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Chapter 897 Chapter 897 Dragon

Chapter 897 Chapter 897. Dragon
But these dragons were at the scene and they didn't know it, so it was difficult for other dragons in the dragon clan to know.

The old dragon in the forbidden area only heard the legend, and he was not sure whether it was true or false.

"I don't care whether this thing is true or not, but the result is that the people behind the scenes believed it, so they took action." Su You felt that the other party would not do useless work, so she directly acquiesced that the Dragon God's Heart existed.

"I think the Dragon God's Heart exists." After concluding the existence of the Dragon God's Heart, Su You changed his words: "In the past hundred years, excluding this one, how many times have you held divine descendants?"

"Twice." There is no regular interval between divine descents. It may be ten years, decades, or hundreds of years. This is all normal.

"Then what's the difference between this divine descent and the previous two?" Su You felt that if Han Rui was a traitor, his traitorous heart would have existed since the dragon egg was stolen at the latest.

If he hadn't had this idea, he wouldn't have stolen the dragon egg.

That being the case, from the time the dragon egg was stolen until now, there have been three divine arrivals in the past one hundred years. Why did it happen this time?
For such an important matter as the God of Destruction descending, Han Rui and the others must be fully prepared, and they cannot succeed casually. Therefore, there must be differences between these three divine descendings, and these differences may be the cause of the consequences. !
A group of dragons began to frantically recall the differences between the three divine descents.

While they were thinking, Su You also told them what Bai Long said about "suspected dragons but not injured" and asked them to help control these dragons first.

Not all of these dragons have problems, but there are definitely some that do.

She didn't do this before, mainly because her force level didn't allow it, so she was only responsible for collecting information. The Dragon King and the others must do it themselves.

Just when Suyou said the list for the Dragon King to catch the dragon, suddenly a dragon seemed to think of something.

"I remembered that not long before this divine descent, a group of traveling dragons came back one after another."

"Tell me in detail." Su You's eyes lit up. She felt that this was a big problem as soon as she heard it.

She now even suspected that these dragons who came back from their travels were the ones who were not injured, and they came back to cause havoc!

"Actually, this is nothing. There is no fixed time for such a major event as the God's Arrival. Therefore, as soon as the Dragon King discovers the news of the Dragon God's arrival, he will directly notify all the dragons, including those who have traveled abroad, and they will all rush back one after another. Participate in this ceremony.”

At first glance, it seems that there is no problem, because it is not just this time that there are dragons returning home. There should be dragons returning home before.

But since the dragon said so, there must be something wrong, and it is impossible to play tricks on everyone in this situation.

"Although dragons returned in the previous two times, the time of their return was quite random. They would come back from time to time every three to five days, one or two each time. But this time it was different. This time they came back more concentratedly. One month before God descended, a total of nine dragons came back, and they all came back on the same day."

Nine dragons came back at once on the same day. This kind of thing was a coincidence. If nothing happened, it would be nothing. But if something happened, it would be very problematic.

"Old guy, stop talking nonsense. Do you know who these nine guys are?" Before Su You could say anything, other dragons were already in a hurry, and he urged frantically.

The list Su You just mentioned only had six dragons, but he said that nine dragons came back together, so wouldn't there be three more that slipped through the net? "I know! I just happened to bump into it at that time, so I knew about it." Because he was the only one who knew, he led him to catch the dragon.

After all the dragons were captured, they were interrogated.

At first, these dragons refused to admit it, until Suyou suddenly asked them why they wanted to steal the statue fragments, and one of the dragons accidentally spilled the beans.

"What statue fragments? I don't know! How could I steal the Dragon God's statue!"

Su You looked at the dragon with a half-smile, "I didn't say you stole the statue of the Dragon God. Why are you so anxious?"

The other party was startled, and then realized that he had been deceived.

However, he still quibbled: "In the entire dragon clan, only the Dragon God has a statue. What are you talking about if it's not a statue of the Dragon God?"

Su You knew he was messing around.

Although the Dragon Clan does only have the Dragon God Statue, if he really didn't do anything, his first reaction would be that he didn't know what statue he was talking about, instead of saying the Dragon God Statue naturally.

Everyone must be at a loss as to what they didn't do. The shattering of the statue happened two or three months ago, not two or three days ago. How could he think of it so quickly?

But it didn't matter if he didn't admit it. Su You directly asked Vivian to take out the leaf, and then waved it in front of these dragons.

"Do you know them? If you don't know them, I'll let you try the effect. Once you try them, you'll know them." There are eleven dragons here in total. Because the two dragons on the list provided by Su You didn't come back together, there are more. Out of two.

Among the eleven dragons, eight had obvious changes in their expressions when they saw the leaves, including the quibbling one. The remaining three dragons still maintained a dazed state throughout.

These three dragons may be really innocent, but for the sake of safety, they were still kept in a separate place. As for the eight obviously problematic dragons, they still have to be interrogated.

Seeing that they were still refusing to speak, Su You asked Vivian to take out a potion made from hallucinogenic leaves and pour it into each dragon.

Because they had experimented with Little Brother Long before, Su You knew that the hallucinations they had were related to what they were thinking at the moment, so they refused to speak, and Su You wanted to use this hallucinogenic thing to force their mouths open.

What they didn't expect was that the moment they drank the hallucinogenic potion, the colors of the eight dragons changed, which shocked everyone present. Suyou and the others were protected by the Dragon King and the others, and they watched the eight dragons lying on the ground. It twisted and crawled, and finally shed its dragon claws, scales, and horns... and finally turned into a dragon!
Seeing this scene, Su You couldn't help but think of the mermaids putting on mermaid skins and pretending to be mermaids to move around freely in the mermaid tribe. This made her feel a little chilly, but she also understood why there were so many dragons 'betraying'.

It is wrong to call it a betrayal, because they are not dragons at all!
But an undercover agent who was inserted in!

The next thing is beyond Suyou's ability to handle. Although this is not a dragon, it is still a dragon. Its combat power is second only to that of a dragon. Moreover, the grudges between the dragon and the dragon clan are also very complicated and cannot be explained in a few words.

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