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Chapter 895 Chapter 895 Abnormal Behavior

Chapter 895 895. Abnormal behavior

Su You was a little puzzled when she heard what he said. After asking a few more questions, she realized that the function of this leaf was not only to cause hallucinations for the creatures who inhaled it, but also that the hallucinations they had were based on what they were thinking about at the time.

"I was just thinking about the Dragon God statue, and I just saw the Dragon God appear in front of me."

Su You recorded the clues and then continued to ask: "Are you feeling unwell?"

Brother Long shook his head: "Except for my head being a little dizzy, I don't feel any discomfort at all."

"That's good." Although Su You said this, she was still a little confused in her heart.

Because the Dragon King said that they suddenly vomited blood at that time. As for the statue breaking out of thin air, Su You might also suspect that it was a 'trick' caused by the hallucinogenic effect of the formation mixed with the leaves. Using the hallucinogenic effect, the dragons ignored the formation when it was activated. abnormality, so that even an ordinary offensive formation can destroy the statue.

But the injuries they suffered at that time were real. The reason for this was not yet clear to Su You.

In order to understand the situation more clearly, Su You asked Little Brother Long to visit many dragons. Although those dragons didn't know what Su You wanted to do, they all knew that Little Brother Long was under Ming Zheng. Since Little Brother Long followed Su You, then It means that Ming Zhengrang did this, and they naturally have nothing to hide.

After asking more than a dozen dragons in a row, Su You learned something strange from one of them.

"I'm not sure if I saw it wrong. I think there should be a dragon that is not injured." The person who provided this news was a white dragon.

Bai Long was very cautious and only provided the information to Su You. Even Little Brother Long was kicked out.

"How do you know that the other party is not injured?" Su You didn't doubt him, she just felt it was a little weird. All the dragons were injured and vomited blood. Everyone was in a mess. How could they have the time to pay attention to other dragons?

Even if he really paid attention, he couldn't read minds and couldn't see through things, so how could he know that the dragon was not injured?

What if someone is really injured and is just pretending to be nonchalant?

Bailong answered of course: "Actually, it was a coincidence. That little kid robbed my Ayu. I was injured at the time. I subconsciously wanted to see how Ayu was doing. But I saw that dead guy surrounding Ayu, looking very lively. , it doesn’t look like he’s injured, he’s not as strong as me, everyone’s injuries are about the same, why is he so energetic?”

Not only was he energetic, but there were no traces of vomiting blood around his mouth. You must know that he almost fell to the ground at that time. How could he be able to fly around so flexibly?

Su You: "..." The pen he was preparing to record paused slightly.

After a moment, she asked with difficulty: "Why didn't you tell the other dragons?"

Bai Long snorted softly, looking like he was the smartest person in the world: "Who in this dragon clan doesn't know that that guy robbed Ayou from me? If I say bad things about him, they won't believe it, they will only think that I deliberately framed him. , I can’t let Ayu think that I’m the kind of bad dragon who lies!”

Su You: "..." To be honest, if she hadn't listened to Bai Long's explanation, Su You would have thought that he was deliberately retaliating against his love rival.

But if what Bailong said is true, then there is indeed a problem. When all the dragons were injured, one dragon was not injured?

Su You didn't believe it was a coincidence, but she was afraid that the people behind the scenes had indeed made some omissions. In order to avoid misunderstandings, she asked many dragons for questioning. Of course, she asked Bai Long beforehand about the person named 'Ayou'. Long, and his love rival, so as not to ask questions about the real owner, but she didn't find out.

There was no targeted inquiry before, but now that there was a direction for the inquiry, Su You actually asked how many dragons there were and found that there were other dragons around who seemed to be in abnormal condition.

The reason why they didn't say anything was partly because of uncertainty, and partly because the destruction of the divine descent disturbed their moods, so they never thought of it.

If Su You didn't ask and waited until they remembered it and asked the other dragons, it might have been how long it would have taken. By then, all traces would have disappeared and everything had settled. It wouldn't matter whether they remembered it or not. .

After collecting information about all the suspicious dragons that were not injured, Su You found that these dragons all had a common characteristic, that is, they had all left the Dragon Clan in the past five years, and these dragons all belonged to the mediocre group within the Dragon Clan. batch.

Just at this time, the Dragon King returned to the Dragon Clan with the Dragon Queen and his cronies. Yi Mingjun also came to Su You. He was about to tell Su You what happened during this trip, but a dragon came and said that the Dragon King wanted to see him. them.

So Yi Mingjun could only talk long and short on the road.

To sum up briefly, the Dragon King and Dragon Queen should have untied their knots, and then followed Yi Mingjun to find the broken dragon egg and the dragon cub that was taken out alive.

The Dragon King did not recognize the child, but the Dragon Queen rushed over and hugged the container containing the 'meat balls' just like she had seen the big white egg before. After the Dragon King guessed the truth, he was like a bolt from the blue. In grief, they still Brought back both the eggshell and the dragon cub.

As for the egg they once thought was their child, when the Dragon King sent people to check, the dragons watched helplessly as a black shadow took the egg away.

After understanding everything, Su You also saw the Dragon King and Dragon Queen. In addition to them, they also had the big white egg and its miserable brother who looked like a vegetative state.

Not long after Su You arrived here, Tang Yu also came, except for a few elders from the Dragon Clan.

Regarding the descendants of the dragon clan, this is indeed a matter worthy of the attention of everyone in the dragon clan.

"This is indeed the shell of a dragon egg..." All the elders, including Tang Yu, checked the broken eggshell and determined the identity of the owner of the eggshell.

But when they inspected the meat balls in the container, they couldn't bear it.

The dragons are not a ruthless race. Even if the meat ball in the container is not a dragon cub, they will still show mercy. But now that they have determined that the egg shell is a dragon egg shell, the identity of the meat ball is also easy to come out.

But what surprised everyone was that none of them felt the dragon's breath from the meat ball, just like the original big white egg.

"Not only does it have no dragon aura, but I also found that all the blood on its body seems to have been drained." Tang Yu had a cold face, but everyone could see that the look on her face was a bit unbearable. After all, this was really too... It was so cruel that everyone's hands and feet felt cold.

Not only did you cut the cub out of the egg, but you also drained the cub's blood? !
What a perverted behavior!

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