, the statue suddenly shattered, and all the dragons fell from the sky, and all vomited a mouthful of blood.

Even the most powerful Dragon King is no exception!

That day, dragon blood almost covered the entire dragon clan!
Fortunately, the place where the Dragon Clan is located is almost isolated from humans and other races, otherwise this movement will definitely affect a large area.

"and then?"

"The ceremony failed. I asked everyone to go back and rest. I stayed alone to check the statue. I didn't find anything wrong with the statue, but the Dragon God has left." The statue is actually a medium. The Dragon God will enter the statue briefly when he comes, and then for All the dragons present will bless you, and the next dragon king may also be selected.

The selected dragon's scales will be more dazzling than before, but if it is not selected, it is normal. Maybe the dragon god does not have a satisfactory dragon selection, and maybe the next time the god descends, it will choose a suitable dragon king.

"Was Han Rui chosen in this way?" Su You couldn't help but ask, thinking of Han Rui.

The Dragon King nodded: "Yes, not only him, I was also chosen by the Dragon God."

Su You felt that something was wrong with his words, and then she thought about it, the Dragon King mentioned one less character - the old Dragon King!
When the Dragon King saw her look like this, he knew that she must have guessed something. By now, he could confirm that this human being was indeed smart. No wonder he was the one who said he could save the Dragon Clan.

So he took the initiative to explain: "The old Dragon King is special, because the time of Han Rui's accident happened to be the day when the Dragon King was about to abdicate. The Dragon God did not respond at that time, so that Dragon King made the decision on his own and let the Old Dragon King Succession..."

Su You fell silent after hearing this.

Such a coincidence, if there is no problem, the old Dragon King himself might not believe it, right?
Regardless of whether the old Dragon King believed it or not, after the Dragon King told this old story, his expression changed again and again.

In fact, when Han Rui's accident happened, many dragons suspected the old Dragon King, and the Dragon King was one of them, but they had no evidence.

Moreover, the old Dragon King has a good relationship with the Dragon Clan. What everyone usually sees is the scene of brotherhood between him and Han Rui. In addition, it was the Old Dragon King who rescued Han Rui from his accident. If it weren't for the Old Dragon King, Han Rui would probably have died. They were all gone. Although he became a useless dragon, he still had one life left, so those doubtful voices slowly disappeared.

Their idea was very simple. If it was really the old Dragon King who did all this, why didn't he just silence Han Rui without stopping?

If he really did this and Han Rui died, the Dragon Clan might not have so many doubts and troubles now.

"Then it is clear now that Han Rui should have hated the Dragon Clan because he was deposed. He was once a candidate for the Dragon King, so he knows everything about the Dragon Clan, so it is very convenient for him to start." Su You was relatively conservative in speaking. , although it seems that it is the old Dragon King's fault, but there is no evidence, but the high possibility does not mean that it is definitely true.

But Han Rui's hatred of the Dragon Clan must be related to his being deposed, there is no doubt about this. "I need to see the condition of the statue. It's best if you can take me to the place where the accident happened on the day the god descended." Although several months have passed since this incident, Su You believes that there will still be clues left, but it's just that She couldn't help but find out.

If there are no clues, then there is no point in her coming to the Dragon Clan.

"Okay, Ming Zheng will listen to your command." After everything that needed to be said and what he thought he couldn't say at first was said, the Dragon King seemed very free and easy. He directly asked Ming Zheng to follow Su You's command and do things in the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon King has only one idea now, and that is to figure everything out quickly and restore peace to the Dragon Clan.

"I suggest His Majesty the Dragon King to go to His Majesty the Dragon Queen right away and explain everything clearly." As a victim of the 'No Long Mouth Literature', Su You felt that her reminder was very necessary.

If it weren't for the fact that this was a matter that belonged to the young couple's own family, Su You would have wanted to go to the Dragon Queen now to clarify everything, so as not to cause any misunderstandings in the future. The Dragon Queen would go astray and create more problems. The Dragon Clan has already had enough. It’s a mess and can’t continue to be a mess.

"I will do my best to help the Dragon Clan resolve this matter. Before that, I have one more thing to say. I suspect that the egg you found back then was not your child at all."

The Dragon King and Ming Zheng were both shocked, but Su You didn't want to hear them talk nonsense like 'why', 'impossible', 'what's going on' and 'what happened', so she spoke very quickly without giving them a chance to interrupt.

"After you have calmed down the Dragon Queen, you will do two more things. First, send someone to see how the 'dragon egg' in the valley is doing."

"The second thing..." Su You looked at Yi Mingjun and signaled: "He will take you to a place where there is another child of yours. I suggest you go there in person and bring some trustworthy people with you. It would be nice if you could bring the Dragon Queen with you, so that you can explain everything clearly and avoid any messy misunderstandings. "Although the melon is delicious, it is really a headache to handle.

After dropping several bombs in a row, Su You took advantage of the fact that the Dragon King had not recovered, and said a few words to Yi Mingjun, reminding him to take the Dragon King there, wait until he saw the eggshell and the contents of the container, and then find them there. Say it again.

After explaining everything, Su You directly led people to drag Ming Zheng away.

After Ming Zheng came to his senses, Su You asked him to take them there first, and she would explain when they got there. So Ming Zheng took them several times faster than the previous three times, taking them almost in the blink of an eye. Arriving at the location of the statue.

As the Dragon King said, this is an open space. In the center of the open space was a statue of a dragon, but now the statue has collapsed and there is nothing in the middle.

"Where are the fragments of the statue?"

Ming Zheng suppressed his inner curiosity and decided to do business first: "I'll get it."

It has to be said that the dragon's size and speed provided great convenience. Ming Zheng easily moved out all the statue fragments just like he moved the books before.

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