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Chapter 896 Chapter 896 Blood Exchange

Chapter 896 896. Blood exchange
"This poor child, I really would rather I bear this suffering!"

"It's too late... It's too late! I don't know if this child can be saved..."

"It's simply too much to bully a dragon! Could it be that my dragon clan hasn't been born for many years and has fallen to the point where I can be bullied by Xiao Xiao at will!"

"This matter must be investigated immediately, otherwise the dragon cubs will be in great danger."

"Don't let me know who did this! Otherwise I will make their lives worse than death!"


A group of dragon clan elders all looked grief-stricken. After the grief, they became extremely angry, as if the victim was not the Dragon King's child, but their own child.

But that's about it. The dragon clan has always been tolerant towards their offspring. Even if they are not their own children, as long as they are not particularly disgusting to the dragon, everyone will raise them as their own children.

After all, some dragons may not have children throughout their lives, and the proportion of dragons without offspring is more than half of the dragon clan.

If it weren't for the long lifespan of the dragon clan, I'm afraid they would have been exterminated countless times.

After all, Suyou and the others were from a foreign race and it was not easy for them to intervene in the discussion at this time. Moreover, these dragons were angry, so they did not interrupt uninterestedly.

It wasn't until half an hour later that everyone's emotions had basically stabilized that they noticed the existence of Su You and his party. Before they could ask, the Dragon King informed Su You of their identities and emphasized Yao Guang's identity.

Some of these dragon clan elders knew about what happened that year, and of course, some didn't. But after talking to each other, their attitude towards Su You and his party was obviously much better.

Seeing that Su You should be able to speak now, she started to ask: "When the dragon egg was found back then, didn't any of you doubt its identity?"

Dragon King: "No, Amiao and I are both sure that that is our child..."

Dragon Queen: "I know that's not my child."

One question elicited two answers. Su You looked at the Dragon King and the Dragon Queen, one shocked and the other indifferent. She thought that her decision to ask the Dragon King to explain clearly was indeed the right one.

Otherwise, if the Dragon Queen is not present at this time, there will definitely be many more detours.

Su You looked at the Dragon Queen: "Miaosha, if you want to avenge your child, it's best to tell everything."

The Dragon Queen heard Su You calling her name, and she didn't know if it was because Su You was the one who brought back her two children, so her attitude towards Su You was very good, even better than the Dragon King.

"That dragon egg is not my child at all, it is just a disgusting maggot!" Miaosha said while gently stroking the surface of the container.

If she wasn't afraid of hurting the dragon cub inside, she would even want to reach out and touch the meat ball inside. Others might find it disgusting, but she would never, because this is her own child!

"I always knew that it was sucking my life force, but I couldn't say it, because I felt the blood breath of my child from its body... But I knew that it was not my child."

Recalling what Tang Yu said before, the dragon cub in this container had been drained of blood, Su You couldn't help but come up with a bold idea - blood transfusion!

This is something that can be done in the real world, and it can also be done in this magical world. Although the answer was given, the Dragon Queen was still talking, so Su You didn't interrupt.

"I was afraid that it would hurt my child, so I kept it with me. I thought that maybe one day, I could find clues from it."

The Dragon King was completely speechless after hearing this.

He finally understood why when he asked Amiao to explain everything before, her eyes were so calm, with a hint of hatred in her calmness, which was completely different from his emotions when he heard the shocking news!

He thought she hated him for hiding it, but now it seemed that was obviously not the case, because she knew everything from the beginning.

Based on his understanding of Amiao, she must be hating herself for not being able to recognize her biological child and hating herself for not being able to find her child!
Seeing that Miaosha stopped talking, Su You finally expressed his speculation: "The person behind the scenes should have exchanged the blood of the two children."

This sentence is easy to understand, but it gave these dragons a huge shock.

Miao Sha was no exception. Although she, like Su You, had already guessed everything when she heard Tang Yu's words, her face suddenly turned pale and her body swayed. The Dragon King subconsciously wanted to reach out and help her. She stopped, but her body fell to the other side, and then Tang Yu helped her sit down.

Su You had no time to care about the love-hate relationship between the couple. After she figured out the situation on the Dragon Queen's side, she told her what she had discovered at the statue.

There are many clues, big and small, but the focus is definitely on the formation and the hallucinogenic blade.

In addition, there is another very important clue, that is, a piece of the statue is missing. Su You just mentioned this clue, and after she finished speaking, Ming Zheng naturally took over.

"I asked the person in the forbidden area, and he said that he heard that a long time ago, there was a dragon heart in the statue of the Dragon God. That dragon heart is the real one, the key prop that affects the descending of the gods, because that heart is the Dragon God. That’s why it’s also called the Dragon God’s Heart.” The ‘Forbidden One’ mentioned by Ming Zheng is currently the oldest elder in the Dragon Clan, older than everyone present.

The lifespan of ordinary dragons is one thousand years. A few powerful dragons, or dragons with good luck, can live for thousands of years, but they are in the minority.

And this one lived for a full two thousand and one hundred years.

"Do you know about Dragon Heart?" Su You asked the other dragons present.

When she saw everyone shaking their heads, she felt that the feeling of déjà vu was coming again.

The same was true for the mermaid clan at the beginning. Most mermaids didn't know that pollution was fatal to mermaids. As a result, most dragons of the dragon clan didn't know about the Dragon God's Heart.

"If this is true, then haven't we already lost the Dragon God's heart?" The Dragon King's face looked very ugly.

Although he was still worried about the Dragon Queen and wanted to repair the relationship with the Dragon Queen, he also knew the priority of the matter, so he quickly sorted out his emotions and focused his attention on the most important things at the moment.

After the Dragon Queen saw that there was no place where she was needed, she slowly left with the support of Tang Yu.

"Your dragon clan has been passed down from generation to generation, has no one ever mentioned this news?" Su You felt that it was outrageous, but inexplicably felt that it was not so outrageous.

"No, the old Dragon King never mentioned it." Dragon clan inheritance is usually passed down from generation to generation by Dragon King, and the most knowledgeable people are a few elders.

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