Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 894 894 Formation and Illusion

Chapter 894 894. Formation and Illusion

While examining the statue fragments, Su You mentioned the other dragon egg.

When he heard that Suyou and the others found the dragon eggs in a cave in the mountains, Mingzheng recalled the direction they came back from when they met them.

"So you just went to find another dragon egg?" Ming Zheng didn't expect that Su You actually lied.

"Well, actually I didn't expect this result at first. I just heard about another child from the Dragon Queen many times before, but never saw it. I was a little curious, so I asked my puppet master to help find it. location."

As a result, I found something amazing during this search.

Recalling that tragic scene, Su You still feels a little creepy.

Crack the dragon egg before it hatches, and then take out the live dragon cub. This is quite cruel and bloody no matter where it is placed.

Ming Zheng was a little uneasy. What else did he want to ask? Su You had already checked out some things and had no time to pay attention to him.

"This statue seems to be broken from the inside." Su You looked at the strange cracks and frowned several times before coming to a conclusion.

Under normal circumstances, when an object is broken by external force, it cannot be broken from the inside. It must be from the outside to the inside. But the cracks in the statue are just the opposite. If you look closely, you can find that the cracks are from the inside. To the outside.

Su You called Ming Zheng for help and wanted to try to put the statue together. Although the statue was very big, fortunately the pieces were also very big, so it was not difficult to put it together. After the last piece was put together, Su You immediately frowned. wrinkle.

"A piece is missing." The statue of the Dragon God is in the form of a dragon hovering in the air, but now near the dragon's head, it is obvious that a piece is missing.

"What's going on?" Su You immediately turned around and asked Ming Zheng. This was obviously a problem for the Dragon Clan themselves.

Ming Zheng was also confused. He clearly remembered that after the statue was broken, he personally led the dragon to collect the broken pieces. Logically, they should not be missing.

And although this is a statue of the Dragon God, excluding the meaning contained in the statue, it itself has little value. Although the stone used for carving is rare, it is far from worthy of stealing.

"I don't know either. I confirmed that there was nothing missing when the broken pieces were cleaned and moved."

Su You guessed the result and didn't expect him to really give an answer, so she continued to check the pieced together statue.

Looking at the missing part, she suddenly asked: "Is this missing part important to your dragon clan?"

Ming Zheng glanced at the missing part and nodded without hesitation: "That's for sure. I'm not afraid of you knowing that the heart of our dragon clan is right here..."

As he spoke, no matter how stupid Ming Zheng was, he realized that something was wrong.

While he admired Su You for grasping the key points so quickly, he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

Although it is just a statue, it is the Dragon God after all. And how is it so coincidental that the missing piece is the location of the dragon's heart?

"I won't go into details. You Dragon Clan should be able to investigate on your own. If the Dragon King is not here, you can ask other elders of the Dragon Clan to see if they know anything about the statue."

Suyou is not familiar with other dragons in the dragon clan, so she has difficulty moving. If she asks other dragons some things, they will definitely not tell them, so she must do it by herself. It makes no sense for her to work so hard for the Dragon Clan here. The Dragon Clan will just be a hands-off shopkeeper and do nothing, right?
Mingzheng nodded immediately and was about to leave. He seemed to have thought of something and hesitated: "I'm going to ask now, are you okay here?"

"No problem. Of course, it would be best to leave us a dragon that we can control." Su You said without any politeness.

After all, after staying in the Dragon Clan for so many days, she knew the relationship between Ming Zheng and the Dragon King, as well as Ming Zheng's status in the Dragon Clan, and she also knew that he also had a group of dragons at his disposal.

"Be sure to be obedient, not those with a bad temper." Su You warned.

Ming Zheng already had a dragon in mind, so he quickly used the dragon clan's own communication method to call for a dragon who looked honest and trustworthy.

After getting the coolies, Su You didn't leave any worries. He immediately set out to find out the news. Su You led the others and continued to check if there was anything strange around them.

She thought that it had been so long, and if there were any clues, the Dragon Clan would have discovered it long ago. Since there was no discovery, it meant that there were no clues. Unexpectedly, she found several important clues with such a simple search. Suyou was left speechless.

She didn't know whether to say that the people behind the scenes were too negligent, or that the dragon clan was too neurotic, and they didn't even find such an obvious clue.

First, Suyou saw a small piece of inconspicuous gravel where the statue should have stood. However, this stone was not simple, but a stone that could be used to arrange formations.

Thinking of the numerous tricks and troubles that had occurred when the mermaid clan was in trouble, Su You took it for granted that the person behind the scenes must have arranged the formation here, but she didn't know the function of this formation for the time being.

Secondly, less than a hundred meters away, Vivian found a small piece of unusual leaves around a rare green plant in the Dragon Clan. She said that the gas emitted by the burned leaves would cause hallucinations when inhaled.

Considering that the dragons were of high level, ordinary medicines would not work on them at all. In order to prove that there was something wrong with the leaf, Su You directly used the little brother Long who was called over by Ming Zheng to conduct experiments.

Although Brother Long was reluctant, he did not refuse. It seemed that Ming Zheng was right. He was indeed a "soft persimmon" who was obedient and had no temper.

"How do you feel?" Su You asked naturally without any guilt.

Anyway, it was all for their dragon clan, and she didn't mean to mess with the dragons, so she had nothing to feel guilty about.

Little Brother Long was relatively normal at first, but within three minutes, he started to feel a little dizzy. No matter what Su You asked, he would only repeat one sentence -

"Dragon God, hey hey hey..."

Su You: "..." Okay, sure, this thing is useful to the dragon clan.

Su You immediately asked Vivian to dispel the negative effects for Little Brother Long. Perhaps it was because the level of the dragon was too high, or perhaps because the quality of the blade was too high. Vivian used the dispelling magic seven or eight times in a row, which made Brother Long Regain your sanity.

Seeing that Little Brother Long was awake, Su You asked, "Do you still remember what happened just now?"

Brother Long shook his head in confusion, and then nodded in a daze.

Su You was a little worried at this look, fearing that the dragon would be fooled, but fortunately, he came back to his senses completely after a few minutes.

"I seem to have seen the Dragon God..."

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